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Stay Away My CEO Ex Husband Angel Lost

Chapter 329
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Chapter 329 Although the person she married was not him

The way Leslie looked at him was no longer as contemptuous as before, but rather creepy: “Who the hell are you?!”

Shaun glanced at him lightly, seemingly impatient, and said coldly, “I’ll give you a minute.”

With the knife in his hand, he pointed to the contract, signaling him to sign it within a minute, otherwise the

outcome would depend entirely on his mood.

When the tip of the knife cut across the thin paper, there was a white light, and the light dazzled in the eyes,

making Leslie tremble with fright.

He trembled and looked at the man, then at the contract, his face full of hesitation: “Smith is a century-old

foundation, if I sign this contract, I will become Smith’s sinner…”

Shaun, who had already lost his patience, didn’t want to listen to his nonsense anymore, raised the knife in his

hand, and stabbed him in the shoulder.

After he finished the piercing, he quickly pulled it out, without even blinking his eyes the whole time, the eyes were

filled with cruelty.

Leslie screamed in pain, the piercing voice seemed extremely strange in this empty field.

The woman in the car thought that these masked men would not hurt anyone, but she didn’t expect to use a knife


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She was so frightened that she quickly wanted to open the car door and escape, but the masked men who

surrounded them pressed down on the car door.

Wrapped in a coat, she huddled in the back seat, staring at the man in the gold and copper mask outside the car

window with a face full of fear.

“I advise you to sign it quickly, don’t wait for us to chop off your hand

and press the fingerprint…

After Jake finished speaking, he stepped on the foot on his back and crushed it hard again, the pain made Leslie


He was old and couldn’t bear these tortures, so he picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract without


After he finished signing, he discovered that the purchaser written on it was actually Jean!!!

With a face full of shock, he raised his head again and looked at the man who stabbed him with a knife.

“Are you sent by Jean?”

How come? Isn’t he dead? How could the buyer be him?!

He couldn’t believe it, and looked at the contract in his hand again, and when he saw that the purchase amount was

hundreds of times lower than the market price, he almost fainted.

Might as well sign Murphy’s contract, and get a lot of money, which can’t be spent in ten lifetimes…

Well now, with such a small amount of money, he handed over Smith, who was so hard-won, to Jean, and he was

going to regret it!

Shaun didn’t give him a chance to regret it, and he took the contract back, threw it to Jake, and ordered in a cold

voice: “Let him hand over the official seal, and then get rid of the other shareholders of Smith, and then

He lowered his head, his bloodthirsty and ruthless eyes narrowed slightly: “Take his criminal record and send him to

the police station.”

He dropped this sentence, turned around, and while wiping the blood on the knife with a handkerchief, he walked

towards the luxury car

Leslie was furious when she heard that he was going to send herself to the police station: “I have given you Smith

as you asked, but you still want to send me to the police station? It’s really deceiving! ”

Shaun paused, turned his head slightly, and stared at him coldly: “Smith, it’s his, not yours.”

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and Jake immediately understood, raised his hand again, and slapped

him hard on the face.

Shaun got into the car amidst begging for mercy.

The driver quickly started the car and drove towards the airport.

After he returned to the villa overnight, he asked Samuel to pick up the wedding dress locked on the top floor.

The wedding dress was a drag style, it was studded with diamonds, and it was designed by a famous wedding dress

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designer in the world.

It is also a precious collection that Shaun bought at a sky-high price abroad three years ago. It is the only one in the

world, and it is unique.

Samuel took out the key, opened the window, took it down, and held it in front of Shaun.

Shaun raised his slender fingers and touched the wedding dress. In his mind, he imagined Jennifer wearing this

wedding dress and walking up to him on the red carpet. His thin lips were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile

in his eyes. It seems that he is the one she is going to marry next Tuesday.

After staring at the wedding dress for a long while, he put away his delusions that could never become a reality,

and looked at Samuel: “You take it to Jennifer, and she must accept it…”

Samuel froze for a moment, then frowned and said, “Mr Murphy, isn’t this wedding dress you photographed as a

gift for your future wife?”

He heard that Jennifer was going to marry someone else, why did Shaun give such a precious wedding dress to that


Shaun smiled softly: “I took a picture of it, just to give it to her…”

This wedding dress, which was too late to give away, could only be Jennifer’s, although the person she married was

not him…