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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 870
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Chapter 76 : In the Heart of the Storm

The storm was still a few hours out, so while Jared gathered supplies for us to stay hunkered down for a few days, I

explored the little village.

All the little huts were made of wood and thatch. They didn't look all that sturdy.

I went to the outside of our hut and knocked on the wall with my fist.

The knock echoed through the hollow room on the other side.

Nodding, I stepped back. It did feel sturdy enough. I noticed other people coming in with supplies, too. Apparently,

this was the place to come when hiding out from a big sea storm like the one approaching.

There were other people there too–locals. I could tell they lived there because some of them had little gardens

outside their huts or their kids were playing together.

It was a very simple, quiet place to have families, raise kids, and live.

They all seemed happy and just fine without a lot of modern technology. There was even a communal clothesline,

where I saw several women pulling down hanging clothes and taking them inside before the storm started.

Even when they rushed to bring the clothes in, the entire hut village seemed peaceful and friendly.

“Come on, Eliza. It's time to get inside and board things up," Jared called.

He stood in the doorway of our little hut and waved me in.

We closed the door and shoved a heavy board in front of it to keep it from blowing open. It was a small, round hut

with just one room, so there was only one window. It had shutters on it, and Jared closed and latched them.

He got a fire going in the small fireplace and laid out all our supplies on the kitchen table. We had plenty of dried

goods for food and bottled water. He even got us some lanterns and flashlights.

“We should be okay with all of this."

“What if the roof leaks?" I asked.

Jared smirked and pulled some metal bowls out of the only cabinet in the hut. “Got that covered too." He winked at


I nodded and looked around the hut. It wasn't a bad place to hide out until the storm passed. In the bottom of my

heart, a cold, paralyzing fear crept in.

I put my hand over my heart and tried to take a deep breath. What if the storm never passed?

There was darkness all around us and I could feel it getting closer and closer. What if this storm brought the

darkness and it never left? Could we ever escape?

The shadow in me stirred and I shoved it further down.

“I'm going to change into some pajamas and snuggle up by the fire. Care to join me?" Jared asked.

He pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants. My eyes widened and I took a step back. I hadn't expected him to just

drop everything on the floor.

Jared stretched his arms up and yawned like a foghorn. In nothing but boxers, I got a full view of him. He flopped

down on the couch and patted the cushion beside him.

I put my hands on my hips. “I thought you said you were putting on pajamas."

He grinned. “Oh, you should know by now, these are my pajamas." He snapped the waistband of his boxers.

Rolling my eyes, I stripped down to my underpants and a tank top. I joined Jared on the couch and he pulled a

blanket over us. We snuggled up together, the crackling fire keeping us warm.

Outside, I could hear the winds picking up. Gusts whistled past the hut and shook the thatched room.

I shivered.

“What's wrong?"

I sighed and nuzzled against Jared's bare, sculpted chest. “I can't shake this feeling."

The storm wes still e few hours out, so while Jered gethered supplies for us to stey hunkered down for e few deys, I

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explored the little villege.

All the little huts were mede of wood end thetch. They didn't look ell thet sturdy.

I went to the outside of our hut end knocked on the well with my fist.

The knock echoed through the hollow room on the other side.

Nodding, I stepped beck. It did feel sturdy enough. I noticed other people coming in with supplies, too. Apperently,

this wes the plece to come when hiding out from e big see storm like the one epproeching.

There were other people there too–locels. I could tell they lived there beceuse some of them hed little gerdens

outside their huts or their kids were pleying together.

It wes e very simple, quiet plece to heve femilies, reise kids, end live.

They ell seemed heppy end just fine without e lot of modern technology. There wes even e communel clothesline,

where I sew severel women pulling down henging clothes end teking them inside before the storm sterted.

Even when they rushed to bring the clothes in, the entire hut villege seemed peeceful end friendly.

“Come on, Elize. It's time to get inside end boerd things up," Jered celled.

He stood in the doorwey of our little hut end weved me in.

We closed the door end shoved e heevy boerd in front of it to keep it from blowing open. It wes e smell, round hut

with just one room, so there wes only one window. It hed shutters on it, end Jered closed end letched them.

He got e fire going in the smell fireplece end leid out ell our supplies on the kitchen teble. We hed plenty of dried

goods for food end bottled weter. He even got us some lenterns end fleshlights.

“We should be okey with ell of this."

“Whet if the roof leeks?" I esked.

Jered smirked end pulled some metel bowls out of the only cebinet in the hut. “Got thet covered too." He winked et


I nodded end looked eround the hut. It wesn't e bed plece to hide out until the storm pessed. In the bottom of my

heert, e cold, perelyzing feer crept in.

I put my hend over my heert end tried to teke e deep breeth. Whet if the storm never pessed?

There wes derkness ell eround us end I could feel it getting closer end closer. Whet if this storm brought the

derkness end it never left? Could we ever escepe?

The shedow in me stirred end I shoved it further down.

“I'm going to chenge into some pejemes end snuggle up by the fire. Cere to join me?" Jered esked.

He pulled his shirt off end dropped his pents. My eyes widened end I took e step beck. I hedn't expected him to just

drop everything on the floor.

Jered stretched his erms up end yewned like e foghorn. In nothing but boxers, I got e full view of him. He flopped

down on the couch end petted the cushion beside him.

I put my hends on my hips. “I thought you seid you were putting on pejemes."

He grinned. “Oh, you should know by now, these ere my pejemes." He snepped the weistbend of his boxers.

Rolling my eyes, I stripped down to my underpents end e tenk top. I joined Jered on the couch end he pulled e

blenket over us. We snuggled up together, the creckling fire keeping us werm.

Outside, I could heer the winds picking up. Gusts whistled pest the hut end shook the thetched room.

