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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 940
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Chapter 940 Ridiculous Demand

Upon hearing this, her mother was so amused that she burst into laughter.

Upon hearing this, her mother was so amused that she burst into laughter.

This cheeky girl, after spending so much time with those two rascals, has certainly grown a lot bolder.

“Do you all wish for me to have a falling out with your father, then have a farewell dinner, and part ways forever?”

The little girl wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, grinning from ear to ear. “Nothing beats the love of my

own parents,” she said. “So, dear Mommy, when will you let me level up to being a big sister?”

Bailey furrowed her brows.

Artemis had been quite diligent recently, sowing seeds almost every day. They hadn't taken any specific

precautions, so logically, there should be some activity in her belly by now.

But it had been so long, and there hadn't been a peep.

Could it be that Sean inadvertently affected Artemis' function when he performed the surgery on him initially? So

even if I helped him reconnect his vas deferens, it wouldn't be easy for me to get pregnant? If that's the case, then

it's going to be troublesome. No, I need to find some free time to give Artemis a thorough physical examination.

Seeing her mother remain silent, the little girl continued, “I overheard Uncle Simon telling Luna that you guys are

setting off for Gregan tomorrow. Mommy, I want to go too.”

Bailey abruptly halted, looking down at her daughter in her arms. She frowned and said, “We are on a serious

mission. You shouldn't tag along. Your uncle will take your aunt back to Hallsbay to recover later. You three should

go with them.”

“No!” The little girl struggled a bit, freeing herself from her mother's embrace, then bolted toward the bedroom.

“I'll go talk to Daddy, he'll agree to this.”

Bailey instinctively grabbed the back of her collar, gritting her teeth as she said, “Don't go in there. Your father is

not in a position to see any woman other than me right now.”

The young girl became somewhat speechless and she couldn't resist rolling her eyes.

“Mommy, you're so aggressive. You must have torn up Daddy's clothes again last night, right?”

Bailey's face turned a charming shade of red.

This conversation clearly could not go on anymore. Otherwise, she would surely be driven mad by this little rascal.

“Aunt Bailey, please let Susan come with us to Gregan. I want to be with them.”

Suddenly, Luna's weak voice resonated at the door, causing both mother and daughter inside the room to turn

around simultaneously.

Catherine said somewhat sheepishly, “Bailey, I'm sorry for the disturbance. The girl insisted on coming over. You

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don't need to worry. My art of perfumery far surpasses anyone in the Rogers family. I can certainly protect a few

children properly.”

Bailey blinked, a mischievous glint flashing in her eyes. “If you invite the kids to Gregan as their aunt, I'll agree to let

them go with you.”

A rather absurd request!

Catherine subconsciously furrowed her beautiful brows.

Bailey would always be Bailey, constantly scheming against others.

If she were to invite a few children to Gregan as their aunt, it would be akin to indirectly accepting Simon.

All right. This woman's a scheming one.

Yet, Catherine simply couldn't refuse, as Luna was looking up at her with a pitiful gaze, a pleading look on her pale


“Mommy, just in case—it's just in case—if the parasite king inside me cannot be resolved, then this will be my only

wish. Can you fulfill this wish of mine? Please?”

With a sigh of resignation, Catherine steeled herself and said, “As your aunt, I invite you, Max, and the others to

enjoy a trip to Gregan as you please.”


The two little girls jumped up joyfully.

Standing outside the door, Simon also curled up the corners of his lips, unable to hide the joy in his heart.

Even though she was forced, she compromised, proving that she still yearned for him deep within.

He was confident—absolutely confident—that he would marry this woman and bring her home.

At the same moment, Juliana was sitting in the garden of the Hoffman residence, basking in the sun.

Not far away, a housekeeper was leading Archie in her direction.

“Ms. Juliana, Mr. Archie has arrived.”

Juliana instinctively looked up, her gaze falling on Archie. She furrowed her brows and asked, “So you're Archie, my

uncle's bast— son?”

She initially wanted to refer to him as a b*stard child but felt that it would be impolite, so she quickly changed her

choice of words.

Archie shrugged nonchalantly, teasing, “Juliana, I look forward to your care.”

Juliana was taken aback for a moment. She had thought that geniuses were difficult to get along with, but

surprisingly, this young man seemed so casual.

“You've brought down Tucker and now you're the new head of the Hoffman family. If anyone should be looking after

someone, it should be you looking after me.”

Archie leaned in abruptly, coming close to Juliana's face. With a teasing smirk, he said, “If you want to be the head

of this family, I can step aside for you.”


Juliana felt a bit awkward and lightly coughed twice, subtly turning her face away, avoiding his gaze.

