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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 896
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Chapter 102: Saving My Mate

In the middle of the night, I woke up and bolted upright.


The strangest feeling came over me. My mind quivered and my body trembled uncontrollably. I rubbed my arms

and legs, trying to warm myself up. It was no use.

I went back to the coals of the fire and held my hands out.

A sharp shiver ran from my head to my toes.

I fell on my hands and knees, shaking and quivering. My whole body tingled and then… as quickly as it had started,

it stopped.

I lifted my head, and the entire forest looked different, felt different, smelled different.

There was another presence in my mind.

I looked down and saw furry paws on the ground. A fluffy tail swished behind me.

I'd shifted....

Finally, I'd gotten my wolf.

She shared my joy, our tail wagging like a happy puppy. I pranced around the fire, rolled in the dew-covered grass,

and shook my silky, sleek, chocolate-brown coat. It was the most freeing, exhilarating feeling I'd ever felt.

I'd waited so long to meet her, and here she was.

We trotted around the campsite, enjoying each other's company and spending some time getting to know each

other, feeling each other's presence and getting used to each other.

After a while, I remembered that I urgently needed to get back to Jared.

With my wolf, I was stronger, faster, and had more stamina. I grabbed my pack in my jaws and we raced off into

the night, straight toward the village.

The closer we got, the more I expected to feel the curse. Even in my wolf form, I knew the curse would take hold. I

only got my wolf because it was my birthday, and the curse hadn't been broken.

It took half the time to get back to the village with my wolf.

Right outside of the village, I paused and shifted back to human and got dressed. The entire way there, we'd never

tired, never faltered. I hadn't even felt the curse shadow stirring inside of me.

I wondered if being in wolf form helped protect me from the curse's effects.

Slinging my backpack on, I paused and looked at my arms.


I pulled my sleeves up and ran my hands up and down the curse marks. They weren't nearly as thick or dark as

they'd been before I shifted.

If anything, they were fading rapidly.

Did that mean the curse was broken? How could it be? Mila needed me and Jared to break it. Even if she got to him

first, it wouldn't be enough.

Suddenly, a horrible thought struck me.

What if Jared had given into Hestia, whatever her terms were? Was that what broke the curse?

“Please, Goddess, please. Don't let Jared fall to Hestia's demands. Let him stay strong."

I clutched my hands over my heart and bowed my head. Hopefully, she'd hear my prayer and she wouldn't let

anything bad happen to Jared.

I still needed him....

I hurried through the village, heading straight to the packhouse.

I could hear the commotion of the pack. We hadn't marked each other yet, so I wasn't able to reach out to him with

the mind-link.

As I began to run, even louder eruptions of my name were called out, and everyone from the house came out to

see if it were true.

I pushed my way through the crowd coming to greet me and see if I was alright. They let me pass and I entered the

door just as my mother hurried into the foyer.

“Eliza! You're back!" She hurried to hug me. “Your father went out to continue the search."

“Where is Jared?" I asked desperately as I pulled apart.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She seemed confused.

“Eliza!?" Archer ran up to me and grabbed my shoulders. “You're here! I'm so sorry I lost you."

His words rushed out of him in a panic.

In the middle of the night, I woke up ond bolted upright.


The strongest feeling come over me. My mind quivered ond my body trembled uncontrollobly. I rubbed my orms

ond legs, trying to worm myself up. It wos no use.

I went bock to the cools of the fire ond held my honds out.

A shorp shiver ron from my heod to my toes.

I fell on my honds ond knees, shoking ond quivering. My whole body tingled ond then… os quickly os it hod storted,

it stopped.

I lifted my heod, ond the entire forest looked different, felt different, smelled different.

There wos onother presence in my mind.

I looked down ond sow furry pows on the ground. A fluffy toil swished behind me.

I'd shifted....

Finolly, I'd gotten my wolf.

She shored my joy, our toil wogging like o hoppy puppy. I pronced oround the fire, rolled in the dew-covered gross,

ond shook my silky, sleek, chocolote-brown coot. It wos the most freeing, exhiloroting feeling I'd ever felt.

I'd woited so long to meet her, ond here she wos.

We trotted oround the compsite, enjoying eoch other's compony ond spending some time getting to know eoch

other, feeling eoch other's presence ond getting used to eoch other.

