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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 943
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Chapter 149 : What Took you So Long?


I finished nursing and rocking the baby to sleep. As I put the baby down for a nap, Lena came into my room waving

a piece of paper around.

“What's that?" I arched an eyebrow.

“This is the guest list–at least, the most up-to-date one. Do you want to see?" She held the paper out to me.

“That depends. Has Jared responded?"

Lena frowned, and I already knew the answer before she shook her head.

My chest panged and I clutched my heart. It seemed that Jared wouldn't be attending the welcoming, naming

ceremony for his own child.

“There's still time, Eliza. Don't give up hope yet."

I shook myself out of my moment. “It doesn't matter. The naming ceremony isn't even for Jared. It is for my baby."

“That's true." Lena peered into the bassinet and smiled fondly.

“I'm sure he has a lot going on with the pack. With all the renovations Archer told Scarlett about in his letters, I'm

sure he's busy. I'll let you know if he RSVPs."

“Thank you, Lena."

The morning of the ceremony arrived and Jared still hadn't responded. Other guests had arrived days in advance to

get settled and give me their personal congratulations. I tried to keep my smile on, but I couldn't help but feel like

one of the most important people in my child's life had no interest in being here.

Did Jared hate me that much? Had he never gotten his memories back? Did he think if he didn't come, I'd return to

the Light Realm and our child would be safe there?

I just wanted to talk to him.

“He's here!" Scarlett burst into the room.

“Shh, the baby is napping!" I jumped off the edge of the bed, my heart in my throat.

“Sorry," Scarlett whispered, crouching down slightly. “I'm sorry, I can't help it, I'm just so excited. He's here!"

A moment of hope flared in my chest.


Scarlett's excitement drained quickly. “Oh, I'm sorry, Eliza. I… I didn't mean to get your hopes up. Archer just

arrived with Gage. Jared isn't with them."

I sighed and nodded. “Well, we should go greet them."

Scarlett's smile returned and she jumped up and down.

We headed to the entryway of the palace. A lot of guests were arriving since it was the day of the ceremony.

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Scarlett quickly picked Archer out in the crowd. She ran right over to him and threw herself into his arms.

I watched as Archer grinned and spun her around. It was hard to watch them, knowing that Jared wasn't even

coming. But I smiled. I couldn't help but be happy for them.

“Archer, Gage." I nodded to them, joining only after Archer set Scarlett down.

“Eliza, you're looking lovely." Archer took my hand and kissed the back of it.

“You're flattering me. Does that mean you don't bring good news?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

Archer gave a sheepish grin. “Actually, the opposite."

“That's right, Jared sent us ahead with a message," Gage added.

“What message?"

“He's on his way. He just had to take care of a few things along the way." Gage nodded and grinned.

He had to take care of a few things? What could be so important that he would risk showing up late to his child's

naming ceremony?

“He shouldn't be long," Archer agreed.

“Shouldn't be long with what?" Scarlett asked. She must have sensed my unease with the situation.

I thought hearing that Jared was on his way would be uplifting. I thought I'd feel hopeful. Instead, my stomach

twisted uncomfortably, and I got the feeling I wouldn't like the reason he was running late.

“Archer, you better tell us the truth!" Scarlett demanded. She pointed sternly at the floor.

“Alright, Jared is running late because he had to escort Zoe and her baby back home." Archer kept glancing around

like he didn't want to make eye contact with me. “It is just a detour."

“Who is Zoe?" I crossed my arms firmly.

“She's nobody," Archer said quickly.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. “She's a refugee from the capital. She was pregnant when she came to Midnight Sun and

she saw Jared as her savior, so he was helping her out. She's nothing to worry about, trust me!"

I nodded, but my stomach gurgled uncomfortably. If Jared was prioritizing getting some other woman and her child

home, did that mean there was something more personal between them?

“Come on, honey, it is time to get you in your dress." My mother put her arm around my shoulders and guided me

toward the stairs. “Your father and brother will be here soon. The whole family is coming."

“How? You told them?" I glanced sideways at her.

“Of course, I told them. They all want to be here to support you."

“Thank you, Mom."

My eyes stung a little with tears. It was a good reminder that I could always fall back on my mom and my family, no

matter what.