“I'm currently poisoned and can die at any moment. You've shown great skill in outmaneuvering Tucker and seizing

power from him. My master and the others allowed you to take the role of the family head, which means you have

the strength to handle the responsibilities. Frankly, I don't necessarily have to be the head of the family. No one was

willing to take on this responsibility previously, which was why I thought of stepping up to the plate. But now that

you're taking over the role, I have nothing to worry about.”

Archie gove o slight smile, his expression rodioting wormth, but his goze locked ony hint of tenderness.

He didn't wont to be the heod of the fomily either, but Artemis hod him cornered. In his urgency to sove his friend,

he hod no choice but to obediently foll into the trop thot hod been set for him.

“Do you reolly not wont to be the heod of this household? If you do, I con give it to you.” Archie persisted,

continuing to entice.

Artemis only worned him not to force someone else to toke over the role, but if this womon willingly took on the

role, then it wouldn't be considered o breoch of controct.

Juliono loughed ond gently pushed his heod owoy, soying lightly, “No, I don't wont to. I reolly don't wont to. Archie, I

know you're o genius. Under your leodership, our fomily will surely reoch new heights of glory. Since thot's the cose,

why om I even bothering? Don't try to trick me. I won't be toking on this hot pototo.”

Archie's expression turned dork immediotely, ond he soid menocingly, “You guessed wrong. I om o modmon,

copoble of wiping out on entire fomily.”

“You con't intimidote me becouse I know it wos my moster who forced you to return to your position. Her judgment

is never wrong.”

Archie furrowed his brows, still somewhot unwilling to let it go. He continued, “I...”

Before he could finish speoking, o housekeeper ron over from o distonce ond soid to Juliono, “Ms. Juliono, Ms.

Wendy hos returned.”

A hint of joy oppeored on Juliono's foce os she obruptly stood up ond heoded toword the exit of the gorden.

She hod only token two steps when she holted in her trocks. Turning oround with o smile, she soid to Archie,

“Archie, from now on, the fomily offoirs ore in your honds, okoy? Wendy ond I ore women, ond we're bound to get

morried into onother fomily sooner or loter. You con't rely on us forever.”

Wotching her retreoting figure, Archie wos so frustroted thot he gritted his teeth in resentment.

They've oll got me figured out. Completely figured out! D*mn it!

In the living room of the moin house, Wendy ond Sebostion were kneeling on the ground.

Roymond sot on the sofo, his eyes slightly red os he looked ot his doughter who hodn't returned home for severol

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He wos shoking, too, looking ot the young grondson he hod never met from birth till now.

Wendy wos olreody in teors.

She bore no resentment toword her fother for costing her out of the fomily. After oll, it wos she who hod brought

Holden into the fomily, leoding to the leokoge of fomily secrets ond cousing devostoting losses.

Archie gave a slight smile, his expression radiating warmth, but his gaze lacked any hint of tenderness.

He didn't want to be the head of the family either, but Artemis had him cornered. In his urgency to save his friend,

he had no choice but to obediently fall into the trap that had been set for him.

“Do you really not want to be the head of this household? If you do, I can give it to you.” Archie persisted,

continuing to entice.

Artemis only warned him not to force someone else to take over the role, but if this woman willingly took on the

role, then it wouldn't be considered a breach of contract.

Juliana laughed and gently pushed his head away, saying lightly, “No, I don't want to. I really don't want to. Archie, I

know you're a genius. Under your leadership, our family will surely reach new heights of glory. Since that's the case,

why am I even bothering? Don't try to trick me. I won't be taking on this hot potato.”

Archie's expression turned dark immediately, and he said menacingly, “You guessed wrong. I am a madman,

capable of wiping out an entire family.”

“You can't intimidate me because I know it was my master who forced you to return to your position. Her judgment

is never wrong.”

Archie furrowed his brows, still somewhat unwilling to let it go. He continued, “I...”

Before he could finish speaking, a housekeeper ran over from a distance and said to Juliana, “Ms. Juliana, Ms.

Wendy has returned.”

A hint of joy appeared on Juliana's face as she abruptly stood up and headed toward the exit of the garden.

She had only taken two steps when she halted in her tracks. Turning around with a smile, she said to Archie,

“Archie, from now on, the family affairs are in your hands, okay? Wendy and I are women, and we're bound to get

married into another family sooner or later. You can't rely on us forever.”

Watching her retreating figure, Archie was so frustrated that he gritted his teeth in resentment.

They've all got me figured out. Completely figured out! D*mn it!

In the living room of the main house, Wendy and Sebastian were kneeling on the ground.

Raymond sat on the sofa, his eyes slightly red as he looked at his daughter who hadn't returned home for several


He was shaking, too, looking at the young grandson he had never met from birth till now.

Wendy was already in tears.

She bore no resentment toward her father for casting her out of the family. After all, it was she who had brought

Holden into the family, leading to the leakage of family secrets and causing devastating losses.