After o while, I remembered thot I urgently needed to get bock to Jored.

With my wolf, I wos stronger, foster, ond hod more stomino. I grobbed my pock in my jows ond we roced off into

the night, stroight toword the villoge.

The closer we got, the more I expected to feel the curse. Even in my wolf form, I knew the curse would toke hold. I

only got my wolf becouse it wos my birthdoy, ond the curse hodn't been broken.

It took holf the time to get bock to the villoge with my wolf.

Right outside of the villoge, I poused ond shifted bock to humon ond got dressed. The entire woy there, we'd never

tired, never foltered. I hodn't even felt the curse shodow stirring inside of me.

I wondered if being in wolf form helped protect me from the curse's effects.

Slinging my bockpock on, I poused ond looked ot my orms.


I pulled my sleeves up ond ron my honds up ond down the curse morks. They weren't neorly os thick or dork os

they'd been before I shifted.

If onything, they were foding ropidly.

Did thot meon the curse wos broken? How could it be? Milo needed me ond Jored to breok it. Even if she got to him

first, it wouldn't be enough.

Suddenly, o horrible thought struck me.

Whot if Jored hod given into Hestio, whotever her terms were? Wos thot whot broke the curse?

“Pleose, Goddess, pleose. Don't let Jored foll to Hestio's demonds. Let him stoy strong."

I clutched my honds over my heort ond bowed my heod. Hopefully, she'd heor my proyer ond she wouldn't let

onything bod hoppen to Jored.

I still needed him....

I hurried through the villoge, heoding stroight to the pockhouse.

I could heor the commotion of the pock. We hodn't morked eoch other yet, so I wosn't oble to reoch out to him with

the mind-link.

As I begon to run, even louder eruptions of my nome were colled out, ond everyone from the house come out to

see if it were true.

I pushed my woy through the crowd coming to greet me ond see if I wos olright. They let me poss ond I entered the

door just os my mother hurried into the foyer.

“Elizo! You're bock!" She hurried to hug me. “Your fother went out to continue the seorch."

“Where is Jored?" I osked desperotely os I pulled oport.

She seemed confused.

“Elizo!?" Archer ron up to me ond grobbed my shoulders. “You're here! I'm so sorry I lost you."

His words rushed out of him in o ponic.

“It's fine. Where is Jared?" I asked again. “Is Mila here?"

“Eliza, you look… like you've traveled a long way." Miriam looked beyond worried as she approached me in the


Why would nobody answer my question? Was he out looking for me as well?

“I have traveled a long way. But I can tell you all the details later. Right now, I need to see Jared."

Miriam touched my cheek, and her eyes watered.

“He has been in his room for several hours, Eliza, refusing to come out… the curse...."

I pulled away from her and darted up the stairs. I ran into his door, but it was locked from the inside.

“Jared! It's me. I'm here!"

I banged on the door, waiting for a response. I glanced at my arms and saw that the tattoos were nearly gone.

“Help me! Someone please, I have to get to him before...."

Archer came up behind me and rammed his shoulder onto the door three times before the lock broke and I was

able to get inside.

I wanted to find Jared well and healthy, I wanted to believe that Mila had gotten to him in time.

I stopped dead and felt the blood drain from my face.

Jared was lying on the floor, blood pooled around him.

My heart fluttered and sank and my wolf bayed forlornly. For the first time, I felt the powerful magnitude of the

mate bond claiming me. An overwhelming wave of love and joy flooded through me and my wolf, along with all of

the pain and heartbreak at seeing Jared bleeding out on the floor.

“Jared! What did you do?"

I hurried to him, hands trembling as I pulled him into my arms. Tears spilled from my eyes onto him as I desperately

tried to think of a way to save him. His breath was so shallow and he was so weak.

Sobs shook my body as I realized… he was dying.



I sat in the window in my room, looking out at the rising sun.

Any other morning, I might have thought that the sunrise looked beautiful, the way that the sky was a reddish-

orange and how birds were already singing in the garden, the very garden I had stood in a few weeks ago, vowing

to love and protect Eliza for the rest of my life.

Today, our birthday, if I didn't act, I'd break that vow. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to Eliza and

our baby.

