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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 887
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Chapter 93 : Kill Them With Kindness

I couldn't stop staring at my parents.

My heart longed to run to them and hug them. To jump into their arms like a little girl.

So much had happened since the last time I'd seen them, though. And from what Charlie and Oliver said, my

parents had come here to drag me home. Did that mean they didn't trust me to look after myself?

I knew they'd be mad at me for running off.

They both just stood there, looking around. Why weren't they saying anything? Why weren't they looking at me?

Jared came over and put his arm around me. I glanced at him and saw the sheepish look in his eyes.

“You couldn't give me a little warning?" I mumbled.

Jared shrugged and gave me an encouraging smile. He nudged me toward my parents.

I studied my father's face first. His expression was unreadable.

He had his arm around my mother and pulled her forward so they could greet me.

I glanced at my mother next. Her lips were a thin line, the faintest essence of a frown. The rest of her expression

was entirely unreadable.

Uh oh… that wasn't good. When I couldn't tell what she was thinking, it usually meant she was holding her emotions

back and… well… that usually happened right before she grounded me or something.

“Eliza, it is good to see you well." My father stepped forward and hugged me.

Tears stung my eyes and I hugged him back, my concerns melting quickly. He gave me a tight squeeze and then

handed me over to my mother.

“You look good." She hugged me quickly.

Her hug was brief and a little cold, and she wouldn't make eye contact with me when it was done.

Suddenly, she grabbed my arm to look at my tattoo marks. She twisted my arm from side to side, just like Miriam

had, and she studied the marks closely. Her lips turned down in an obvious frown.

Next, she looked at Jared, then at me again.

“Alright, Eliza, we need to have a serious talk."

My stomach twisted and I grimaced.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

“Well, come in, come in. Eliza's parents are more than welcome in my home."

Jared led the way inside. I followed him closely but I could feel my mother's eyes on me from behind.

Miriam greeted us in the entryway. She immediately shook my parents' hands.

“It is wonderful to meet you. Come, I've fixed up a guest room for the two of you. You can stay as long as you'd


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Miriam left us at the door of the guest room. I waited in the doorframe while my parents looked around the room.

“Do you need anything?" I asked.

My mother pursed her lips and shook her head.

“I think we're all set, my dear." My father smiled at me.

“Well, I'll be here to help you get settled. I just have a few things to take care of first…"

“Oh, you won't need to help us. We're not going to be staying long," my mother said coolly.

My heart twinged in my chest and I forced a smile, backing out of their room. What was going on with my mom? I

knew she'd be mad that I ran off but I didn't expect her to be harsh with me.

Turning away from them, I grabbed Jared's arm and pulled him down the hall a little way. As soon as we were out of

earshot, I turned to him and glared.

I wanted to scold him for going behind my back and bringing my parents. I wanted to tell him he should have

warned me!

No words came out as I stared at him.

Smirking, Jared wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close.

“Eliza, I know how much you wanted your parents to be here for the wedding. I didn't tell you beforehand because I

didn't want you to get your hopes up… In case they couldn't come. Seeing you that disappointed would have

crushed me."

Jared kissed my forehead. He took his mother's locket in his hands for a moment. When he released it, the necklace

was warm against my skin.

I could tell what he was thinking. He was upset that his mother couldn't be there and if he could give me my

parents for our special day, then that would make up for the absence he felt.

My heart swelled and all the anger I was feeling toward him evaporated. I couldn't be mad at him!

But I wasn't totally convinced my parents wanted to be here.

“I don't know… my mother made it sound like they wouldn't be staying long enough for the wedding…"

Jared took my cheek in his hand and tilted my head up.

“I'm sure they will both be here to celebrate with us."

“I'm going to go talk to them. I think my mom wants to have that chat sooner than later." Reluctantly, I pulled away

from Jared's comforting embrace.

“Do you want me to come along?"

I shook my head. “I appreciate it but this is something I should do on my own."

“Alright. I'll be around if you need me."

I went back to my parents' room. The door was still open and I could see them inside, talking in hushed whispers. I

knocked on the door and they both looked up.

“Come on in, sweetie. We've got some catching up to do." My father beckoned me into the room.

I sat in a chair near the bed where they were sitting next to each other.