If Jared didn't come to the naming ceremony, I felt like I should return to the Light Realm. I'd have my family and

their support, and my child would be safe.

I just wanted my baby's father to get the chance to be a part of their life.

At this point, I didn't think Jared was coming. He was off with some other woman. It was a good way to show me

that he didn't care. I thought of how when I first planned to come to the Dark Realm, I was going to run straight

back to the village and see him.

It was a good thing I hadn't done that.

“Cheer up, Eliza. He said he's on his way." Scarlett tagged along with me and my mom.

“I know."

I blinked back my tears, not wanting my mom and Scarlett to see them. They'd both done so much to help make

this ceremony special.

Back in my room, my mom did my hair while Scarlett tried on different dresses.

“I know I'm not a guest of honor, but I still want to look good." She twisted back and forth in front of the mirror.

“You just want to look good for Archer," I teased.

Scarlett scoffed and met my eyes through my reflection. I stuck my tongue out at her.

She ran back into the closet and pulled out another dress.

“Is that so wrong? I haven't seen him in a while and I want to make a good impression." Her voice was muffled and

far away as she rifled through dresses.

“It isn't wrong. Eliza, has your hair always been this unruly?" My mom groaned. She tried running a comb through it

and it got stuck.

“Yes, it has. You just haven't brushed it for a while."

“Well, I'm not going to keep trying to comb it. I've got another idea." She grabbed a bottle of detangler and spritzed

it into my hair.

“Okay, I think I found the dress. This one, right?" Scarlett twirled around, showing off the flaring skirt on the

ballgown she'd chosen.

“Yes, that is the dress for you," I confirmed.

My mom finished with my hair and she did a good job pinning it up in all the right places. She left a few curls

hanging loose and made them much more defined with a heat curler.

She quickly did my makeup and then went to retrieve my dress. “I picked this out especially for you and for this

occasion. I think you'll really love it."

The dress my mom picked had a black lace bodice with an open back and long, lace sleeves. The skirt flared out at

the waist like a true ballgown, all the way to my ankles.

“This seems kind of… dark." I ran my hands down the poofy skirt.

“Well, you aren't really the guest of honor, are you? That's your baby. You will be wearing contrasting colors when

you hold the baby in your arms."

She held up the white baby outfit she picked out.

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I smiled and nodded. “Alright, I like it."

I put the baby's outfit on and held them in my arms.

“This is your night. No matter who is here, or isn't here, it is your night, okay?" I kissed their forehead and cuddled

them close.

We headed to the ballroom. Already, it was filled with lively music and so many guests. They were dancing and

mingling. The ballroom was filled with chatter.

Lena and Xander sat on a tier at the far end of the room in thrones, overlooking the event.

Whenever I walked by someone, they paused to congratulate me and make little faces or cooing sounds at the


It was a night of so much joy and love and appreciation, but I couldn't help notice that Jared still wasn't there yet.

Soon, all the guests were there, and still no Jared.

My heart sank, and all the pain and sadness that had been building welled up inside of me. I didn't think I could take

one more cheery smile or one more congratulations.

The only person that was supposed to be here wasn't....

I knew this night was about the baby but I couldn't help it. Jared should have been here. It didn't feel right without


“Mom, do you think you can take the baby for a bit? I need some fresh air."

I passed the baby to my mom and she went on chatting with my dad and a few other family members.

I rushed to the palace doors, the tears I'd been holding back all day finally spilling free. My heart clenched, my lungs

felt tight and constricted. I could barely see where I was going as I ran to the front door.

Just as I reached for the door handle, it was yanked open. I couldn't stop and I collided headlong with a strong wall

of a chest.

I pressed my palms to the chest and pushed back, blinking quickly to clear my vision. I tried to apologize but strong,

firm arms came around me and held me close.

Gasping, I looked up into Jared's eyes.

My jaw dropped and I stared at him. The warmth of his body against mine soothed me. His powerful arms were full

of love and affection. His eyes locked onto mine and burned into my soul.

I was at a complete loss for words.


He lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine.

The air rushed out of my lungs and I was helpless to resist. I kissed him back, lost in his touch.

After a moment, we pulled apart and I sighed.

Jared's thumbs brushed across my cheeks and wiped the tears from my face.

“What took you so long?" I asked, my lower lip quivering.