Happily, I would give my life if it meant Eliza and our baby lived on, even if that meant taking my own life.

All of our searching had failed. We hadn't been able to find Eliza. Archer and I went back to the place she'd been

abducted from over and over again to try to find new clues.

There weren't any.

To make matters worse, I'd annihilated an entire Royal Guard platoon when I fell into the darkness. Any day now,

more Royal Guards could show up and take me back into custody.

If I was going to act to save Eliza and our child, it had to be soon. I was running out of time in more ways than one.

Sighing, I glanced at my arm and flexed my bicep, the curse mark moving along with my bulging muscle.

It was time to act.

Even though Archer had given Eliza her backpack, he'd had the foresight to pull the Cryptex out of it. He'd informed

me that Mila had the locket and the Diadem. I hadn't heard anything from Mila since my arrest.

Without Eliza here, I doubted there was anything she could do.

Archer had kept the Cryptex safe for me and returned it the moment I'd freshened up and eaten a good meal.

It made it possible for me to do what I needed to do....

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Hopping off the windowsill, I grabbed a knife that was sitting on the bedside table. I retrieved the Cryptex from

under my pillow. It had been the safest place to hide it while I was staying here in the packhouse.

Quickly, I locked my bedroom door. It wouldn't do any good to have someone like Miriam come in to check on me

while I was doing what the maidens told me to do.

They were very clear. I had to die in order for Eliza and our child to live, so I couldn't be interrupted.

I sat on the floor, placing the Cryptex between my spread legs. I held my wrist out over the artifact and pressed the

blade to my wrist.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I sucked in a sharp breath and whipped around. A ghostly hag stood in front of me. I quickly lunged at it with the

knife, but it went straight through the aberration.

“What kind of evil is this?"

She cackled softly as her specter moved to the other side of the bed.

“Who are you and why are you here?"

“I am Hestia," she announced.

My heart hammered against my breast as I faced her.

I snarled at Hestia.

“What are you doing here?"

“Well, seeing as you're about to do something incredibly stupid, I'm here to save your life." Hestia grinned. It spread

across her face slowly, twisting her ghastly features into a cruel smirk.

“I'm doing what needs to be done in order to save my mate."

“Ha! You're doing what some figment in a dream told you. How do you know you can trust it?"

“I have to try something. And I trust a dream about as much as I trust you. Why should I listen to you?"

Hestia pursed her lips.

“That's what I thought. Now, leave and let me do this!" I turned back to the Cryptex, taking my seat and tightened

my grip on the knife.

“What if I told you that you could break the curse without sacrificing yourself?"

I loosened my hold on the knife.

“We tried that. A witch was supposed to help us but it… fell through. This is the only way now. And I'm running out

of time."

I glanced at the window again. The sun had fully risen. It was officially midday on our birthday. The curse could

consume me and Eliza, at any moment.

All I had to do was bleed on the Cryptex and die before the curse took Eliza and the baby. Knowing that they would

be safe was all that mattered.

“Would you put that knife down and listen to me?" Hestia put her hands on her hips and glared at me.


“Fine. Be stubborn. But as I said, I am here to offer you a way out of this, with your life intact and Eliza's."

“You're offering to break the curse?"

“I could, easily. You know that."

“But nothing you want comes without a price."

“At least, my offer doesn't cost your life."

Sighing, I eased up on the blade slightly, letting my arm rest at my side.

“What is your offer?"

“Simple. I will break the curse if you do something for me. All you need to do is sever the ties between the Light

Realm and Dark Realm. I'll take care of the rest." She looked up at the ceiling, smiling and shaking her head.


“I need to destroy the Light Realm and all the White Queens. You just need to push things along...."

“You want me to help you destroy the Light Realm and Eliza's cousin? That's your offer to save my own life?"

I stared at Hestia, dumbfounded. Did she really think that I'd choose myself over the entire Light Realm and Eliza's

cousin? If I helped Hestia, Eliza would never forgive me, whether we were mates or not. And that would be worse

than death.

“No thanks."

I sliced my blade across my wrist, spilling my blood on the Cryptex. I gritted my teeth against the pain , breathing

through the stinging as my crimson lifeforce poured from inside of me.