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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 968
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Chapter 968 Be Polite

Simon proceeded to explain the situation within the Rogers family to them.

“This information was secretly shared by one of Catherine's subordinates without her knowledge. While it may not

have been her intention, it appears to be accurate. Bailey, the power in the Rogers family is currently under the

control of Broderick and his son. I'm concerned about whether Catherine will be able to handle this situation.”

Bailey furrowed her brow, turning to Artemis beside her. She inquired, “How did your conversation with the head of

the White family go last night?”

With Broderick collaborating with Kurt, taking down Kurt could leave Broderick without support.

Even so, despite being trapped within the Rogers family's residence without reinforcements, Bailey believed

Broderick would still have a chance to regain control.

Fortunately, Catherine was no ordinary person; she likely had her own strategies. Surviving around the Rogerses

required more than naivety.

Artemis fell silent briefly before responding, “Kurt has considerable support from some old executives, which is why

he's confident. These forces have been concealed within the White family for years. Completely eliminating them is

nearly impossible. The only one capable of dismantling these forces is the head of the White family. So, I've asked

him to focus solely on dealing with those who support Kurt.”

He concluded, “Once all those who support Kurt are eliminated, he'll be like a toothless tiger, incapable of causing

further trouble.”

Upon hearing this, Bailey turned her gaze toward Simon and spoke in a deep voice. “Did you hear that? Your

brother already has a plan, so there's no need for you to worry.”

Simon clenched his teeth, determined. “But I'm still worried. Bailey, can you help me disguise myself? I want to stay

by Catherine's side.”

Although he might not be of much help, he could be a shield for her when needed.

He pulled out a photo from his pocket after finishing his request. “Transform me into her bodyguard's appearance.

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I've already informed her bodyguard to lay low for a few days.”

Bailey furrowed her brows, reluctant to let Simon take such a risk.

He was inexperienced, and he might not even be on par with Catherine. Sending him could potentially create more

problems for Catherine than solutions.


Before she could voice her concerns, Artemis, standing nearby, interjected, “Let him go. He should be the one

protecting his own wife. Men of the Luther family must never shy away from adversity. If we can't protect our

wives, how can we be expected to support the entire family in the future?”

Bailey had no response to that.

Consequently, Simon handed the photo to Bailey. “Bailey, please.”

Bailey sighed. Since Artemis has already spoken, what more can I say?

“Be cautious in all matters, and don't draw attention to yourself. If something doesn't feel right, immediately

contact me or your brother,” she cautioned.

Simon chuckled. “Bailey, why do you sound even more long-winded than my mother?”

In response, he received a kick from Artemis. “Be polite to your sister-in-law!”

Simon found himself at a loss for words amid the lighthearted banter.

However, their merriment was interrupted by Zeke's arrival. “Bailey, the toxin inside Juliana is flaring up, and

Cameron is trying to contain it,” he informed her urgently.

Bailey's smile vanished instantly, her expression darkening. “Let's go to the infirmary.”

They wasted no time and hurried to the infirmary. As they reached the room, Cameron emerged.

“What's happening?” Bailey asked with urgency.

Cameron's complexion appeared grim, his brows furrowed in deep concern. “The toxin in her body has mutated

once again. I'm afraid that if we don't act promptly, it will begin to corrode her internal organs.”

“Bailey, I recommend using the same method we used to detoxify Artemis from the Soul Reaper to treat her,” he

advised. “While it may be painful, it significantly improves her chances of survival. If we continue to delay, her life

may be in grave danger.”

Bailey clenched her teeth, torn between two difficult choices and trapped in a dilemma.

The method originally used to help Artemis detoxify from the Soul Reaper poison involved draining all the blood

from his body to weaken the toxicity of the toxin.

Then, they fought poison with poison, using a specific method to neutralize the toxin. This process was extremely

painful and intense, and even a robust and vigorous man like Artemis had struggled to bear it. It was not a

procedure suitable for someone as weak as Juliana.

“Cameron, you must realize the enormity of the risk involved,” Bailey voiced her concern.

Cameron, with an air of nonchalance, extended his palms, saying, “We're faced with a stark choice: either take a

chance or watch her succumb right before our eyes. You're smart; you'll discern the right course of action. I'm

merely offering counsel, not imposing my will. The decision rests with you. I won't assert my opinion. However,

given my extensive experience in poison-crafting, I can tell you that her condition is deteriorating rapidly.”

“The toxins in her body are undergoing constant mutations, making it progressively challenging for our treatments

to stave them off. A day may come when she can no longer suppress them, leading to a catastrophic reaction that

will corrode her internal organs. Even if you were to contemplate using the bloodletting method to counteract the

toxin, it's no longer a viable option. Once toxins infiltrate human cells, bloodletting becomes ineffectual. Diluting the

toxins becomes an insurmountable task,” he elaborated.

Bailey clenched her fists tightly and, through gritted teeth, declared, “I'm going to find Kurt. He's the one

responsible for poisoning her, so he should have the antidote.”

Cameron shook his head, wearing a wry smile. “It's futile,” he responded. “At best, he could attempt to concoct an

antidote from the formula, but we've already explored that avenue to no avail. Simply put, the toxin has mutated

numerous times, veering from its original path. Even with antidotes, it's beyond the reach of a remedy.”

Bailey, feeling drained, took a step back and found solace in Artemis' embrace. She turned her gaze toward Zeke,

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who had been silently present. Seeking his input, she asked, “Zeke, what's your perspective?”

Zeke closed his eyes, battling to control his trembling form. He spoke through gritted teeth. “Given the absence of

hope for an antidote, let's consider Cameron's recommendation. Once Juliana awakens, I'll talk to her about it. We'll

face the consequences together.”

Bailey's heart sank abruptly

What Zeke implied was that if Juliana couldn't survive, he would join her in death. Although it was excruciating to let

go and heart-wrenching to contemplate, it appeared that at this juncture, the most Bailey could do was support and

uplift her brother.

“All right, I'll contact the Hoffman family to provide them with an update on our situation here.”


Half an hour later, Bailey fashioned several hyper-realistic masks for Simon and gave him instructions. “If the

situation deteriorates beyond control, don't insist on staying. Over the past few years, I've acquired a collection of

hyper-realistic female masks. Give them to Catherine. When the time comes, she can use them for disguise and

escape. Remember, you're parents now. You can't be reckless. Moreover, Luna is still waiting for Catherine to

return and cure her.”

Simon expressed his gratitude, accepted the hyper-realistic mask, and implored, “Bailey, you must help me protect

Luna. I owe her so much. Just a few days ago, I promised to take her to the amusement park. There are so many

things I still want to do for her.”

Bailey extended her hand to pat his shoulder reassuringly. “We value Luna just as much as you do. Even if the odds

are slim, we won't let her perish.”


At that moment, Luna rushed into the room from outside, wrapping her arms around her father's leg. She tilted her

head up, tears filling her eyes as she looked at her father and choked out, “Daddy, you and Mommy must come
