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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 888
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Chapter 94 : It Was All Worth It



The bedroom door burst open and Eliza stormed in.

“Uh… is something wrong?" I arched an eyebrow as she stomped into the room, arms crossed. Her eyes were

bright with anger.

Her lower lip quivered.

No, it wasn't anger, it was disappointment.

“Eliza, what's wrong?" I set my pen down and stood up.

She ran to me and threw herself into my arms.

“Ugh." I took a half step back to brace against the force.

Eliza nuzzled her face into my chest. Her tears soaked through my shirt and I felt the wetness on my skin. Her

shoulders shook slightly with silent sobs.

“Hey, hey, what's going on?" I rubbed her back and squeezed her tightly. “Talk to me."

“M-my parents…" her words were muffled in my shirt and she broke down in sobs again.

I scooped Eliza into my arms and carried her to the bed. Propped up on pillows, I leaned back slightly. She curled up

against my chest, clutching my shirt in her fingers.

I didn't try to talk to her anymore, I just let her cry it out. All I could do was hug her and comfort her.

It seemed to work because she soon sighed heavily and stopped trembling. Eliza's breaths evened out and I could

tell she'd fallen asleep.

I stayed right where I was. Now that she was asleep, I didn't want to disturb her. If I moved, I worried I might wake

her. She needed rest, not just because she was pregnant, but because the stress over the conversation with her

parents wasn't doing her or the baby any favors.

I kept rubbing her back absently, thinking about the long, long day.

I'd sent out a secret wedding invitation to Eliza's parents barely two days ago. Gamma and Ernest responded so

quickly, agreeing to meet me outside of the palace in the market,I couldn't think of an excuse to go get them.

Then, Eliza had fabrics she ordered in the capitol and it was exactly the excuse I needed!

I thought about how when I picked them up, the car ride had been dead quiet the whole way back. I could feel their

eyes on me the entire time but they never once said a word to me.

The entire time, I'd worried that this was going to be some major, dramatic, family showdown. And the moment of

tension when we pulled up in the car and the three of them had stared each other down.

I'd been petrified I'd done the wrong thing.

But Eliza's eyes had told me that I'd done the right thing. Despite how upset she was now and how angry she'd

pretended to be… she was happy to have her parents here.

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Her happiness was all I cared about. Whatever was going on with her and her parents, they'd work it out. I knew

they would, because good parents loved their children unconditionally.

I knew that Eliza had been raised by good parents, otherwise she wouldn't be half as amazing as she was!

My eyelids got heavy and my eyes stung from fatigue. I snuggled down into the pillows and held Eliza a little closer.

It was easy to slip into sleep when she was there with me. Sometimes, I wondered how I ever had a decent night's

sleep without her in my life.


Early in the morning, I slipped out of bed, letting Eliza slumber on. I softly kissed her cheek and tucked the blankets

around her before leaving.

It was a warm, sunny day. Some of the packhouse staff had already gone around and opened the windows in

common areas, letting the warm air in.

I thought I'd grab an early breakfast. Just as I reached the top of the stairs, another room opened and Gamma

came out.

“Good morning," I said, nodding to her.

She sucked in a sharp breath and nodded back.

“Are you headed to the kitchen for breakfast?"

“I am…"

“As am I." I smiled warmly at her.

She gave me a curt nod. “Well, we should probably have a chat, then."

“I would be delighted to talk over breakfast."

I followed Gamma to the kitchen. As soon as I arrived, some of the staff hurried off to get us some breakfast. I

motioned to the large kitchen table and Gamma took her seat.

Gamma was silent until the staff members came back with food and served us both. I could feel her eyes on me the

entire time.

“You look very familiar…"

“Do I?" I sipped my coffee quickly, averting my gaze.

“Oh, you remind me of King Xander."

“Is that so?" I muttered. “Gamma, I'd like to thank you for agreeing to come this far. I know you've been worried

about Eliza."

“Just to be clear, my worries have not abated."

“Of course. She is your daughter, I'm sure you will always worry about her."

Gamma put her fork down and arched an eyebrow at me. “You misunderstand. This is not the life I want for my

daughter. I cannot imagine what kind of life my grandchild will have here…"

Her eyes darted around the kitchen, lingering on some areas that needed to be touched up.

She picked her fork up again and started eating.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she stopped chewing so quickly. I could tell that she was impressed with the food.

Smirking, I popped a strawberry into my mouth. “Did you know that we grow all our own food here? We cultivate

everything organically, harvest by hand, and preserve it."

“That's… impressive…" she trailed off, her voice already a low whisper.

