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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 160
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chapter 10
To say that both Quinn and I are shocked over the fact that the injured hunter is our Beta's second mate, making them a
throuple. or however it's referred to these days, is putting it mildly. I can't believe that I didn't see the signs last night as they were
scenting him on me through his blood. I honestly thought they were both going crazy.
My mate thought it would be best to leave them for a while, so they can have some alone time with him. Doc reassured us that
he wouldn't be waking up for some time yet and knew that under no circumstances is he to bring the hunter out of the coma
before Quinn and I get back from my pack. I feel bad for the Beta couple, I really do, but the male cannot be trusted, at least not
yet anyway. For Cici and Spencer's sake, I truly hope that he does turn out trustworthy.
I had informed Carter of the new development with his sister and her mate. He isn't too happy, but what can any of us do. The
Goddess gave them to each other for a reason, so now we have to figure out why. If there is even a why; sometimes those
answers are never found, but this one is too important not to find out.
'I think they make a cute pairing.' My mate links from beside me. We are watching the doctor start bringing Ledger out of his
coma, and Quinn picks now to say this.
I snort, 'You think Tom and Jerry would make a cute pairing and they are lifetime enemies.' I link back.
'That's a cartoon, babe, not real life.'
'And humans would say the same about us, because they think we are only stories.' I grin.
'Hm, that is very true. So, you're saying that Tom and Jerry are real... gotcha.'
I turn my head and gawk at the beautiful woman, not believing that she would actually think...
She winks at me with a wide grin on her face. For the love of the Goddess...this female is going to turn me gray way too soon.
She's lucky that I love the shit out of her. I smirk at her cuteness as I keep my eye on the male in the bed. It takes a while but
finally, his eyes open and the first ones that he looks upon are his mates. He seems really interested in them both, which is a

good sign for them, but that's not why I'm here..

My mate and I stand back and observe for the most part, but when it comes to our attention that Ledger has amnesia, or at least
he says he doesn't know who he is or where he came from, that puts a halt as to what we came to do. It will be useless to try and
get anything out of him at this point. Like Quinn just told Cici, he needs to rest. Maybe it will all come back to him in a day or so,
and then we can start figuring shit out. In the meantime, our warriors are on overtime because of the other two Shikari that are
still out there somewhere. Who knows, there may be more than what we are aware of.
Quinn and I leave once Ledger asks to spend some time alone with his mates. I'm hesitant but I know Spencer is more than
capable in taking care of any problems that may arise. Dragging my own mate away is a completely different story. She wants to
stay and wait in the hallway in hopes that Ledger's memory will make a miraculous recovery in the next few hours.
"Quinn, I am putting my foot down!" I say sternly, maybe more than I ever have, but she needs to know how stubborn she is
being, "Did you not just tell you friend five minutes ago that he needs to rest?" I block her way to the door so she can't even look
in the window, "You need to let him be for now; we will get our answers."
She finally looks me in the eye, "He is the only person that can tell us anything, Declan." Her voice cracks, "What if the others
know that he is still alive and living among us? He is the only one that can tell us what we can expect. Our babies..." Her voice
cracks and she hangs her head.
I pull her into my chest, "I will not allow anyone to hurt my family; I will keep you all safe, but there isn't anything that we can do
at the moment, so why don't we go back to the packhouse and see if the boys are awake. You should probably eat something
She looks up at me and offers a small smile, "Can we go for a run first..." She goes silent for a moment, "Oh Goddess, the Full
Moon is tonight! We need to cancel the run."
"No! I refuse to put any of our pack members at risk. I'm sure the Shikari know that packs run on a full moon, what if they are
waiting for that?"
"We will see them on the security footage..."
She throws her hands up in the air, "Oh like we were able to see them last night? They are witches, Declan; they have magic and

can hide. No, I'm not taking any chances with our pack member's lives."

"Hey, okay, calm down, baby," I pull her back into me, "Don't get yourself worked up over this. We will cancel it this time around."
I kiss the top of her head "How about we go home and take the boys for a walk."
"Yes, but I first need to let some of this frustration out. It feels like I'm going to explode."
"I don't think it's a good idea to go for a run, especially if we are telling the packs that they can't run tonight."
The little minx steps up to me and drags her finger down my chest, "Isn't there some other form of exercise that will help?"
I growl low and grab her hand, pulling it away and behind her back, "I promise that I can think of a couple of things that will help
release some of that frustration that you're talking about."
"Oh yeah?"
"Uh huh," I grab her up under where her neck meets her jaw and take her mouth in a hard kiss. My cock grows hard just like it
does every other time I kiss my mate. I can't get enough of her, she's an addiction that I just can't shake. I steal my lips back from
her, "Take my jeep and meet me back in our room. I suggest you be naked and ready by the time I get there."
"No buts, Luna! Go. Get. Naked." I shove her away from me, making sure it's not too rough, but just enough to see the lust blaze
in her eyes at my treatment. My mate is a kinky little minx and loves the rough and dirty play. I'm always happy to oblige her in
participating in it.
She bites her lower lip as she takes a few steps backwards before turning and going to do as she is told. I take a moment to get
myself and my wolf under control. Looking through the glass. window in the door, I see Cici and Spencer both sitting on the edge
of Ledger's bed. Spencer has his hand on the male's leg, while Cici
holds his hand. They all look a bit tense as they talk and I'm tempted to listen in, but I can't bring myself to do it. I need to give
them their privacy. Besides, I have a Luna and Queen that will be waiting for my attention real soon. Lingering only a moment
longer, I turn and head out to go hold up a promise to a certain little mate.

Please let me know your thoughts so far on book 2... I appreciate your feedback. Thank you for continuing to read! =)