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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 161
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I can't get home fast enough. Even though it matters none to Declan, I want to freshen myself up before he gets back. I'm not
sure why I'm feeling so jittery today, maybe it's a Dire wolf thing. I need to crack down and look into all of my mother's notes
tomorrow and try practicing some of the magic that she listed to find what it is that I have inherited. There has got to be
something in her notes explaining what happened to me this morning.
After checking on the boys, who are actually with grandma and Jonah, I run up to our room and into the ensuite. Being a Dire
wolf, I'm able to speed through my shower, even shaving certain parts. that need it, being careful, of course. I don't bother with
clothes since my mate ordered me not to wear any, but I'm feeling a little rebellious, so I go into his tie drawer and pull out his
favorite tie and then go into the closet and get my tallest pair of heels. After putting them on, I remember why I've only worn them
once, and thank the Goddess that I won't be walking in them tonight anyway.
Climbing onto the middle of the bed, I pose myself in what I hope is a sexy pose. Wearing Declan's blood red tie around my neck
and these black with a red outsole, ridiculously high, and very expensive stilettos that Cici told me that I just had to have, on my
feet, my left leg is bent as I rest my arm on top of my knee, spreading me wide open just for him.
I can feel him getting closer, and now I'm starting to rethink this whole trying to be sexy act. The time for me to change my mind
passes, though, as I hear him in the outer room to our suite. Next thing I know, he's coming through our bedroom, stopping mid-
stride once he sees me. Shutting the door, he turns the lock and then leans against it as he crosses his arms.
"What do we have here?" He sweeps me up and down, "I specifically remember that I told you I wanted you naked."
I graze the arousal between my legs, and then my clit with the end of his tie while he watches my every move, "I didn't think you

would mind me borrowing your tie. After all, it can be very useful to you as you ravage me and bend me to your will, my King." I
suck and then bite my lower lip.
He crooks his finger at me, indicating for me to come to him. Ever so slowly, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand
up. I' m not sure if I'm looking sexy as I walk over to him or just if I look like a newborn giraffe trying to walk for the first time, but I
make it over to him without falling, so that's a win for me.
He grabs his tie and wraps it around his hand, pulling me into him, "Do you want me turning hard every time I scent your arousal
when I wear this tie...which is quite often by the way?".

I smirk, "Why do you think I did it? I want you thinking of me every time you wear it." I reach up and drag my tongue up the side
of his neck, over the mark I gave him.
Growling, he grabs my throat and turns us, slamming me against the door but not in a way that it hurts. "Do you think I want
other males smelling my mate's pussy, knowing how arousing her scent is?"
"Just think of how jealous they would be because it's you that fucks me." I try to grab the bulge in his crotch, but he grabs both of
my wrists and holds them above my head.
"With all due respect, my Queen, but I can't have my tie smelling like your sweet cunt because I don't have time to kill every
bastard that dares to breathe around me when I wear it."
I gaze at him through hooded eyes; I'm so aroused right now that I could probably come just by him telling me too, "Are you
going to keep manhandling me or are you actually going to fuck me?"
He squeezes my neck, adding a little more pressure to it and then kisses me hard. When he breaks away, he spins me around,
so my chest it pressed against the door. Using his body to hold me in place, he rearranges the tie and puts it over my mouth, so I
can't talk, "I love the shit out of you but sometimes you just talk way too much, and you're too cocky for your own good." He
yanks me away and pulls me over to the bed only to bend me over the edge of it, "You want me to fuck you, fine, but you're

going to be a good girl and take everything I give you."
I hear rustling and next thing I know he's thrusting his cock into me and battering my poor pussy. It's a damn good thing that it
can. take a good pounding, because he isn't letting up, and all too soon, my cries are muffled as he has me coming hard. Each
time he
slams into me, my clit rubs against the bedding, causing the fire to reignite inside. I fist the bed for some sort of grip as he takes
me. with everything he's got.
"Come for me one more time and then I'll give you a break." He says it amusingly, almost like he's mocking me, so instead of
coming, I hold back, "Oh? Is that how it's going to be? Do you think you can win this game, little mate?" he takes hold of my
hands. once again and brings them to my lower back, holding them in one hand, while his other hand comes around and starts
rubbing circles on my clit, "You will come for me, my Queen. Try as you might, but you will give me another orgasm...now come,
now!" He squeezes my clit and I'm lost.
My body shakes with need as it tumbles over and crashes into the waves of ecstasy. I'm drowning in them, and it has my body
practically convulsing as I try squeezing every last bit that I can get. My head drops back down to the bed as I pant rapidly trying

to catch my breath.
"Are you done running that beautiful mouth of yours?" My mate asks amusingly. I nod, "Good, because I want to feel your teeth
as they sink into my mark during this next round."
He unties the knot and pulls the tie from around my mouth. I stretch out my jaw and then glance behind me, trying to see where
he's gone to. When he comes back from wherever he went, I smile sweetly up at him, "Does this mean that I get to ride you?"
"Is that what you want to do, baby?" He stretches out beside me, "Do you want to ride your King?"
I nod, "Very much so."
"Well, who am I to deny the Queen of her rights to her King Consort."
I burst out laughing, "Consort really? Actually, I really like that I may just refer to you as my Consort from now on
"Unless you want the gag back in your mouth," my mate states, suggest you hop on and get to riding "
Sorry peeps, I know it's supposed to be a 2-chapter day, but I had a lot going on was only able to get the one in. I hope you
enjoyed it regardless! =)