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Stay Away My CEO Ex Husband Angel Lost

Chapter 332
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Chapter 332

The wedding day came in a blink of an eye, and the makeup team hired by Hill came to the villa at nine o’clock.

They seemed to want the bride to sleep a little longer, so they came so late on purpose.

Carley led them upstairs, and the stylists and makeup artists were amazed when they saw the bride.

They still thought that an hour would definitely not be enough, but casual makeup on the face of the bride was


Several people pulled Jennifer to do makeup and make-up for her. In less than half an hour, the makeup above the

head was completed.

When it was the customer’s turn, she immediately took a fancy to the wedding dress placed on the sofa.

With trembling hands, she touched the diamond-encrusted wedding dress, and said in amazement: “This is an out-

of-print work by a famous French wedding dress designer. After she designed this wedding dress, she never

touched a pen again. It has become the most precious collection in the world.”

She was surprised, and looked at Jennifer who was sitting in front of the dressing table: “Jennifer, why is this

wedding dress here? Did Hill take the photo for you? How much does it cost, and it can’t be bought at a sky- high

price, right?”

Jennifer, who had already put on makeup, turned a little paler.

She wants to beg everyone, don’t mention these things in front of her, but things about him are everywhere, and

they always get into her ears little by little, making her suffer a lot.

Carley, who was standing next to her, glanced at Jennifer, and said to the dressmaker, “The time is coming, quickly

put on a wedding dress for the bride”

It was only then that I realized that I had talked too much, so I quickly

replied sorry, and went to pick up the wedding dress on the sofa.

Behind him came the gentle and indifferent voice of the bride: “It’s not that one.”

Dazed for a moment. he looked back at Jennifer. a little confused: “That’s…”

Jennifer pointed to the wedding dress in the closet, and said to her lightly, “This one.”

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She glanced at the wedding dress in the closet and was amazed, but felt that the one on the sofa was more suitable

for her.

But the master sent a message, no matter how appropriate she felt, she couldn’t force him, so she smiled and

nodded to her: “Okay, no problem.”

Jennifer changed into her wedding dress, sat upright on the bed, and quietly waited for the bridegroom to pick her


At exactly ten o’clock, there was a loud noise downstairs.

Carley thought that Wallence had brought someone, and hurried down to block them.

But when she went downstairs, what she saw was not Wallence, but Shaun holding a bouquet of flowers…

He was wearing a tailor-made white suit with a corsage on his chest. From a distance, he looked just like the groom.

The only difference is that on his sharp-edged face, there is no smile welcoming the bride, only an irrepressible


Those eyes, which were as cold as snow, were shrouded in darkness at this moment, so dark that it was

bottomless, as if they would fall into hell forever and not be reborn.

Behind him, hundreds of luxury cars with flowers were lined up in a huge line. The magnificent scene shocked


She opened her mouth, wanting to stop Shaun, but felt that in this situation, anything she said would hurt him.

But let her watch him marry the woman he loves with her own eyes, and she can’t bear it….

In the end, she didn’t stop her, and only sighed heavily: “She’s upstairs, you can go find her…”

After Carley finished speaking, she turned sideways to make way for him.

With a pale face, Shaun nodded to her, and then walked towards the villa.

Chapter 333 Today I Will Get You Mamed

The moment he opened the door, he saw the woman sitting on the bed. quietly waiting to welcome her, not

wearing the wedding dress he gave


She chose the wedding dress that her husband customized for her, a hollow gauze style, which looked clean and

beautiful on her body

He shook the bouquet in his hand, suppressed the bloodthirsty pain in his heart, and walked towards her step by


Jennifer kept her head down, and when she heard footsteps, she thought it was Wallence coming, but when she

looked up, she met a pair of red


Her heart trembled, and her face suddenly turned pale.

She told Samuel not to let him come, and he came anyway.

How does this let her deal with herself, how does Hill deal with herself. and how does he deal with himself?

Shaun didn’t care, walked slowly in front of her, knelt down on one knee, and handed her the bouquet of flowers.

“Jennifer, I’m sorry, I stole Wallence’s bouquet, and I hope you don’t blame me…”

His voice was cold, polite and distant, as if he was just here to send a bouquet of flowers, and he had no other


Jennifer wanted to drive him away, but when she saw him with a pale face and scarlet eyes, she suddenly couldn’t

speak her cruel words.

This is cruel enough for him…

She stared at him blankly, did not pick up flowers, did not speak, and for a while, the room was silent.

Chapter 4: Today I Will Get You Mamed

Shaun looked at her for a while, then lowered his bushy eyelashes, raised his slender fingers, and took her hand.

He gently opened her clenched fingers, put the bouquet of flowers into her palm, and said to her: “The auspicious

time has come, I will send you oll to get married.”

After he finished speaking, he picked up the wedding shoes on the ground and was about to put them on for her.

Jennifer quickly retracted her foot, with a helpless expression on her face: “Shaun, don’t be like this…”

He raised his thin lips and smiled lightly, but that pale smile didn’t reach his eyes, instead it made him look

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extremely sad.

Without saying anything, he grabbed her little feet, forced the wedding shoes on for her, squatted on the spot, and

turned around.

He turned his head slightly and looked at Jennifer: “I heard that on the day of the bride’s wedding, the wedding

shoes cannot be stepped on the ground, and the older brother or younger brother of the mother’s family should

carry them downstairs. You don’t have an older brother or younger brother, so let me be yours.” Brother, carry you


Jennifer looked at the thin and broad back, holding back tears, at this moment, blurred vision instantly…

Shaun was afraid that if he looked at her again, he would lose his mind completely, so he forced himself to turn his

head and suppressed the mist

in his eves.

Out of the corner of his eye, when he saw the hands on the watch

pointing to ten o’clock, he turned around, stretched out his slender hands, and hugged Jennifer up.

After hugging her tightly in the way of a princess, he bowed his head and said to her “The hug is the same

Jennifer was unwilling and struggled to get down, but Shaun stopped and looked at her with red eyes: “Jennifer, can

you be good?”

Be good and let him do this last thing for her, okay?

Jennifer shook her head desperately at him: “I don’t want you to marry


He sighed deeply and weakly: “Are you afraid that Hill will see it?”

Jennifer didn’t respond, but begged, “Please let me down, please…”

Shaun hugged her tightly, his eyes were firm and undeniable: “Today, I must send you to marry.”

After he finished speaking, he added: “Don’t worry, I won’t let him see it.”

She loves Hill so much, how could he do something that caused an estrangement between them in front of Hill
