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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 20
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**Talon‘s POV “Hey, you‘re here!” Ethan greeted me. Something about his burst of energy was a little un

nerving, and I wasn‘t sure what was going on, but I was curious to find out why he seemed to be in a goo

d mood. “Yes, Alpha! I left the training grounds as soon as I heard you needed me.” “How is training goin

g?” he asked, watching me with an intense gaze as he leaned back in the black leather chair behind his

desk. “Very well. The new recruits are doing excellent. Perhaps if you‘re free tomorrow, you would like to

come down and take a look? You‘ll be happy with their progress.” He sat for a moment watching me, and

couldn‘t help but feel like he was up to something. “That I will, but I have something else I called you her

e for.” There it was. The true reason

why he summoned me. I leaned closer, trying to be more attentive. “What is your request, Alpha?” Ethan

looked at me and

seemed to find amusement in my reaction. “Will you calm down? I don‘t need anything.” I wasn‘t sure if E

than was high or drunk. His actions completely baffled me, and that was something I didn‘t take lightly. H

e was acting abnormal. “What‘s going on?” I asked. As soon as the question left my lips, I watched his de

meanor change. He crossed his arms. “Excuse me?” “No offense, Alpha. You just seem to be in a good

mood this morning, and, please excuse my honesty, but that‘s rare.” 1 Ethan

quickly snapped his narrowing eyes to me. “I‘m just glad we‘re prepared for the upcoming battle.”

Yeah, like I believed that.

However, there was no point arguing it, so I quickly agreed, “Of course.”

“We have visitors coming…” Ethan stated getting back to business, but kept his glare fixed on where I st

ood. “Alpha Romero from Poldesse is coming with his daughter Madalynn to visit the king. They will rest

here three days before continuing

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on their journey.” I was taken a bit by surprise because visitors were generally not welcomed by Ethan, d

ue to security concerns and his dislike for meaningless social events. Plus, people feared us. Even if Eth

an extended an invitation, they would most likely decline it anyway. “Oh…

okay.” I quickly adjusted my attitude. “I will make sure their rooms are sorted.” Ethan looked at me, raisin

g a brow. “What‘s wrong?” “Nothing. Just surprised, really. It isn‘t exactly like you to host anyone.” “Trust

me, I‘m not thrilled about it– but he was adamant, and I don‘t want the king to be upset. I‘m

not offending a guest who‘s helping us with the war.” | I understood how things had escalated. Ethan was

under quite a lot of pressure to build up the

Unwelcome Company defensive line and the alliance. We were preparing as much as we could, but Drog

omor was only one pack, and we were already spread thin. This Alpha‘s visit wasn‘t something Ethan wa

s happy about, but at this point, any help would count. Otherwise, Ethan would never allow such potentia

l distractions into our territory. “Okay. I‘ll make sure dinners are properly arranged during their stay, as we

ll,” I added, knowing that it was customary to do so.

Ethan sighed. “Yes. I suppose that would

be the polite thing,” he gritted through his teeth. Alright, that was the Alpha I knew.

I began to turn away, and then stopped. “Alpha, may I ask a question?”

“Go ahead, but make it quick.” He gritted out again.

“Miss Rosalie… What would you like done about

her situation, while the visitors are here?” He didn‘t want to share her presence with anyone if he didn‘t a

bsolutely have to. Another Alpha coming in was going to complicate things. He thought over the question,

and then quickly said, “She is in my wing, and can remain there for the days they are here.” “Very well. I

will let Vicky know as well.”

As I turned to go, his voice stopped me. “I don‘t want anyone from Poldesse to know why she’s here, Tal

on.” “Understood.”

As expected, the arrival of the Alpha came quickly. As their car pulled into the long driveway of the pack

house, Ethan and I went to greet them. I wasn‘t sure what to expect, but, of course, they were all the sa

me in the end. Alpha Romero was a tall man, but not as big as Ethan. As he stepped from the blacked–

out SUV, his wealth was on full display. From the expensive designer clothing to his shining jewelry, ever

ything dripped money. “Alpha Romero, welcome,” Ethan said firmly. It was clear Ethan wasn‘t pleased ab

out the Alpha being on his territory, but he was doing what needed to be done to keep the peace. “Thank

you for having us,” Romero replied, his grin showing off all of his pearly white teeth. As he turned, he hel

d his hand out to a tall brunette girl that had been behind him. She was definitely pretty, and the short, re

vealing clothing she wore screamed ‘problem.‘ There was a glint in her eyes when she stared at Ethan, a

nd something deep down inside me told me I was going to have to run interference for Ethan, because ot

herwise he was likely to go off on a young girl seeking his favor. “This is my daughter, Madalynn.” Romer

o stated with a smile. “We are hoping to find her a good match when we go to the capital. She is of age,

and has a strong bloodline to support any eager Alpha who wants an adequate mate.” The tension runni

ng through Ethan rubbed off on me, and I quickly smiled. “We welcome you both. Please follow me,

and I will show you towards your rooms.” I knew better than to allow Ethan to

continue with small talk. He wasn‘t a chatty kind of person, and it was obvious from Romero‘s comment t

hat he was going to try and throw his daughter at Ethan

who was not interested at all. “We will be hosting a dinner tonight to welcome you both,” Ethan said flatly a

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walk up the stairs, Madalynn‘s chipper voice rang from behind me. “I look forward to seeing you later, Etha

look at them and then at Ethan. He didn‘t like anyone to address him by his first name unless

allowed to. I watched him stop in the middle of the

hall, but I stepped in to correct her before he could react. “Miss Madalynn, in this pack he is addressed as

sentence. “Yes, Madalynn, you are.. But we are in Drogomor. Not our home. Be a polite young lady and re

Ethan. He wanted them nowhere near him or Rosalie. That was clear. “Don‘t worry about it.” I put on a pro

asked as I turned to look at her. “Miss Madalynn, Alpha Ethan often has

late meetings, and his wing may not be the quietest for our guests. Don‘t worry, the rooms we have for

you are equally beautiful,” I stated, trying to smooth the situation over. Romero nodded with a small smile,

journeys tend to wear people‘s patience out. I will leave you to get situated and see you at seven in the gr

and his daughter was that reason.

I sighed and walked towards the Alpha‘s wing of the pack house. Now, it was even more clear that I | need

about Rosalie.

I raised my fist and knocked on the

door of the Luna suite. Rosalie opened it, her smile widening upon her face. “Talon…Is everything okay?”

Unwelcome Company “Yes, Miss Rosalie…I just wanted to make sure you

had everything you needed for the rest of the night.” Vicky had told her that we had visitors for a few days

friend was implying she shouldn‘t leave the room. I felt bad making such a request, but thankfully, she did

ever seen. I just wished Ethan could see that, too. “You don‘t need to explain–

I understand,” she assured me. “And don‘t worry, I will stay in the room.” “Well, then, in that case…

have a good night.”