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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156 After The Wild Sex…

*Ethan POV

Staring down at Rosalie, I spent the entire rest of the night admiring her beauty. Never had we made love

in such a way, but now, with her back to my chest and my body wrapped around hers, I was indulged in

love and passion that! thought I would never be able to obtain.

She was exhausted and had been sleeping for a few hours. Her breathing was smooth, and her scent

was incredibly delicious. My wolf was already whimpering for her again, but I knew she would be too

tired for that.

So many thoughts were running through my mind. She tried to kill me, but she didn’t. Did that mean that

perhaps ! weighed more in her heart than I thought?

I was hopeful. Perhaps if I worked hard enough, she could still find the possibility of accepting me back

into her life? And perhaps my dream to start all over again with her was something that was actually


She was everything to me. Everything I always wanted, and couldn’t believe that I was so stupid long

ago to even consider ending her life.

I also couldn’t believe I was so clueless that she could have been my mate.

The wound at my chest had healed more rapidly than anything I had ever witnessed before, and it made

me wonder if the rumors about Rosalie were true.

Did she really have healing powers?

Was her blood a cure that would change the outcome of the war?

Many questions ran through my mind, but at the end of the day, deep down, I knew the truth. I knew that

one way or another, Rosalie was far more special that we realized.

Her sweet body wiggled, which pulled me out of my own thoughts. I noticed that her breathing had

changed. She must be awake.

“Rosalie…” I whispered softly in her ear as my fingers brushed strands of hair from her sleeping face.

However, I heard no response.


lused one arm to support my body so that I could see her face, “Talk to me Rosalie,” I whispered again.

“Tell me what you want…”

Then I saw her eyes staring off into the distance, and her gaze contained no emotion at all again.

My heart sank.

So desperately did I want to see the love and affection in her eyes that I had once seen, but it was more

than obvious that that version of Rosalie was gone.

I couldn’t tell what she was thinking at the moment, but it certainly was not adoration.

She unwrapped herself from my arms, sat up slowly, and pulled away from me. My brows furrowed in

confusion as I watched her naked form walk towards a chair and grab the silk robe, slipping it on around

her body.

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Har cold attitude extinguished the love and passion in the tent instantly, and I felt disappointment, and

resentment started to replace the tenderness and joy in my heart. At that moment I was so upset that I

raised my voice. “So is that it? | asked with sarcasm. “Are you just going to ignore me?” She turned and

stared at me and finally asked me back, ‘What do you want me to say, Ethan?”

I didn’t know how to answer,

She shook her head and sat down on a chair in the far corner of the tent. It was silent again.

The indifference in her tone and gaze caused anger to surge through me. “Rosalie, I just want you to be

the woman I know you can be.” I pressed down my irritation and tried to make myself sound leveled.

Her response was again cold and distant. “The old Rosalie is long gone, Ethan. This is the person you

get from now


I stood up and walked over to her, gripping her. arm. “Don’t do this to me…”

Her eyes stayed on me for a moment as if she was searching the depths of my soul, but in the end, only

a small smirk crossed her lips, and she looked away. She didn’t bother to argue with me any more.


My eyes widened with shock as a roar escaped my lips in anger. “Then what was last night about?!”

“Last night was a mistake. That was all,” she calmly declared

It took me a while to take in what she had said, and she had no idea how much her words hurt.

No longer able to withstand her indifferences, I grabbed my shorts, slid them on, and stormed out of her


I told myself that she played a good game of pretending that she didn’t care, but deep down, I knew she

did. There was no way that she would sleep with me and not have some type of feelings.

It just wasn’t possible. I refused to believe it.

“Alpha?” Talon’s voice rang behind me, and turning, I found concern etched on his face. Something was

wrong, and. whatever it was, Talon was worried..

“What the f*ck do you need me for?!” I was already in a terrible mood and had no interest in dealing with

Talon’s sht.

Talon frowned and looked into my eyes, even more worried He hesitated but went on with his reporting

after a short pause.

“We’ve been working on clearing up the area surrounding the camp and pushing our border further.

Some scouts came back last night. They ran into some other rogues and didn’t get as far as we hoped,

but they still made some progress.”

“Who went?”

“Siggle Eye’s group along with another four groups.”

“How many did we lose?”

Talon’s tone was lighter, and he said in a more cheerful tone, “Fortunately, none.”



“None died, meaning they didn’t fight hard enough. They made no progress, and you’re happy? Talon,

what the f*ck is wrong with you!”

Talon’s brow furrowed. “Alpha, I don’t understand.” I turned to him and gave him my order. “Kill all the

guys who led the operation.” Talon was stunned, and he looked me in the eye. “Ethan… what’s going on!

