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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 211
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Chapter 211: The Night Everything Changed

“Georgia ” Ethan’s voice echoed through my dream of the butterfly garden pulling me from my sleep.

“Hey, sleepy head. I need you to get up.”

it’s not nice to wake a young lady up from her beauty sleep…” | mumbled, rubbing my eyes, yawning

“Alright, my precious eight-year-old young lady. Get up now, for me.”

I felt Ethan rubbing my head, and I protested, “Hey! Don’t ruin my braids!”

As imy eyes fluttered open they were met by his blue eyes. I sighed like a grown-up-those trouble

making blue eyes! Those teenage girls always talked about how striking they were, and I had heard

enough of it!

Yes, I got it, my big brother was one of the best looking guys in the pack, and being his sister had lots of

perks-1 got candies, cute hair pins, and even free make-up from those teenage girls.

However, I also had to answer their endless questions, such as, “What’s his favorite color?” or, “What

food does he like?” or, “What kind of girls are Ethan’s type?” and so on. I had to make them believe their

best source of news was me so that they wouldn’t go to ask my brother’s best friend. I didn’t like them

bothering Tally!

But now wasn’t the time for me to think about those things, because I was finally awake enough to see

Ethan’s face clearly. I could tell how serious his expression was even though the room was dimly lit.

“What happened, Ethan?” I asked as I sat up. “Did you get into a fight with him again?”

“Him’ meant my father, because I knew Ethan didn’t like calling him “Dad,” and when I had the choice, I

would avoid calling him that.

I didn’t understand why, but Soren was the only one who could be spared from his beatings…

Then I noticed that there was blood on Ethan’s shirt that hadn’t been there when I went to sleep.

Every time he got upset at Ethan, he would always hit him. I didn’t like it when he hit Ethan, but Mommy

would tell me to go to my room. I wasn’t allowed to be there when Ethan was in trouble.

There were one or two times when I’d peeked through the door when I was really young; I’d seen so

much blood that! was worried that Ethan would never get up again.

Glancing down, Ethan stared at the blood and shook his head. “No, I’m fine, Peach.”

“Don’t call me that. I’m not a peach,” I said, scrunching my nose at the detest for the nickname.

“All right, young lady,” Ethan chuckled. “Can you do something for me?”

My big brother had a task for me? Oh yay!

“Of course!” I was ready to listen attentively.

“I want you to close your eyes for me, and I don’t want you to open them until I tell you, okay? Can you

do that?”

I nodded solemnly, giving him my promise, and closed my eyes.

Then I was scooped up and carried out of my bed by a pair of strong arms. Startled, I opened my eyes

and saw my brother looking down at me, raising his brow.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Okay, okay. I won’t look.”

Closing my eyes again, he held me tight against him and started walking out of my room. I wasn’t sure

what was going on, but I could hear the soft whimpers of people around us and the muffled voices of


“Ethan?” I asked, keeping my eyes closed. “What’s going on?”

Chapter 217 The Noht Everything changed

“Nothing you need to worry about, Peach I am going to give you to Talon. And he is going to take you to

his house to sleep over with Vicky

Tally’s house?

Tally’s house!

I would have a sleepover at Tally’s house! That was good news, however...

Normally, I would be over the moon to do a sleepover at Tally’s house, but tonight seemed a bit


“I don’t want to go.” I shook my head, “Why can’t I stay with you?”

He sighed. “Just do as I say, okay? I promise in the morning I will be there for pancakes. It’s Sunday, and

their mama always makes pancakes. Remember?”

I did remember, and a giggle escaped me thinking about the extra powdered sugar she always put on

mine. “That’s a deal.”

“Talon,” Ethan’s voice said firmly. “Take care of her.”

“Yes, Ethan.”

I smiled as soon as I heard Tally’s voice.

I loved his voice. Once in a while, when he came over to hang out with my brother, he would read me a

story, and I normally would doze into sleep in his soothing tone…

“Tally!” I tried to reach out to touch his face as he took me from Ethan. Once I found myself in his arms, I

buried my head into his chest. He felt warmer than my brother.

I could tell from the fading footsteps that my brother had run away. It was just Tally and me. “I’m a little

scared…” I said.

“It’s going to be alright,” he said to console me and gently patted my back.

I sniffed and nodded. My eyes were still closed, but I knew we had left our house. It was a little chilly

outside, but I wasn’t cold in his arms.

Silence filled the surrounding area. It was like we were the only two people left in the whole world. A few

moments passed, with my eyes closed, and I couldn’t help but feel scared again. It was eerily quiet.

Some smell spread in the air…

a metallic smell.


“I’m here.” He cradled me even tighter within his chest, seemingly wanting to make me warmer.

