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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 206
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Chapter 206 An Arm and… Another Arm

The queen sat across from me, her elbow on the desk, and her fingers weaved together under her chin.

She waited patiently for my answer.

Ethan didn’t express his opinion, and I knew he wanted this to be my decision.

“How do I know you’re not lying to me?” I asked.

“You know I wouldn’t. Even if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be easy enough for you to hunt us down

afterwards? I’m not that stupid. I need your word to guarantee our safety in getting out of the Mirage, and

I know you’ll keep your promise if the news is legitimate.”

pondered for a moment. Indeed, it would be no use for her to make up anything fake, because when we

found out they tried to trick us again, they would only get themselves into more trouble.

I looked at Ethan and Talon, both men kept their silence. Therefore, I gave her my answer, “Okay, you

have my word that you and your mate’s lives will be spared.”

She nodded, and handed me a letter. A letter from Damian.

My eyes glanced over it quickly. It was a letter from Damian to James. I remembered Soren telling me

that Damian was cunning just like Romero, and he didn’t have loyalty towards anyone. Whatever would

benefit him more would be the action he would take.

Most of the information in the letter we’d already known, but the last part caught my attention.

“I shouldn’t have attacked Kal. D*mn Soren tricked me into doing it, but the damage is already done.

Anyway, I’ve got him now…. Be careful, Ethan and Rosalie are coming to Mirage. You should be


I exchanged a look with Ethan and handed him the letter.

Damian had Soren! We needed to do something about it.

The queen saw I was done reading. She stood up gracefully and nodded to me and Ethan. “It appeared

to me that Queen Rosalie has verified that the news is legit and useful for you. That being said, James

and I will be safe for the rest of our lives. Now, please excuse us.”

The way she carried herself almost made me feel that she was the victor of this meeting.

Before she could exit the room, however, Ethan stopped her. She was not afraid to look him in the eyes

and asked scornfully, “Cousin Ethan, are you planning to break Queen Rosalie’s promise? A deal is a


Ethan kept his cool, but he stated, “I won’t kill you, however, all of us have to pay the price for our

actions. Do you really think you two can be off the hook so easily after bringing disaster for tens of

thousands of lives and families?”

The queen frowned. “Ethan, I admitted that we lost to you, and here we are, you can have the throne.

However, you’re after power just like we were, and if it was you, you would also make the same choice

as we did to protect your heir. In fact, you’ve already done so! So don’t be so disgusting and make it

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sound like you’re some selfless saint!”

Ethan didn’t explain himself but smirked, “You’re right, I’m not. In fact, I hold grudges.”

She sneered, “So what are you going to do about us then? Torture us? So that your precious Rosalie can

see what kind of monster you truly are?”

Ethan didn’t lose his temper because of her provocation. “I have no interest in that. However, I do believe

your punishment should be the same as the one you meted out on me.”

The queen’s eyes narrowed.

Ethan’s lips parted, and only one word came out. Banishment.”

She froze for a few seconds and then started laughing so hard.

“Hahahaha…” Her laugh was bitter and crazy. After a long while, finally, she stopped. She shouted at

Ethan, “Why? Why couldn’t

you just let us go? Wasn’t it already enough that we have lost everything?! Our kingdom and our child?!”

Ethan moved away and gestured for her to go ahead and leave the room.

She finally was irritated by his indifferent attitude and shouted, “ Just because you are worried about us

going after her blood again, you have to banish us?!” She glared at me, and this time, I saw venom in her


I was struck dumbfounded and turned to look at Ethan.

Ethan didn’t seem to care about what she’d said. He looped his arm around my waist and concluded this


“You’re right. I would never take any risk when it comes to her.”


Thanks to the peaceful transition, there was minimal destruction in the capital city. As we took charge of

Mirage, more Alphas from all over the country came to swear their allegiance to me.

Everywhere I went in Mirage, people called out to me, wishing me well. I finally started to get used to

greeting the crowd without flushing and answering questions diplomatically.

It was tiring, but I understood it had to be done.

Once in a while though, I thought of the days when I was in Mirage as a breeder. I actually missed some

of those old times, when there wasn’t an entire country on my shoulders, and I didn’t have to smile to the

point that my face hurt.

I looked towards Ethan, who was currently sitting at the opposite end of the dinning table as me, and his

face was emotionless. We held the dinner to welcome the Alphas from other parts of the country, but it

was obvious that Ethan had no interest in

entertaining any of the guests at all.

I muttered, “How can he sit there and not even smile?”

