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Stay Away My CEO Ex Husband Angel Lost

Chapter 322
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Chapter 322 Do I Need You to Pay Back

As if suppressed for a long time, it suddenly burst out, uncontrollably, and kissed her fiercely.

Jennifer resisted desperately, but he was like crazy, regardless of his care, tearing her wedding dress.

The moment the tube top-style wedding dress was torn apart, Jennifer turned pale and looked at him with hatred.

But he didn’t care about it, and while kissing her frantically, he held her waist with his slender hands, making her

close to his body.

Jennifer was forced to bear all this, her kicking legs were clamped by his legs, like a lifeless porcelain doll, unable to


She could only open her red lips, which were always tightly closed, and when the man invaded, she exhausted all

her strength and bit him.

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Shaun frowned from the pain, but he didn’t let go. He stared at her palm- sized face with scarlet eyes, as if he

wanted to see how cruel she could


Seeing that he hadn’t let go, Jennifer suddenly exerted a little more strength…

Shaun suddenly raised his thin lips, and chuckled lightly. When such a pale smile stained his eyes, he was

disappointed, and slowly let go of her.

As soon as he let go, Jennifer immediately pushed him away, got up and pulled the quilt on the bed, wrapped

herself in it, huddled in the comer, hugged her arms tightly, and stared at him coldly without saying a word.

The alertness on her face made Shaun uncontrollable again, stepping forward to grab her chin.

“Let me ask you, do you still remember this place?”

His strength was so great that Jennifer’s jaw was almost dislocated by


But he didn’t notice, pointing to this bedroom, with a hoarse voice, he questioned her: “I’ve been with you here for

five years, I haven’t touched any part of your body, why is it inappropriate?!”

So, he brought her here, disregarded her wishes, and bullied her just because she said something inappropriate?

Jennifer was trembling with anger, but she gritted her teeth, unwilling to say a word to him.

Seeing her like this, Shaun was even more disappointed: “Did you think that if Hill returned the money to me, you

could erase everything and start over with him?”

Jennifer was forced to look up into his eyes, but still didn’t want to talk to him.

He pinched the finger on her chin, suddenly aggravated: “Answer me!”

Jennifer gasped in pain, cold sweat broke out on her back, and her face turned pale.

Enduring the great pain, she reluctantly opened her mouth: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

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The three billion she owed him hadn’t started to pay it back yet. What did it mean that Hill returned the money to


Shaun raised the corners of his lips and sneered: “In order to start over with you, he paid me back the things I did

for him in the past three years in the form of money. You are his wife, what did he do? Don’t you know?”

Jennifer was stunned for a moment, and then said: “I don’t know about it, maybe he felt that he owed you, so he

repaid you in this way”

Shaun snorted lightly: “Do I need him to pay it back?”

Jennifer took a deep breath, looked at him, and said helplessly: “I know you don’t need it, but the things you did for

him cost a lot of manpower and financial resources, and they really need to be returned to you, but you found him

for me.” I will also find a way to return the three billion that my heart spent.”

When Shaun heard this, his face turned pale with anger, as if he had been humiliated to the extreme.

“Okay, very good, you all have to pay me back…”

After he said something to himself. he suddenly roared like a lunatic: “Do I need you to pay me back? Everything I

did for you was willing, but you use my willingness to hurt me?! Yes, do you think I won’t be in pain? Or do you think

I should be angry with you?!”