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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36

In the dining hall, after having dinner, Lucianne and Xandar were speaking to Juan and the others when

Xandar got confirmation that the rogue Lycan was up but rather light-headed because of lack of food and

water. He wouldn’t be fit enough to be interrogated yet so they had to wait for the medical team to give

the okay.

Lord Yarrington came up to Lucianne, and asked if there were anymore werewolves who had an opinion

in education because he found his previous discussion with the three wolves she introduced to him very

useful. 1

Lucianne knew of two more, and she told the education minister that there are many who would want a

say in the matter but are, sadly, not Alphas, Lunas or Gammas so they weren’t a t that particular

collaboration. She got him to take down the contact details of a few others she knew of, and promised to

get in touch with them first to give them a heads-up on the minister’s call. (This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)Xandar later told Lucianne that he had never seen Yarrington so excited


government affairs. 1

“Excuse me, your Highness.” Pierre Whitlaw’s voice came from the side when Lucianne had just finished

speaking to Yarrington.

Xandar and Lucianne turned to see him with another minister, who looked about the same age as him.

Xandar’s voice was stern as he addressed the deputy minister, “Yes, Whitlaw?”

The old man looked at Xandar and said, “Oh, I was referring to the Queen, my King. Apologies for the


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Lucianne put on an emotionless face, “What is it, minister?”

He faked a smile, “I wanted to apologize. If the Queen is willing, I’ll do my best to make amends.”

Lucianne started pressing him, “For what?”

Whitlaw’s fake smile fell, replaced by genuine surprise, “Pardon?”

Lucianne explained simply, “You mentioned you would make amends, but for what in particular, minister?

Is it for not doing your job, for what you said to me as a Gamma for the past few years, or merely for

what you said to me as the King’s mate this morning?”

Whitlaw began to feel uneasy, “Uhh..well…”

Lucianne was not backing down, “So the apology is for the King. It’s not really for me, is it? Or i s it not

for the King either. It’s just for whoever sits on the throne?” 1

Whitlaw was still lost for words. Lucianne faked a small smile and said, “You seem a bit

confused, minister. Tell you what, I’ll tell you the same thing I told Greg Claw – I will believe i t when I see

it. Until you act like an actual minister and look after the people you’re supposed

to, don’t expect me to believe that you are making amends.”

His confidante, the other old man suddenly bowed and spoke cautiously, “Forgive my intrusion, your

Highnesses. But the deputy minister was going to express his concern for you, my Queen.” He then

smiled and said, “My Queen, allow me to introduce myself, I am…”

“You’re Lord Caunterberg, the Minister of Health and Welfare, I know.” Lucianne responded nonchalantly.

He seemed encouraged, “Well, it’s an honour to be known by the Queen herself before an introduction.”

Lucianne remained unperturbed, “I wouldn’t call it an honour if I were you, minister. (This will be

daily updtaed at www.jar.com)I will explain how I came about knowing you. But seeing that you

were so supportive of Whitlaw expressing his concern, I shall let you speak first.”

The two ministers glanced at one another before Lord Caunterberg spoke, “We didn’t see your

Highnesses at tea. Was anything the matter?”

Xandar wondered if the two ministers knew something about their visit to the audit department but when

he saw his unperturbed mate, he decided to appear equally emotionless.

Lucianne gave a faint nod and said, “Yes, there was. I had to attend a doctor’s appointment to have my

condition checked after the incident at the Jewel Pack. Thankfully, everything is fine.”

The two of them glanced at each other. Both tried to hide their surprise with her answer but were too

slow to mask their true expressions. Lucianne smirked and asked, “Ministers, is there a problem? You

two seem like I’ve just said something unexpected, though I can’t fathom why. Everyone knows that I

was in the alliance, and that I was the most injured. A doctor’s appointment would be anything but


“N-No, my Queen. We…we just expected you to say that you were spending time with the King,

perhaps.” Lord Caunterberg tried to make up a viable excuse but even Xandar could see through his

terrible attempt to act.

Lucianne gave a small smile, “Well then, I’m sorry to have disappointed you. But the King was with me

during the check-up so I suppose you’re not completely wrong. Now, let me tell you how I know you, Lord


“Well, if the Queen insists.” Caunterberg smiled graciously but Whitlaw was already having a bad feeling

about what was about to happen next.

Lucianne smiled with a murderous glint in her eye and said, “You came up to me last year when I

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attended this very collaboration as a Gamma. Do you remember what you asked me at that time?”

Caunterberg’s eyes widened in shock, his face turned white but his feet couldn’t move.

Whitlaw observed his friend freeze in fear, and could only pray that he himself would be spared from

Lucianne’s wrath.

Lucianne observed the old man and said, “Your silence is quite worrying, Lord Caunterberg. Let me

refresh your memory. You asked me how much I charged for, in your words, ‘a night of action’.” Xandar’s

lilac eyes turned onyx almost immediately, glaring straight at Caunterberg. Lucianne pressed her hand

over his that was secured at her waist, hoping to calm him down for a few more moments. 1

She then continued, “And, I just want your Lordship to know that I don’t take it personally.” She waited for

that glimmer of hope to appear in the old man’s eyes before she crushed that hope by saying, “Because

you’ve said it to more werewolves than I can count. There were even numerous times where you asked

a Luna! But despite the sexual harassment complaints we submitted, you’re still here, alive and well,

standing as our Minister of Health and Welfare. Well, (This will be daily updtaed at

www.jar.com)I guess you can’t really expect welfare complaints made against the Welfare Minister

to be taken seriously by the Welfare Minister himself.” 7

Caunterberg looked like he was going to faint, while Whitlaw had already gone to the side to seek refuge

with Cummings, leaving Caunterberg all by himself.

Lucianne felt Xandar’s radiating anger. He was about to lose it. As that thought came to her, Xandar

growled louder and fiercer than he ever had before. The room fell silent. Some of those in attendance

dropped their glasses that they were holding, shuddering from fear and shock at the sight of their King

starting to shift. The wolves were especially petrified, knowing full well that once a Lycan shifts, their

species have little chance of surviving an attack.