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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 127
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After speaking to Alpha Jaydon again just before lunch time, we've decided to send out men to search for these three strangers.
I don' t like the feeling that I'm getting since Frankie came to warn us. The last thing we need is for Quinn to be in danger once
again, but I guess that comes with being the last Dire wolf. With her twentieth birthday only days away, I want to make sure she
stays protected at all costs. She's going to have around the clock guards wherever she goes, and I already know that she isn't
going to like it. Until she comes into her powers and can control them, she will never be alone outside of her pack house.
I've come home to try and get some pack business done and make a few business calls having to do with some of the
businesses that the pack owns in the human town. It's very hard to concentrate when all this other shit is happening, though. My
concern for Quinn grows by the hour, not being around her, and so I pack up both my son, and yes, my mother, and we head
over to Dark Moon. I leave instructions with Carter that I will be in, periodically, to check on things, but until Quinn's birthday, I
need to make sure she stays safe.
"What's going on, Declan?" My mother eyes me suspiciously on the way over to Quinn's, "I know you and Quinn have been
doing the nasty together, I can smell her all over you." Her lips quirk upwards, but she tries to remain stern, "You shouldn't be
playing with her like this, she cannot be your chosen until we can get Lila denounced. Oo," she continues without even taking a
breath, "Maybe since she's disappeared, the Elders will take her title away!"
Dividing into pages now
'For the love of the Goddess, please tell her, so she can stop rambling on!' Duke growls in my head.
'Calm down, it's not really my place to say, Duke. This is Quinn's life.'
'Remember when you hadn't told Carter, and she asked you why? She pretty much gave you permission to tell those that you
trust. If you can't trust mama, then you have issues.'
'Alright, fine! Look who's being the annoying one now!' I scold him and he gives me a wolfish smirk.
"Mother, will you stop already. Yes, Quinn and I have been intimate, but I have it on good authority that she is my mate."

"Wait, what?" My mother goes speechless, but only for a moment, "Why do you think that? You should have known by now
whether she was your mate or not. Do you not know the signs..."

"Mother! Quinn is a Dire wolf!" I yell at her in the enclosed car.
She gasps and then covers her mouth, "THE last Dire wolf? The one the legend speaks of?"
I sigh, "Yes, that Dire wolf." I spend the rest of the car ride over to Quinn's territory explaining everything that has taken place.
Ever since my mother and Dr. Sands started seeing each other, I've barely seen her...or is it since Quinn and I started back up
Anyway, it doesn't matter who it is that is gone more, the point is, I catch her up on everything, all the way up to this new threat
that we've just learned about. My mother now looks worried too. An unknown threat is one of the most dangerous because you
never see it coming, especially if you don't know who the threat is.
Quinn greets us as we pull up, and as always, she goes to my mother first. She's trying to be inconspicuous about us, but finally,
when I can't take it any longer, I pull her into my arms, and kiss her hard before I give her back to my grinning mother.
"She already knows about us. She can smell you all over me, so I had to tell her." I chuckle as she blushes and looks at my
My mother, being my mother, pulls Quinn in for another hug, "Are you happy sweetie?"
Quinn bits her damn bottom lip and glances over at me before nodding to my mother, "Yeah, I am, Amelia. I hope we can stay
this way."
"Well," my mom throws her arm around Quinn's shoulder and starts walking towards the pack house, "I for one have always
wanted a daughter. Declan as a little boy, wearing my makeup all the time, just didn't do it for me!"
I growl at the audacity of her telling that story, "I was four years. old, mother! You should have known better; you were the adult!"
"Pssh, stop being a cry baby, it's not like I'm showing her the pictures yet." I see her wink and grin at my mate before whisking
her through the front door.
Leaving me with all the luggage and my son, I call out to a young male passing by, "I'll give you twenty bucks if you carry this
luggage and place it just inside the front door for me."
"Yes Alpha!" He scurries to the stack of luggage and begins carrying it up as I get Holden out of the car.

Dending into pages now.

The next two days go by without any issues, and it isn't until just after lunch, right after we put the boys down for their afternoon
naps, that we get mind linked by both her patrol and my own patrol about an alarming number of rogues lurking around Quinn's
borders. I've scattered my own warriors about as well, giving her a few more in numbers, just in case. I send out another link to
Keenan to send more warriors for a possible attack, but to keep a distance until they are needed.
Once again Quinn is pissed that I won't allow her to come with me to check out the disturbance. She's restless, I get it, and once
again, she's having to depend on others to keep her safe. What she doesn't understand fully yet, is that once she comes into her
full powers and knows how to use them, she will be the one to protect everyone else. She will be making up for these few times
that she has to remain behind.
I shift into Duke and let him run as fast as he can to the border where most of the problem seems to be. Meeting up with the new
head warrior, Peter, he shifts from his wolf, Atlas, while I shift back to my own human form, so we can talk to one another. It's
unfortunate that we can't talk to wolves from other packs, but as soon as Quinn and I mate, we will be able to converse with the
others. Until then, we have to change back to our human forms in order to talk to one another.
"What's going on, Peter?"
"Well, Alpha, I'm not completely sure. All they keep doing is pacing back and forth along two of the borders. I've got warriors
spread throughout."
I nod, "I've got my men coming as well. We should be able to trap them before they try attacking," I look out at the few dozen
rogues, only they aren't just rogues, some have a familiar scent to them,
"None of them have tried communicating with you yet?"
"No, Alpha. They just keep pacing and staring at us." Peter states.
"Well, I can tell you right now that not all of them are rogues." I inform the head warrior.
"Who are they, if not all rogues?" He asks confused.
Instead of belittling the male for not using his senses, I instruct him, "Lift your nose and take a nice big whiff, Peter, and then you
tell me."
The warrior does exactly that and sniffs the air until he catches the same familiar scent. His head whips back to me, "But I
thought we got them all!"

"Apparently, some must have slipped through our grasp. Alarm the guards at the cells and let them know that they need to be on
alert because Gray Skies has come for their Alpha."
Thank you for continuing to read! Every enemy is coming out of the woodwork now that Quinn is so close to her birthday! Leave
your comments... =)