My mother's eyes followed me and she looked me over with a sharp, harsh look. When I met her gaze, her eyes

softened and I saw deep concern hidden in the depths of her eyes.

I sighed, relaxing a little.

“We've heard from a few different sources that you've been very busy, traveling all over two worlds."

“I've had my share of adventures," I said, nodding.

My mother sniffed. “You know you shouldn't be running around like that."

“Really, Mom, I've been careful. I'm having a good time and I've made a lot of really awesome friends."

“Good experiences are important for young women to have," my father interjected.

“Just because I'm not living life your way doesn't mean I'm not living a fulfilling, rich life."

“Rich?" My mother's eyes roamed around the room.

I noticed how her eyes lingered on the peeling paint and the loose floorboards.

“Eliza, I'm concerned about you. You're playing a very dangerous game with your life…"

“I know it might look like that but there's more to it than that…"

Quickly, my mother held up her hand, stopping me from saying any more. “This needs to stop, Eliza, before you get

into real trouble… before something happens that you can't undo."

My heart ached like a knife sliced into me. I put my hand on my chest, breathing deeply to keep myself steady.

Was I a bad daughter for hiding the curse from my concerned parents? I had a feeling it would upset my mother

even more and that was the last thing I needed. Chuckling nervously, I rubbed my arm with the curse marks.

No words came out as I stared at him.

Smirking, Jared wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close.

Not to mention… absently, I touched my flat stomach. I wasn't showing yet, but I couldn't hide that forever.

Not to mention… absently, I touched my flat stomach. I wasn't showing yet, but I couldn't hide that forever.

Would my pregnancy help my mother's mood or would she consider that one of those things that happened that I

can't undo?

I felt my mother's eyes on me again and I bit my lower lip. She stared at me, her mouth hanging open. I looked

down at my hand rubbing my stomach.

It gave me away!


My words failed when I saw the bright, happy grin on my father's face.

My mother looked at my father and shook her head.

“Eliza, what are you thinking? You've been running around like some wild child with no upbringing or manners.

You're playing house in a mansion that is falling down around you. This is…"

“Gamma." My father put his hand on my mother's back, cutting her off.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“What? She can barely take care of herself. Do you want to see our grandchild raised in a place like this?" My

mother threw her arms out to the sides.

Her words stung me like a firm slap. I sank deeper into the chair, wishing she wouldn't talk about me like I wasn't


“What I want is for my daughter and grandchildren to be happy. Look at her. She looks happier than I've ever seen


“Thanks, Daddy."

He winked at me. “She found a man that loves her enough to make sure we were here for her wedding. He could

have just as easily not tried to contact us."

“Eliza, I think you're being very hasty in marrying this boy and having a baby." My mother gave me a stern look.

I knew that look well. She'd been giving it to me ever since I was a child. I was always too wild, too undisciplined,

never “proper."

“This is me, Mom. I'm sorry I'm not who you want me to be."

“Eliza, don't apologize. You've grown into a strong, beautiful woman. I could not be prouder of you as my daughter.

And I know you are going to be a great mom."

My dad's eyes twinkled as he looked at me.

My heart lifted and I smiled uncontrollably. It was so good to hear that I had my dad's support through all of this.

“That means a lot, Daddy, thank you." I looped my arms around myself protectively. No matter what my mother

thought, I didn't think this baby was a mistake. I didn't think that what Jared and I were doing was a mistake.

Scoffing, my mom threw her arms out to the sides again.

I could practically feel her frustration rolling off of her in waves. Despite my father's kind words, my mother's

reaction was still too harsh.

How could she so callously dismiss my life and what I'd done? I was her daughter and she was treating me like


Sighing, I stood up and brushed myself off.

“I really want you to be at my wedding, both of you. It means the world to me that Jared contacted you and brought

you here. The entire time I've been planning it, all I could think about was how much I missed you and wanted you

to be a part of this special day with me."

My parents looked at each other and for a moment, I thought I saw my mother's hardened expression waver.

“You guys can relax for now, after your long trip. It is getting late. You can meet everyone else at dinner… I'm really

glad you're both here."

I left them in the room to think about what I said.

Sometimes, it was about killing them with kindness.