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Stay Away My CEO Ex Husband Angel Lost

Chapter 398
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Chapter 398 She Found the Lost Thing

288 Vouchers

Jennifer’s face was completely burned, and she just wanted to say something unconvinced to Carley, when a

familiar figure appeared in the video.

The man in the white suit reached out and snatched the cigarette from Carley’s hand, crushed it and threw it into

the trash can, then looked down at her.

“How many times have I told you, don’t smoke, why don’t you always listen?”

When Jennifer saw the sudden appearance of Chris on the other end of the video, she froze in place.

Carley was even more surprised than she was. She didn’t seem to expect that Chris would come to the night show,

let alone that he would take the initiative to talk to her.

After the quarrel between them at the night show, they basically had no contact with each other, and they seemed

to have no contact with each other.

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But Chris condescended to come to her nightclub again after a lapse of several months, and took away her

cigarettes as before.

This made Carley a little confused…

She was in the hospital last time and saw him accompany an extremely beautiful lady into the gynecology


That careful supporting action clearly made her pregnant and accompanied her to the abortion number.

Although he said that he changed girlfriends frequently, once they started dating, he was still very attentive. He

already had a new girlfriend, why would he still come to find her?

Carley was full of doubts, but Chris didn’t show any expression, he just


looked up at Jennifer in the video.

“Jennifer, borrow it from your good friend.”

After he finished speaking, he hung up the video.

Looking at the interface where the call ended, Jennifer slowly came to her senses…

Things between Carley and Chris are complicated if not complicated

Jennifer asked Carley what she thought of Chris, and she just said it was for fun.

But they dated for three years, was it really just for fun?

Jennifer thought about it, and felt that the matter of feelings should be left to the person concerned.

She put down her phone and went downstairs by the spiral escalator.

In the past two days, the bones of my body are almost falling apart, and my legs are sore when I go downstairs.

Step by step, she moved to the living room downstairs, found two maids who were cleaning, and inquired about

nearby shops.

Seeing that she was about to leave the villa, the servant quickly asked her, “Jennifer, what do you need, we can

help you buy it.”

Seeing the servant asking this question, Jennifer knew that Shaun had told them not to let her leave alone.

She didn’t say much about it, she just told the servant all the tools needed to draw the sketch.

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After hearing this, the servant replied respectfully: “Jennifer, these things are available in Sir’s study, you can go

directly to the study to get them.”

When Jennifer heard it was in the study, she thanked the servant, then turned and walked towards the study.

She pushed open the door of the study, and was slightly shocked when she saw the rows of bookshelves and

bookcases inside.

It seems that Shaun is rich in knowledge and can speak many languages, which has a lot to do with the cultural

influence he has received since he was a child.

After a little bit of envy, Jennifer walked to the bookshelf and searched around, but she didn’t find any tools for


She turned and walked towards the rows of bookcases, opened them one by one, looked down, but couldn’t find it

until she opened the last one.

The cabinet on the upper floor was filled with all kinds of drawings, pens. and rulers, everything she could use.

She picked out a few and wanted to leave with the things, but when she closed the cabinet door, she found that the

things on the lower floor looked familiar.

Jennifer put down the tools in her hand, opened those bags, and saw what she had lost before at a glance.

Laurie’s album, Nat’s gold paintbrush, bank cards, and various sketches…

When these things appeared in front of her eyes one by one, Jennifer was completely stunned.