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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 33
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Making my way into the restroom I contemplated what Madalynn was saying. How I wished it wasn‘t


My heart broke at the idea that he was marrying another. I had to admit that, even though he wasn‘t my

mate… I wanted more than anything to remain by his side. Even if I was nothing but a breeder. He didn’t

have to pick me as a mate or his Luna.

It was enough. Rushing into a stall, I quickly relieved everything I had eaten for breakfast. I couldn‘t hold

anything down. Cold sweat beaded down the back of my neck, and uneasiness settled within me. “Mayb

e I need

to go lay down.“I mumbled to myself, trying to get a grip. If it didn‘t get any better, I was going to have to

go see Estrella. I didn‘t want Ethan to see me sick. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I came face to face

with the one person

I didn‘t want to see. Her eyes held a dangerous glint in them, and I knew nothing good was about to com

e of this conversation. “Where do you think you‘re going, wh*re?” Madalynn blocked my way back to Vick

y and Georgia. My heart began to race at the fact that this woman seemed to have it out for me. “Please

let me pass,” I said, trying to make my way past her–

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only to be blocked again by another body Her friends gathered

around, snickering at the idea that I was flustered from the situation. “You dare actually speak to me, bre

eder?!” she exclaimed rather loudly. My eyes

flew around the room to all the women who had overheard what she called me. “Please let me pass,” I s

aid again, trying to make my way around her–

only to have her shove me backwards. “No. You are going to listen to what I have to say.” The sneer on

her face caused me to tremble slightly. “You are done messing with my fiance. He has me now, and we a

re going to be getting married. Any child I give

him will be legitimate not a fucking b*stard from a wh*re.” “Get out of my way, Madalynn.” I felt a fury surg

ing up in me from a place I hadn‘t

even known existed. She could say whatever she wanted to about me, but to speak badly about a yet–

unborn child was beyond unacceptable. “Get out of your way?!” Madalynn screeched before slapping me

, causing me to stumble backwards. “How dare you give me a command! I am

your Luna!!” Stars danced before my eyes at the force Madalynn had hit me with. My ear rang, and I tast

ed metal in my mouth. I looked up at her in shock, my eyes filling with tears that I refused to let fall.

It was only a moment before I realized that I was no longer alone,

Vicky‘s back shielded me from Madalynn.

“You dare hit the Alpha‘s property!?” she growled. “Get the f*ck out of my way, Vicky. I am your Luna

now. Don‘t make me punish you.” “B*tch, who the f*ck do you think you‘re talking to?!” This

time it was Georgia‘s voice that cried out as

Vicky turned around to help me. “Are you okay?” Her eyes were filled with concern. Slowly, I nodded

my head. “Who do you think you‘re talking to!?” Madalynn screeched again, drawing more attention to w

hat was going on. “Who even are you!?” Georgia

laughed, and her laughter held a sadistic note to it. Both Vicky and I looked at her, and I watched as her

eyes shifted into that of her wolf. “I am Ethan‘s sister, you halfwit. I can promise you that you

will never be Luna. You may hold a title as his fiancée–

but it‘s only temporary. I will make your life a living hell for touching Rosalie and thinking you can insert y

ourself into our lives.” Madalynn‘s shocked expression caught my eye. She looked as if she hadn‘t expec

ted Georgia to talk to her like that.

Her eyes fell on me in a glare. Madalynn was going to punish me for making her look like a fool in front of

Georgia. “So, you‘re the rebellious sister? Sorry that I didn‘t realize who you were… but this is none of y

our business,” Madalynn replied, trying to change her tune. “I was dealing with this thing, and as I am sur

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“Shut the fuck up.” Georgia‘s disgusted tone surprised me as she rolled her eyes, a look of revulsion on h

had allowed myself to get caught by

her on my own, and had no one to blame but myself. “Rosalie,” Vicky said softly, “let’s go take you to Estr

can‘t lose the alliance.” Georgia rolled her eyes as I stood up. She followed us past Madalynn. “She isn‘t l

in fear, and the nausea I had felt rose up in me again, making me feel like I was going to be sick everywhe

that it was Georgia, getting ready to step in between us once more. I couldn‘t allow conflict to arise becau

I couldn‘t stop him. “It‘s ok,” I finally said, decisively walking past Georgia and Vicky

to stand in front of Madalynn. Vicky looked at me with a shocked expression, while Georgia held curiosity

be it,” Her laughter caused me to stop mid sentence. “Oh my goodness!” she squealed, clapping her hand

light went off in my head. “You may marry him, but just remember that it‘s a business contract, it‘s not bec

feel victorious. That was until the sharp sting of her hand connected with my face and sent me tumbling ov

was of Georgia trying to get to Madalynn and Vicky holding her back. I knew that I shouldn‘t have said wh

spoken without thinking. I had let my emotions take control of me, and for that, darkness slowly started cl

the distance, growing fainter by the moment. At least I had reminded her of her place–

just like she reminded me of mine