“Are you okay?” I asked. I kept my eyes closed because that was what I had promised Ethan, but I finally

figured out what I was smelling. It was the smell of blood. “Are you injured? Does it hurt?”

He didn’t respond right away this time. “I’m okay, don’t worry,” he said finally,

I liked Tally, a lot. He was just as good looking as my brother, but he usually had a warm smile on his

face. When he had time, he would play games with me, sometimes even bring me flowers. I didn’t want

him to get hurt.

He said nothing as he continued walking. His house wasn’t very close to ours; it would take a little bit to

get there.

“Tally, where is Ethan? Do Mommy and Dad know? If they don’t…”

if they didn’t know and found out I’d left the house in the middle of the night, I’d get punished, and so

would Ethan. He’d be punished even more.

The last time dad hit me, I fell on the ground… then I seemed to have slept for a few days. I remembered

when I woke up, both Ethan and Tally had tears in their eyes. I’d never seen either of them cry before, let

alone both at the same time,

The question seemed to catch Talon off guard. He didn’t answer, but he asked me, “Georgia, can I ask

you something?”

It wasn’t often that Tally said my name. His tone made me think it was important. I wished I could open

my eyes, but I’d given Ethan my word…

“Tally, of course! What is it?”

He took a deep breath and said, “Ethan your brother, he needed to do something that had to be done if

you don’: understand that’s okay but please remember, he loves you, and he would never do anything to

intentionally hurt you.”

“Of course l know that! Ethan doesn’t smile much, but I know he’s a good brother!*

He said, “I’m glad to hear that.”

My words had made Tally smile I couldn’t sce, but I just knew it.

pondered for a moment and asked, “Is someone going to try to hurt me? is that why I have to stay at

your house?”

“Not exactly.” Talon sighed. “But don’t worry, kiddo. You’ll be okay.”

“I’m a young lady, not a kiddo!” i protested again. Why did everyone treat me like a child? I was a good

warrior. I was able to take down some of the ten-year-old boys!

He chuckled. “All right, young lady Peach.” His tone was much lighter now. “You‘ve done quite well with

your task. I’m impressed.”

He was referring to me keeping my eyes closed.

“I’m a lady of my word!” I said proudly.

“! see that. Great job!” he complimented.

We entered his house; I knew it because it was brighter around us. He brought me upstairs and finally

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

laid me down on a bed.

“Now, keep those beautiful eyes closed and go back to sleep,” he said.

But I heard angry howls from a distance and some loud noises that sounded quite chaotic. “Tally, are you

sure everything is alright?”

“Yes, Peach, everything is alright.” To assure me, he added, “I’m here to protect you.”

“Do you promise, Tally?” I asked and I raised my pinky. “Do you?”

He didn’t hook his pinky around mine. After a short moment, he said, “Give me your index finger, Peach.”

I was confused but I did as he said.

“It’s going to pinch a little, okay?”

I nodded bravely. Then I felt cold metal pricking the tip of my finger. A cry escaped my lips, but only for a

moment until he placed his finger against mine. I knew he must have also pricked his own.

Then I heard his voice. Calmly and solemnly he said, “I will protect you until my last breath, Georgia. No

matter what.”

The next morning, I woke up, and the smell of pancakes and bacon filled my nose.

“Come on, Georgia!” Vicky exclaimed from the open doorway. “Mama said breakfast is ready!”

“Vicky, I can’t open my eyes yet!” | still remembered my promise.

Then I heard a low chuckle while my forehead was being rubbed by someone. “Now you can.“

“Ethan!” | squealed as I opened my eyes and jumped up to give him a hug. “You made it!”

He was freshly cleaned, and he smiled, pulled me off him. “I told you I would be here. Good job! I’m

proud of you. Now, go eat.”

“Yay!” Scrambling to my feet, I ran out of the guest bedroom and climbed up at the table next to Vicky.

Her mama placed food in front of me.

It didn’t take long for the backdoor to open, and Tally walked in.

He exchanged a look with Ethan and shook his head. They didn’t say much.

I munched on my pancake and said, “This is so delicious! I could eat this everyday!”

Vicky’s mama smiled. “Then Georgia, how about you stay here with us for a while? I’ll make you

pancakes every morning.”

My eyes widened. “Really…? I can stay here?!”

Vicky’s mama nodded with a smile and I turned around to give Vicky a big hug.

“Are Mommy and Dad okay with this?” I asked, just to be sure.

I saw Ethan‘s eyes turn cold.

“Georgia, your mommy and dad won‘t be around for a while.” Vicky’s mama said.

I nodded. “What about Soren?” Realization set in that I hadn’t seen Soren. “Will Soren come here too?”

A look passed between the grown–ups in the room.

“He is at home. He didn‘t want to come.”