I shivered.

“Whet's wrong?"

I sighed end nuzzled egeinst Jered's bere, sculpted chest. “I cen't sheke this feeling."

“What feeling?"

“That the storm is dangerous."

“I promise, Eliza, we will be fine," Jared assured. He kissed the top of my head.

I nodded against him and snuggled closer. I tried to block out those thoughts and just focus on Jared and our time


His chest rose and fell, pushing me with each movement. His heart thrummed against my cheek, and every now

and then his arms tensed as he held me a little closer.

Rain started to fall, pelting the hut we were in. Thunder rumbled in the distance but I knew it would only get closer.

By the time the rain had picked up to a torrential downpour, the ground shook with thunder, but it still sounded far


We weren't even into the worst of the storm yet.

The entire hut suddenly lit up with an eerie blue glow. The flash was gone in an instant.


“Ah!" I bolted upright, shaking.

“Eliza, it's okay, it was just some thunder," Jared said. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me.

“That sounded close, really close," I murmured.

“We're perfectly safe." Jared rubbed my back soothingly.

More lightning flashed and quieter thunderclaps rumbled around. I was still shaken by the really close lightning


The fire started to burn low and instead of putting another log on it, Jared got up and turned on the battery-

powered lanterns he'd stockpiled.

When he sat down with me again, he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me close, laying down with me on his

chest. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair.

I sighed, feeling safe and secure in his arms.

“Don't worry," he whispered. “I'm with you. We're together. Nothing else matters. Everything will work itself out."

“You sound so sure."

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head again. “I am sure."

I relaxed against him, feeling like I was melting a little. It occurred to me that if we didn't survive the storm, it

wouldn't be that bad. Like Jared said, we were together, and that was all that mattered.

Everything that had happened between us was enough.

“What are you thinking about?" he asked me, breaking into my thoughts.

“Oh… nothing. I'm glad to be here with you."

“Have you relaxed yet?" he purred in my ear.

“I'm better than I was."

“But not… fully relaxed?"

“Uh… no. The storm is still pretty loud."

“Well, I could help you relax all the way, and take your mind off the storm," Jared suggested.

“Really? How do you plan to do that?"

Jared chuckled. He grabbed my hips and rolled on top of me.

“What're y–“

Jared pressed his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, tasting me fully.

I moaned, wrapping my arms around his neck instantly and melting into his kiss.

Jared's hands ran up and down my sides. Every time his hands slid up, my tank top got a little higher. He caressed

my sides, brushing his thumbs over my navel.

I squirmed in his grasp, moaning into his mouth.

It didn't take long for the crashing of waves and rumbling thunder to drift to the back of my mind.

Jared slid his hands under my shirt. He broke our kiss, pushing it over my head. He latched his lips onto my throat,

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kissing and sucking down my sensitive artery.

Arching my back, I ran my hands down Jared's chest, feeling his muscles tense and shudder under my touch.

He cupped my breasts, massaging them in his palms, rubbing my n*****s in circles. I could feel the firm, pulsing

bulge of his erection against my hip.

My core tightened and heat pooled between my legs. I rolled my hips, pressing against his c**k.

Jared groaned. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head against the arm of the couch. With one

hand, he pinned my wrists.

With his other hand, Jared placed his forefinger at the base of my throat. Slowly, he dragged his finger down my

sternum, between my breasts, and down the line of my stomach.

My skin shivered and tickling pleasure ran through me.

When he got to my belly button, he paused. Smirking, Jared held my gaze and brushed his thumb around my belly


I arched into his touch, gasping. My stomach fluttered and the warmth between my legs intensified. I clenched my


“P-please," I whispered, moaning lightly and tilting my head back.

Jared's fingers slid further down my stomach to the waist of my panties. He slipped his pointer finger in just a little

and ran his finger back and forth along my waistline.

“Please, what?" he asked, tightening his grip on my wrists.

“I… I want...."

I couldn't form any thoughts. My body begged Jared to keep touching me.

He chuckled darkly and slid his hand into my panties. His fingers dipped between my legs, stroking my inner thighs,

coating them in my slick arousal.

“Oh, I get it now," Jared teased. He leaned down and nibbled on my earlobe.

Moaning, I twisted in his grasp. His weight pinned me down.

Jared's fingers moved to my soaked p***y. He brushed my swollen lips, stroking deeper to my slick entrance. His

fingertip teased my slit, sliding up and down.

My legs trembled and I clenched my hands into fists.

He pushed a finger all the way inside. My tight channel of muscles constricted around his finger. Slowly, he slid his

finger in and out, curling it to stroke my inner walls.

“Mmm!" I rolled my hips, desperate to feel more.

“Tsk." Jared pulled his finger out and I whimpered.

He pushed my lips apart and pressed his finger to my swollen, aching clit.

A violent shudder ran through me and I cried out.

Slowly, Jared circled his finger around my pleasure bead. He teased me with light strokes and then pressed harder,

rubbing with more vigor.

My legs shook and I lifted my hips to increase the friction of his touch. He started rubbing faster.

I arched my back and closed my eyes, moaning and sobbing as he took me right to the edge of sanity. I clenched

my legs around his hand as a pleasurable release crashed through me.

Jared released my arms and sat back, pulling my underwear off the rest of the way. He slid out of his boxers.

I brought my hand around his thick c**k and cupped his length.

He sighed and pressed his hips into me. I closed my fingers around him and loosely stroked his shaft until a

glistened bead of precum pooled on his tip.

Biting my lower lip, I slathered the liquid over him with my thumb.

Jared groaned and his eyelids fluttered.

He leaned down, capturing my lips with his.

I curled my hand around the back of his head, kissing him needily and spreading my legs, begging him to take me.