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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 957
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Chapter 957 With Him Around

Stephanie began to waver a bit.

It was those overly ambitious and greedy ones in the family who had caused my son to end up like this.

Now that he has a chance for treatment, how could I possibly let it slip away?

To provide him with a peaceful healing environment, someone must divert the attention of the other family


Perhaps only Cath could handle that.

After all, her husband had deliberately let it be known that he intended for Catherine to succeed him over the

years. By doing so, he used her to shield their son from many overt and covert attacks, ultimately ensuring his


Nowadays, if such a thing were to happen again, she would be the only one capable of handling it.

“So, how should I talk to Cath about this? What if she doesn't come back?”

In the end, Stephanie, for the sake of her son, chose to abandon her daughter.

Seeing his wife being on the same page, the head of the Rogers family smiled in satisfaction. “Tell her, as long as

she returns to the family, I will secretly take her to the Forbidden Ground, allowing her to copy the Fragrance

Journal. Even though she can't take that thing out, it doesn't stop her from sneaking in to copy it. However, the

prerequisite is that she must know to stay in the Rogers residence for the rest of her life and keep a clear boundary

with that brat from the Luther family.”

Stephanie gritted her teeth fiercely, nodding as she responded, “All right, I'll make a trip to the countryside manor

later to persuade her to come back. But you have to promise me that unless it's absolutely necessary, you can't

give up on Cath.”


No sooner had Joseph's words fallen than the butler hurried in and asked, “Mr. Joseph, the divine physician has

arrived. Where should I arrange for him to stay?”

“The divine physician is here?” Joseph stood up once again, a hint of excitement in his voice. “Bring him straight to

the main house and make sure no one else finds out.”


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At the same moment, inside the study of Broderick's residence.

Broderick was currently sitting on the couch, answering a phone call.

“Thank you, Mr. Kurt, for your timely rescue. For now, my daughter will stay with you. Her perfumery skills are quite

good. I hope she can be of some help to you as a way to repay your life-saving kindness.”

Kurt laughed. “Don't worry. My people have already gone to the Rogers family. I believe in a couple of days, Joseph

and Stephanie couple will be thrown into chaos. You don't need to ask me what I've done. Just seize this opportunity

to take power. Once you control the Rogers family, immediately send people to help me break into the Venom


Sensing Kurt's confidence, Broderick subconsciously tightened his grip on his phone and responded in a deep voice,

“All you need to do is give me a chance, and I will take control of the entire Rogers family. Once I'm in power, I will

definitely help you conquer Venom Valley.”


When Kurt answered the phone, he was on his way to the White residence.

After ending the call, he had already arrived at the entrance of the mansion.

“Mr. Kurt, after that venomous woman seized power, she banished Old Mr. White to this remote courtyard,

effectively isolating him from the center of power,” the elderly man explained on the side.

Kurt stepped out of the car, looking at the dilapidated courtyard before him. He couldn't help but sneer, “The

Venom Valley is second only to the renowned poison-crafting family, the Yablon family. It's truly laughable that their

dignified family head has ended up in such a state.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he took a large stride up the steps.

After entering the courtyard and passing through the corridor, he finally arrived at the largest room in the middle.

No one knew what was happening inside. All that could be heard was the sound of porcelain shattering again and


Then, a series of intermittent curses began to spread throughout the courtyard.

“That f*cking b*tch still has ties with that Yablon character. Neither of you both are my blood. Why should I treat

you as my sons? If you truly are my kin, why did she choose to die by crashing into a wall? If she was wronged, she

could have explained and proven her innocence. Why did she have to die? Why did she have to die? And you two

miscreants, when you were first cast out of your home, no one dared to take you in. Yet, it was that scum of a man,

Yablon, who took you in. You're not his blood? Who would believe that? Who would believe that?”

Kurt didn't bother to explain as he stated coldly, “Believe what you want to believe. After all, that malicious woman

was flawless in her actions back then. I had no way to defend myself. So much has happened that I no longer care

about being part of the White family. This time, I've come back to reclaim what's rightfully mine. I know you have

an illegitimate son. You plan to hand over the White family to him, but I'm afraid that wish won't come true. You

despised me, calling me a bastard, didn't you? Well, I'll change the name and lineage of the White family.”

“No, you can't do this...”

Echoes of howls lingered in the courtyard, refusing to fade away after a long while.

Kurt headed outside without looking back.

From beginning to end, he never once called that man his father because he was unworthy.

As he reached the door, he pulled out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and tossed it to the elderly man. With a

chilling voice, he said, “Give this to him. Keep him alive, and don't let him die of anger. I still need him to watch a

good show.”


Not long after the group left, an unexpected visitor appeared at the White residence.

Wherever the newcomer passed, the bodyguards guarding all around fell to the ground, one after another, unable

to rise.

Only after everyone had been taken down did the man leisurely walk into the house.

That person was indeed Artemis.

He deliberately chose to appear only after Kurt provoked Wilfred with his sharp remarks.

He thought that Wilfred should be quite willing to cooperate with him.



A few children were frolicking in the outdoor grounds ahead.

Luna was running and suddenly dropped the windmill in her hand, and then she dove headfirst into the arms of the

distinguished and classy lady.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Granny, why are you here?”

Stephanie bent down to embrace Luna, looking into her little granddaughter's innocent eyes. A trace of reluctance

flickered deep within her own.

I hope Cath has the strength to withstand all the attacks until the day her father hands over the family leadership to


Compared to a daughter, a son is somewhat more important.

“I found out you guys are back, so I came especially to see you. Where's your mommy?”

No sooner had her words fallen than a gentle voice echoed in her ear. “Mother, you're here.”

Stephanie nodded with a smile, exchanged a few words with Luna, and then walked off to one side with Catherine.

“Cath, your father wants you to return. He said he'll secretly allow you into the Forbidden Ground for you to copy

the Fragrance Journal. However, he has one condition—you must stay in the Rogers residence for the rest of your

life, and you are not allowed to leave the family even a step.”

Catherine was already planning to go back.

Luna's health condition couldn't be delayed any further.

She could only get the Fragrance Journal if she returned to the Rogers residence.

Now that her mother had come to pick her up personally, she wouldn't refuse.

As for other things, like her future with Simon, she'd discuss it after she got the Fragrance Journal.

“All right. I'll make arrangements to return home with you. I won't be taking Luna back with me, though. She is a

descendant of the Luther family, so it's better for her to stay here.”

Seeing her agree so readily, Stephanie naturally went along with it. “Okay, it's not convenient to bring Luna along,

anyway. Let's leave her with her father.”

Half an hour later, Catherine followed Stephanie and left.

As she got into the car, she glanced at the bodyguard standing quietly to one side.

When she made contact with a pair of familiar hawk-like eyes, her body couldn't help but pause for a moment.

If I'm not mistaken, that bodyguard should be...

“Cath, what's wrong?”

“Nothing, Mother. Let's go.”

The moment she stepped into the vehicle, a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Catherine's lips.

With him accompanying her back to the Rogers residence, she seemed to be much more at ease.