“Unfortunately, we don't have the system for a formal education yet for the youngest pack members. However, I

do make sure that all the younger children learn life skills and survival skills. They also contribute to the community

in other ways."

Gamma nodded and poked at her plate.

“And you accomplish all that without reliable electricity," she commented. “You know, if you want to have a large

wedding ceremony, there are plenty of venues in the Light Realm that you could use."

Pursing my lips, I drained the last of my coffee.

Was Gamma really concerned about where Eliza was living or was she concerned about how far away Eliza was


If it was a simple matter of geography, then she might have been worried about not seeing Eliza and her grandchild

as often.

As it was, she did seem impressed by everything I'd already accomplished, especially the food.

“While we might not have all the modern amenities Eliza grew up with in the Light Realm, it won't be long before we

get full electricity, indoor plumbing, and updates to all the buildings, including the packhouse."

“That is very ambitious." Gamma turned away slightly; her eyes fixed on a crack in the wall.

Sighing, I shook my head. I stroked my chin thoughtfully. Gamma was a direct woman. Perhaps, she would respond

better to a direct question.

I intended to ask her about her concerns about Eliza living in the Dark Realm, so far from them, but Eliza appeared

and Gamma only had eyes for her daughter.

Eliza flicked her eyes to me and I wondered if she'd been listening to our conversation.

“Good morning, Mother, Jared." She sat down and was immediately served with breakfast and a mug of herbal tea.

No caffeine for Eliza while she was pregnant.

“Good morning, Eliza. I'm glad you came down." Her mom patted the seat beside her.

“Are you headed to the kitchen for breakfast?"

“I am…"

Eliza's eyes shifted between me and her mother for a moment. I could tell she was weighing her options. It was like

she thought her mother's invitation was a trick somehow.

Eliza's eyes shifted between me and her mother for a moment. I could tell she was weighing her options. It was like

she thought her mother's invitation was a trick somehow.

I nodded encouragingly to her.

She slid over a few seats to be next to her mother.

“Honey, I'm sorry that your father and I came on a little strong last night. You know we worry about you."

I could see the tension lift from Eliza's shoulders and body when her mother apologized.

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Gamma reached over and tucked some of Eliza's wayward curls behind her ears.

“The truth is, I've been worried sick about you since you took off without leaving any word. And now that I know

you're safe… I just wish you would have sent word about your whereabouts…"

Eliza looked down at her lap. Her brow creased.

I knew how guilty she'd been feeling over making her parents worry and leaving without sending word.

“I didn't do it to punish you," she muttered.

“I know that, sweetie. But it still hurts all the same."

“You're right, I should have sent word. I shouldn't have left you to worry." She sighed and reached for her tea.

“Your father and I just want what is best for you, what makes you happy." Gamma patted Eliza's hand.

I bowed my head and smiled, grateful that the two were able to bury the hatchet.

“Mom, I know you always wanted a different life for me, but I am happy. This is the life that was meant for me." She

smiled warmly at her mother.

“Are you sure?" Gamma creased her brow, frowning slightly.

Eliza lifted her eyes and met mine. I smiled at her and she licked her lips, giving me a secretive smile. She started

running my mother's golden locket back and forth along the neck chain.

“Yes, I'm more than sure."

I winked at her, proud that she was standing up for herself and our life together. She had grown so much, into this

amazing, strong woman. I knew more than ever that she would make an amazing Luna and an amazing mother.

“I want to be here with Jared. I love him and I love this little village. I feel like it is my life calling to rebuild this village

and this pack."

My heart swelled with love for Eliza. She really did know how to make me feel like the luckiest man alive. I doubted

that feeling would ever go away and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

“Honestly, Mom, I can't imagine ever spending one day without Jared. I'm happy with a humble existence, helping

others," Eliza finished.

The hardened look in Gamma's eyes softened. She reached out and took Eliza's hand in hers, squeezing gently.

“Well, your father was right, this is the happiest I've ever seen you. I guess I can't argue with that, or your desire to

help others."

“You know, just because I'll be living in the Dark Realm, it doesn't mean I won't come visit. There are plenty of

transport ships back and forth from the Dark Realm and Light. You're always welcome here and we will visit." She

emphasized each word, making sure her mother understood the promise.

“Well, once that grandbaby of mine is born, you can be sure that your father and I will be visiting more."

The two women leaned close to each other and hugged.

“Does this mean you're going to stay for the wedding?"

Gamma smiled as she pulled back and cupped Eliza's cheek. “I wouldn't miss it."

They hugged again and Eliza looked at me from over her mother's shoulder. She mouthed 'thank you,' to me.

I nodded. Seeing her happy made it all worth it.