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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 165
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Chapter 165 Prisoner Again

He was so strong, so powerful, that a direct blow from him to my head would certainly crush my skull.

When he swung his fist at me, I knew then, I was a dead woman.

So I waited, with my eyes closed, for the impact, assuming my world would fade away soon. Rowan’s

sweet face was all I saw before my eyes

But rather than feeling the direct impact of Ethan’s fist to my head, instead, I felt a rain of debris-bark,

leaves, small twigs-as Ethan instead made contact with a large elm tree I was standing next to.

His rageful battle cry rang out around me as the splintered wood hit me in the face and shoulder. I raised

my arms to shield my face and waited for the storm to pass.

When I opened my eyes again, the tree was demolished. A large chunk of it was missing on the far side,

and the trunk was bent backward like it would topple over any second.

My eyes then went to Ethan. Blood was pouring from his hand, the skin mangled and shredded from

where the bark had bitten into his flesh. However, he didn’t stop. He continued to punch the tree over

and over again until his fists were coated in so much blood and cuts that I could barely tell their original


When he was finally done, he left his fists half buried in the tree trunk and he was still panting heavily

from the exertion of trying to keep from hitting me. The blood trickled down from his fingers along the tree

trunk, forming a small puddle on the ground.

Eyes wide, mouth agape, I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I couldn’t believe what had just

happened. Had he really just punched a tree instead of me? Nearly destroying a sixty-foot elm rather

than my face?

He didn’t spare a look at me, and his eyes were red and moist. For a second, I thought, if he were to cry,

he would cry blood instead of tears.

At seeing the wounds on his hands, my gut instinct was to offer to help, to try to fix it. Standing there in

obvious pain, even though he wasn’t so much as gritting his teeth, I knew that Ethan was more

vulnerable in that very moment than he had ever been before, even when we were making love, even

when he confessed to me about his broken heart, even when he’d told me that he loved me for the first

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


But then I remembered-there’s no fixing Ethan. After all of this time of me trying to correct his erratic,

unacceptable behavior, perhaps that lesson had finally sunk into my skull, even if his fist didn’t.

He might be vulnerable at the moment, but in a matter of seconds, his countenance would change. He’d

bottle that emotion right back up, and he would go from the emotionally available, open person I saw

standing before me now back to the heartless monster I’d come to know of late.

Even as I watched him, I could see his countenance change. His eyes were narrowing again, and his

face crumpled into a scowl, not because of the pain but because of the anger.

Punching the tree hadn’t made him feel any better. It had only messed up his hands-and the tree.

Knowing that Seraphine and Soren had to have gotten away by now, I resigned myself to the fact that I

was Ethan’s prisoner again. Running would do me no good. Even with injured hands, he’d catch me,

Besides, all of the fight was out of me. Not only did Ethan’s outrage let me know he’d completely lost his

mind now, but it also resigned me to the fact that I was a lost cause.

I was never going to break free of him… Now, I may never even see my son again.

Once he had caught his breath, he said, “Let’s go, Rosalie.”

Amoment later a few of his guards arrived, and I knew I’d better start walking But before I turned to go, I

said, “Just remember what I told you, Ethan I may be here in the flesh and blood, but you will never

capture my soul. I don’t belong to you.”

He didn’t say anything in return, only stared at me, his red eyes seemingly dead to the world

The guards surrounded me, all of them bloodied and battered from the battle, which I was assuming was

over since I no longer beord wolves fighting in the distance. Otherwise, they likely wouldn’t have come to

investigate the situation.

I doubted Ethan had actually called for ther ass store using the

heas seil onder the impression he could handle me himself While that proved to still be true c o lor

hondameerima vious

Ethan came with us. He insisted on taunting me, staking songs de mele a phantom halbent on staying

amenace that simply would not go away

I thought I’d feel better after saying all wanted to Enan, however icottere seeing him hurt made me more

upset than I could understand

ved or hapov letting my emotion out In fact,

I shook my head and seriously thought there was something wrong with me

When we got back to the camp, I saw that much of it was in shambles People were thing to right the

tents and put things back where they belonged

Luckily for me, my prison tent was unhamed

Vicky was in her human form, working alongside a man I had to assume was Paul to help a few injured

wolves. When she saw me, her eyes lit up, and she came running over to me ‘Rosalie she said.

Vicky only got about ten feet from me when Ethan stopped her ‘Wol’ he shouted, “You are no longer

allowed to see Rosalie! No one is!”

Vicky’s face fell, and I watched her puzzle over what mightve happened. It was clear she wanted to

reason with Ethan, but she knew better than to do that. Instead, she asked him. What happened to your


“Leave me the f*ck alone,’ was his impolite response, and once again, I saw the emotion in her face shift.

She lowered her head, but glanced at me. I could tell she was sincerely concerned for her Alpha.

I wanted to tell her I was sorry and thank her for her friendship, but at the moment, all I could do was

keep walking,

“Where’s the baby?’ Vicky called after us, and Ethan swirled around and came after her. Thankfully, by

then, Paul was there. He took Vicky by the arm and tugged her away, making small bowing gestures as

he went, as if to silently apologize to Ethan so that he didn’t destroy both of them.

“Stop being a jerk!” I muttered, not caring if he heard me or not. I knew he wasn’t going to hit me now, so

I wasn’t afraid of him.

But the defeated spirit I felt was weighing down my soul sat like a heavy boulder in my chest.

Especially when I arrived back at my tent.

Inside, everything was nearly the same.

Except for the fact that my baby was gone. His bassinet, the one Ethan had made for him, sat there

empty. All of his things were gone for the most part. There was just the cot with the dirty blankets on it

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and a few other items I’d been brought over the time I’d been held here.

I would go back to my previous disposition soon enough-not eating, not drinking any water, not talking to


If he wanted to hold me here, he’d have to be satisfied with a shell of me because that’s all he was going

to get.

“You will stay here,” Ethan said to me. I didn’t turn around to look at him. “No more visitors. Only you in

here… as my prisoner.”

Without turning around, I reminded him of what I’d already told him. “You may have my body, but you’ll

never have me, Ethan. If you ever regain your soul, you’ll realize what a horrible person you’ve become!

I don’t want to see your face. Ever again.”

He growled at me, but he didn’t say anything. What was there to say? I was the prisoner, he was the

master…. If he expected me to like that, he had another thing coming.

Ethan stepped out of my tent, closing it up behind him, and I heard him telling the guards to stay there

and not to go anywhere for any reason

A sigh of exhaustion left my lips as I melted onto the cot, sitting with my back against the tent wall again,

my knees folded up into my chest

I had done this before; I could do it again.

Butheglome there was a hopelessness around me that I hadn’t felt before. My son was gone. I had no

chance of getting to see my



oud become a spirit and just float through the tent walls, that I could fly away, over the foresi, to find my

baby, and

then re-solidify next to him, snatching him up in my arms.

For however long Etrian kept me here this time, I would spend every moment thinking of Rowan and

praying that he was safe

When Ethan first met me, I was a different woman in many ways, but one thing he failed to take into

consideration was how dramatically a woman can change when she becomes a mother.

Before, I was trying to find a way to survive Ethan for myself and the welfare of someone I’d never met

Now, I was tying to surme Ethan for Rowan, my child, the most important person in the world.

That made me far stronger than Ethan could ever realize.