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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 948
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Chapter 948 Marriage Is Not A Cage

The woman who spoke was Karen Banks, while the middle-aged man seated across from her was Broderick Rogers.

Even though Broderick was the eldest child of the Rogers family, the couple had endured a significant portion of

their lives under oppression solely because he had the status of an illegitimate child.

Their daughter, Eunice, was also facing severe oppression from the detestable Catherine.

In accordance with the family rules, a legitimate daughter who had a child outside of wedlock was ineligible to

assume the role of the head of the family.

Nevertheless, Catherine had no older siblings and only a younger brother who had not yet reached the age of ten.

He was a child born to Joseph in his middle age.

Moreover, this young child was naturally slow-witted. Even as he matured, he would be ill-equipped to bear the

weighty responsibilities of the Rogers family.

Hence, Joseph pinned all his hopes on Catherine.

Despite Catherine's morally loose conduct, her reckless behavior, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and violation of clan

rules, Joseph remained steadfast in his desire to pass on the family's authority to her.

If it weren't for the resolute opposition from the great elders within the clan in recent years, Catherine might have

likely assumed power by now.

Once Catherine assumed the role of the head of the family, Broderick and Karen's daughter Eunice could kiss her

peaceful life goodbye in the future.

After all, the way Eunice treated her back then...

The expression on Karen's face grew grimmer as her train of thought ended there.

Observing her husband's continued silence, she pressed on, “Broderick, within the legitimate lineage, only

Catherine has the capability to bear the responsibility. That little fool is not dependable. In other words, we just need

to find a way to handle Catherine—”

Before she could complete her sentence, Broderick abruptly rose to his feet and sternly warned, “Some things are

better left unsaid. Be careful, for heedless words often lead to trouble.”

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Karen hastily covered her mouth with her hand, but she could hear the underlying meaning in her husband's words.

So, in a hushed voice, she asked, “Have you already thought of a way to handle this?”

Broderick hummed softly and responded nonchalantly, “Word has it that someone who recently fled Moranta is an

abandoned orphan of the Venom Valley, banished against his will. He shares our common adversaries. I believe we

can join forces with him and leverage his influence to eliminate Catherine.”

A hint of joy crossed Karen's countenance as she clenched her teeth and declared, “Our son is the prime contender

to become the next leader of the Rogers family. Not even Eunice can snatch that position from him. If need be, I

would even sacrifice my own daughter. Let her marry into the family of the clan elders, and let her maximize her

potential worth, all to aid her older brother's successful rise to power.”

In Karen's perspective, while her daughter was undeniably significant, she did not hold as much importance as her

son. If the day ever came when her daughter's sacrifice was required to ensure her son's success, she would not

hesitate to propel her daughter into that role.

In her perspective, her daughter amounted to little more than a bargaining tool to placate the elders.

Therefore, she would never allow such a valuable pawn to perish at the hands of Catherine.

Broderick appeared to agree with her perspective, nodding as he remarked, “Eunice still holds value for us, so we

cannot allow her to die just like that. Furthermore, we can use Eunice to manipulate Catherine, draw the attention

of the main lineage, and better protect our son.”

After speaking, he raised his gaze to the distant horizon before continuing, “Catherine isn't our main concern here,

but Bailey and the Luther couple who accompanied her. Despite all my calculations, I never anticipated that

Catherine's child would carry the bloodline of the Luther family. If I had known earlier, I would have found a way to

prevent her birth. She's caused nothing but trouble and even entangled the Luther family in this mess. What a

nuisance. Fortunately, the abandoned son of the White family has escaped from Moranta to Citraine. He should be

able to assist me in dealing with Artemis and Bailey.”

Upon hearing her husband's words, Karen opened her mouth and was about to speak when a middle-aged

bodyguard approached and said to Broderick, “Mr. Rogers, Mr. Kurt has taken the bait we planted. He has just

contacted me through a secure channel, expressing his desire to meet with you for a face-to-face discussion on

collaboration matters.”

Broderick chuckled heartily and remarked, “Talk about perfect timing; here he comes.”

See? Who doesn't love power?

As long as he promised Kurt that he would aid him in reclaiming control over the Venom Valley in the future, the

latter would willingly become his pawn, entirely subject to his discretion.

“Very well. Please relay to Mr. Kurt that once I've chosen a suitable time and place, I'll arrange a meeting with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

In the afternoon, a private jet discreetly touched down in a residential area situated in the eastern suburbs.

This was Bailey's property in Gregan.

It was a rather remarkable coincidence, considering she had spent the last two years in Citraine studying the local

cultural heritage, never imagining that her future siblings and nieces would also reside on this same land.

This must be fate.

Following the landing of the private jet, the group disembarked from the cabin.

The manor's butler received the news and, accompanied by a group of servants, stood ready in the outdoor

grounds below.

As Bailey descended from the plane, tears welled up in the butler's eyes. “Ms. Jefferson, I never thought I would see

you return to Citraine in this lifetime.”

Bailey gazed at the elderly man before her and let out a soft chuckle. “Why would you say that, Mr. Bruce? This is

also my home. Isn't it only natural for me to come back?”

Bruce, a Chanaean, had relocated to Citraine with his son several years ago to pursue research. Yet, fate could be

merciless, as his son had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and had ultimately succumbed to it.

Following his son's demise, Bruce had been on his own, managing a street stall and grappling with the daily

challenge of making ends meet.

When Bailey arrived in Citraine years ago, she had her subordinates assist her in finding a trustworthy individual,

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and ultimately, they found this elderly man.

Upon discovering that he, too, was of Chanaean heritage, she had inexplicably developed a fondness for him,

eventually appointing him as the manor's butler.

In truth, the elderly man possessed profound knowledge. Had he not been devastated by the pain of losing his son,

she believed he could have achieved great things.

Back when she was conducting her research, she truly learned a great deal from this old gentleman.

Upon hearing Bailey's teasing remark, Bruce couldn't help but chuckle. “I heard you've become the matriarch of

the Luther family, so I assumed you would settle down in Hallsbay for the rest of your life, embracing the role of a

homemaker and concentrating on supporting your husband and raising children. I'm naturally surprised to see you

here now.”

Bailey couldn't resist a chuckle, turning her head to cast a glance at Artemis beside her before saying to Bruce,

“Marriage isn't a cage. He won't confine me to the Luther family's grounds either.”

Following Bailey's line of sight, Bruce's gaze landed on Artemis as well. He instinctively attempted to bow but was

halted by Artemis.

The younger man spoke, saying, “Mr. Bruce, since Bay holds you in such high regard, she must view you as an

elder. Now that I've had the pleasure of meeting you, it's only natural for me to extend my respect as well. If you

were to bow to me, it would alter the dynamic between us significantly. The man standing before you at this

moment is not the head of the Luther family but merely Bailey's husband.”

Tears welled up in Bruce's eyes once more.

He held great admiration for this young talent from Chanaea. Perhaps only such an exceptional young man could

be a fitting partner for Bailey.

With a smile, Bailey addressed Bruce, “Mr. Bruce, let's forgo the formalities. We've all had a long and exhausting

journey. We'd love to get some rest first.”

Bruce quickly agreed, saying, “Yes, yes, of course. Please, get some rest.”

After he finished his sentence, he signaled to the maid standing behind him to assist with the luggage and then

personally guided the group toward the main house.

Artemis, holding Bailey's hand, lowered his voice and asked, “Would you join me for a walk?”