“Excuse me, Your Majesty, what did you say?” the young Alpha next to me asked.

I turned to look at him. He had a pair of bright eyes. He definitely was a good looking guy, especially

when he smiled, he had a pair of dimples.

*Ah, no, nothing. Thank you for making such a long trip to Mirage. Alpha…” What was his name…? Ah,

Robert, right. “Alpha Robert.”

“Please, Your Majesty, my beautiful queen, know that my pack and I will always be loyal to you!D*mn Kal

forced me to fight for him because he held my mother hostage…”

I looked at Ethan and noticed his jaw was set.

Yep, he was irritated at the moment-again.

I returned my attention to Robert, and asked, “And how is your mother now?”

“Thanks to you, my dear mother is free and back home, Your Majesty. You’re so kind to ask, it would

make her feel very special that you’d asked about her.” He dropped his silverware and got up from his

chair, kneeled down with one knee, took my hand and kissed the back of it.

Alex glared at him from a couple of seats down, “Hey Robert, are you going to eat or not? You are at


Robert replied, “I don’t see any issues expressing my appreciation to the queen!”

Alex retorted, “You can express your appreciation with your words!” Then he turned to me, “Right, Your


Ethan’s face fell even harder, and I could almost hear him make a low rumbling noise in the back of his


I didn’t know what to think at the moment. Looking around the table, I was hoping someone else would

say something to distract those two.

Vicky lowered her head so I couldn’t see her expression, but her shoulders were shaking slightly, while

Georgia burst into laughter.

Cerina, Seraphine, Paul, and Talon all pretended nothing had happened and continued to work on their


I signed inwardly. It seemed like I was on my own.

All I wished for was this dinner to end soon, so when Jace mindlinked me, I excused myself from the

dining hall immediately. Ethan followed me out.

“Your Majesty, I have an urgent message for you.’

Jace and Richard were both tasked to locate Soren. They were sent to the islands and should be back

now. I was hoping we could get some clues about Soren. Any clue. It had been too long since we had

heard from him. And the longer we waited, the more anxious I got.

‘About Soren?” I asked quickly. Hoping to hear some good news.

‘Not exactly. It’s a bit complicated.’

“Meet me in the throne room then,’ I told him.

“Ethan, I’m meeting Jace in the throne room….”

He nodded and walked up to me without a word. He was still cranky about the dinner. Maybe work could

distract him from his bad mood..

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Jace was already waiting at the throne room for us.

Next to him was a box about three feet long laying on the ground.

I was confused. “What happened?”

He extended an envelope to me. “This is for you, Your Majesty!”

* Any ideas who it may be from?” Ethan asked me.

I shook my head. All it said was, “Queen Rosalie” on the envelope.

With my stomach tangled in a knot, I opened the envelope to find a white piece of paper. I read over it

quickly, and my bottom lip began to tremble.

“What is it?” Ethan asked me.

“It’s an invitation,” I told him. “My presence has been requested on the islands.” I looked up at him and

saw the concern in his eyes as I clarified. “It’s from Damian.”

“Why in the world would he think you’ll go to the islands? Did he lose his godd mn mind?”

I handed Ethan the letter. “He said he has an offer for me, but he only wants to speak to me. He

understands if I am accompanied by a small number of guards, but he most definitely does not want to

see you or Talon with me, or else the offer is off the table.”

Ethan’s eyes widened at that last sentence.

“He also said that to show his sincerity, he would present us a gift.”

Both of our gazes landed on the box on the ground.

Ethan frowned, and stepped forward, instructing Jace, “Jace, protect your queen in case there’s

something dangerous in it.”

“Yes, sir!” Jace stepped forward, and used his body as a shield for me.

Ethan opened the box, took a peek, then closed the box top again immediately. I couldn’t see the

contents in it from my angle.

Ethan’s expression was hard to describe, I couldn’t tell his emotions at all.

“What was it?” I asked curiously.

Ethan was still thinking over something, but I couldn’t wait anymore. I walked over, trying to check it out

myself while Ethan pulled me back and used his hand to cover my eyes.

“Don’t look,” he said.

“What is it? You’re making me nervous…”

“It’s an arm,” he said.


My mind immediately went to Soren and I looked towards Ethan, who was still thinking. My heart was

beating wildly, and I almost burst into tears. “Ethan.. Soren…”

He looked at me and shook his head, “No, that’s not Soren’s.”

I let out a relieved breath to soothe my thumping heart.

Then I heard him say, “It seems to be Kal’s.”