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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 949
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Chapter 949 The Sunset

This was where she had once resided, and he had missed out on becoming part of her life in the past, leaving a

lingering sense of regret. Now that he was here, he naturally desired to take a thorough look and immerse himself

in the experience as soon as possible.

Bailey regarded him with a slightly perplexed expression, furrowing her brows as she inquired, “Aren't you tired?”

That's strange. This man relentlessly tormented me on the private jet, all under the guise of offering a different kind

of experience. I have to admit it's indeed thrilling.

The cabin had limited space, and even though there were separate rooms, when it became crowded, the sounds of

activity next door could still be heard, even with the cabin door closed.

In that confined space, the man overpowered her, pinning her down, and she couldn't stop him.

Left without a choice, she could only force herself to stay silent. No one knew how torturous that experience was

for her. Yet Artemis, that scoundrel, completely disregarded her feelings and ravaged her in a willful and

unrestrained manner.

Throughout the entire process, she remained exceptionally vigilant, providing him with an unparalleled level of


I can't believe that he... Argh! This man gives me goosebumps when he's unrestrained!

Artemis noticed a faint blush on her face, leaned in closer to her ear, and whispered, “I can do it with you for

another few more hours.”

Afraid that he might actually do what he said, Bailey gently tugged him toward the artificial hill at the side after

exchanging a few words with Bruce.

Artemis held her hand as they strolled together in the warm spring sunshine.

The gentle breeze blew directly onto his face, sweeping away the fatigue that had marked his brow.

“I really wish I could hold your hand and continue walking with you like this forever,” he expressed.

Bailey teased with a playful smile, “What else do you think is going to happen? Are you thinking of changing a

companion midway?”

No sooner had her words escaped her lips than the man beside her abruptly pivoted, pressing her against a cherry

blossom tree.

At that moment, the vibrant beautiful flower petals fluttered in the wind.

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The man was attired in a sleek black suit, tall and slender, radiating an air of serenity and poise.

Meanwhile, the woman, donning a simple, floor-length dress, stood elegantly with a smile adorning her eyes and


Artemis' hand tenderly caressed Bailey's countenance, meticulously tracing the delicate contours of her picture-

perfect face.

“Stop talking nonsense. Ever since you came into my life, no other color exists in my eyes.” Having said that, he

leaned in to kiss her.

Just as his thin lips were on the brink of brushing against her scarlet ones, a swooshing sound rang out beside his


Acting on instinct, he enveloped the woman in his arms, shielding her from harm and promptly retreating behind

the tree trunk.

The next instant, two unidentified birds plummeted from the tree, landing directly in front of them.

Artemis raised his head and gazed ahead, spotting Zayron not far away, wielding a slingshot and vigorously

shooting at the branches around him. His lips twitched in annoyance.

This brat!

Bailey's countenance also darkened. She narrowed her eyes and shot a stern glare at her son, asking through

clenched teeth, “Zayron Jefferson, what on earth are you up to?”

Such a romantic atmosphere, ruined by a few dead birds.

How she wished she could hang this jerk from a tree and then pelt him mercilessly with a slingshot to let him have a

taste of his own medicine.

Nonchalantly collecting a few birds from the ground, Zayron flashed a mischievous grin and remarked, “I'm thinking

of cooking these birds as a tonic for my dad. He's been working exceptionally hard lately and needs some


Artemis placed his hand on his forehead and pulled his irate, trembling wife into his embrace.

“There, there. Don't let him bother you; he's just being a troublemaker,” he consoled her. After speaking, he took

her hand and resumed their walk toward the artificial hill not far away.

“The sun is about to set. Come, I'll take you to watch the sunset,” he proposed.

Bailey's somber expression brightened slightly. She watched as he guided her toward the setting sun, their

silhouettes intertwining and melding into one.

She believed that there could be no greater happiness in this world than this moment.

A playful, mischievous child and a gentle, loving husband was more than she could ask for.

This was truly a peaceful, beautiful moment.

On the balcony of the guest room on the second floor of the main house, Catherine stood before the railing,

observing a group of children below playing with slingshots to shoot down birds. Her typically cold expression

gradually softened.

“I've never seen Luna this happy before. It seems a pleasant environment truly can have an impact on people,” she


Simon's gaze also remained on his daughter, and a smile graced his lips involuntarily. “She'll always be happy with

Zayron and the others by her side. And what about you, Catherine? Have you contemplated your future path? Will

you come back to Hallsbay with me, or do you intend to return to the Rogers family and assume the role of the

head of the family?”

Catherine's fingers trembled ever so slightly at her side.

In the past, she would have promptly declared her intention to remain with the Rogers family without any


Even if she couldn't ascend to the position of the head of the family, her plan was to spend her entire life within the

clan. However, now, she was filled with uncertainty.

She found herself somewhat surprised by the shift in her own perspective.

For so many years, no one had managed to sway her thoughts. She pondered whether spending time with this man

had brought about a change in her.

“Actually, my situation is far from as wonderful as you imagine. In the eyes of my family members, I am an unfilial

daughter who has tarnished the family's reputation. Under normal circumstances, my father's influence would have

easily secured me the position of family head. However, these past few years have witnessed no progress

whatsoever. It's not that I don't want to rise to power, but the family elders have been suppressing me, not allowing

me to take control. My Uncle Broderick is my grandfather's illegitimate son. Though he may not match up to my

father, his son is indeed remarkable. The intentions of the Rogers family's higher-ups are clear. They want to back

my cousin, Finley, in ascending to power, which is why they've been in conflict with my father all these years.”

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A spark of excitement surged within Simon after he heard that.

The elders of the Rogers family don't want her to assume the position? That's fantastic! I never wanted her to be

trapped in the Rogers family in the first place. Now, everything has fallen into place beautifully.

Catherine seemed to have discerned his thoughts, turning her head to gaze at him as she spoke with a cold and

distant tone. “Why does it seem like you're finding joy in my misfortune? Even if I take a step back and give up on

fighting Finley for the family head position, Uncle Broderick won't spare me. Because I'll only cease to be a threat

when I'm gone.”

With that, she turned and walked back inside.

Simon frowned and asked, “Where are you going?”

Catherine replied, “I'm going to call the Rogers family and get them to prepare the Fragrance Journal for exchange

at any moment.”

The conference room in the Rogers residence was abuzz with activity at night.

The family's senior executives were engrossed in a heated discussion about the “Eunice in exchange for the

Fragrance Journal” issue.

A middle-aged man sat in the main seat with his head slightly lowered, calmly observing the tumult below.

He was none other than the father of Catherine and the head of the Rogers family, Joseph Rogers.

At this moment, a calculating gleam shimmered in his eyes.

Could he exchange the Fragrance Journal for Eunice?

The answer was no.

If Catherine got her hands on the Fragrance Journal, she would leave the family without hesitation.

He couldn't let her leave now, for he had greater plans that involved her.

One of the executives said, “Mr. Joseph, please hand over the Fragrance Journal. Although Eunice has made a

mistake, she is still an outstanding perfumer in our family. Besides, we're giving this Fragrance Journal to Ms.

Catherine. It's not like it'll fall into the hands of outsiders. Once she's done with it, she'll return it.”

“Yeah. Please unlock the Forbidden Ground and retrieve the Fragrance Journal, Mr. Joseph.”

At that moment, Broderick, who had been silent all along, suddenly let out a sarcastic laugh. “Joseph, I understand

you've been wary of me for a while now, but Eunice is still your niece and a young, vibrant life. If you choose not to

rescue her, I can only surmise that you're intentionally aiming to weaken the authority of the branch family, sowing

discord within our own ranks.”