Are you serious?” “Are you f*cking questioning me?” I roared. Why must everyone fight with me? Why

couldn’t they just do what I asked? Rosalie first, then Georgia fought with me asking me to let the baby

stay with Rosalie, and now Talon…? “Ethan, do you understand what you’re talking about? You’re not

yourself!” Talon rarely raised his voice at me, but he obviously wanted his opinion heard this time.

“If you don’t want to do it, I will!”:

What the h*ck was wrong with everyone?!

My anger rose rapidly, and the only thing that could calm my fury was blood.

I needed to feel my enemies’ blood drip from my mouth as Isnapped their necks and ripped out their

throats. I needed it, and I needed it now.

Quickly I shifted, and as I did, a roar escaped my throat, letting out the battle cry that other wolves should

be fearful of, regardless of whether they were from my ranks or from the enemies’.

“Sh*t!” I heard Talon curse and chase after me.

I let the madness and bloodlust fill my mind as I let my wolf take control. By the time I got to the other

side of the camp, I saw Vicky and Paul. They were helping those who were wounded from the operation

that Talon had just reported about.

“Alpha!” the couple greeted me, but I could see terror in their eyes when they met my eyes.

“Move!” My red eyes gazed forward. Those savages fought like sh*t. They deserve to die without honor!’

I roared at them through the mindlink.

Their eyes widened in fear as they stared at me, mouths opened wide. Were they afraid of me? Good,

they should be!

“Alpha!” Vicky pressed down her voice so that those wounded not far away wouldn’t hear our

conversation. “They joined our cause and fought for us. Please, spare their lives

I narrowed my eyes, and Talon arrived, inserting himself between me and his sister.

You will watch how you speak to me, Vicky!’ I snapped at her in the mindlink. The rage coursed inside

me, and I was so consumed with the anger that rationality wasn’t in my forefront.

Vicky whispered, “My apologies, Alpha.” Her eyes cast low, and I could tell Paul was wary of me.

Talon had shifted back to his human form as he grabbed two capes. He wrapped one around himself and

tossed the other to my wolf. He knew that I wouldn’t attack his human form. “Alpha, just take a moment

for yourself. Please!”

I hated when they called me Alpha.

What kind of Alpha was I really becoming… one without a title,. Without a soul… and without a mate. I

pressed down my anger as much as I could and shifted back as well

“Do none of you understand my order? They are weak, and I don’t have time for weakness! Kill them!”

A voice rang behind me. “I can’t shift, and according to you, I’m weak too. Why don’t you just f*cking kill

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me as well?” It was Georgia. Great, just great. They were all teaming up against me!

“Georgia, what the f*ck are you doing here?”

She ignored me and greeted the rest of the group, “Oh, hi, guys! Um, do you mind if I have a word with

my brother? I don’t want to make this ugly.”

I clenched my fists. Talon looked at her with disapproval, but she winked back at him. He sighed and

pulled both Vicky and Paul away. After the three of them left the scene, Georgia snapped at me, “You

need to f*cking wake up, Ethan! It wasn’t your choice to become a rogue, but what the f*ck are you doing

right now?!” “I’m doing what’s best for everyone!” I retorted. “No, you’re not. You’re just lashing out at

everyone for no reason. Talon and Vicky gave up everything for you, and look what you’re doing to them

now!” . Glanng at her, I bared my teeth in anger. “Watch how you speak to me.”. “Stop it, Ethan! Stop

telling us what we should or should not do. We’re all adults, and we know how to f*cking take care of


Htook a deep breath. “So you’re here to question how I run my ranks, Georgia?”.

“No, that’s your f*cking business. I’m here for Rosalie. I want to see her, and she needs to see her son.”

“No,” I replied, still thinking about how Rosalie acted earlier. “She needs to rest.”

“That is literally your f*cking explanation for everything! That’s all you ever say to anyone. That Rosalie

needs to rest. Stop being a f*cking *sshole and let her go back to her people, and let her be the queen

she is, Ethan!”

stared at her. “I know what you’re thinking, Georgia! You want to help her run away from me. You want to

go back to her pack and act like a hero. But this is real war we’re fighting, Georgia, not some f*cking kids’


“What the f*ck are you talking about?!”

Georgia’s eyes looked up to me once more. “Like I said, I’m just wasting my time trying to reason with

you. I’ll say this once. You need to trust us, and you need to trust Rosalie. If you’re going to keep her

here, at least let her have company! If you don’t trust me, fine. At least let Talon or Vicky go. You know

they won’t betray you!” My eyes widened with fury burning in their depths as a roar escaped my lips.

“Shut up, Georgia!”

Georgia wasn’t afraid of me at all, and she sneered, “I will after I’m done. She deserves so much better

than what you are right now, and so does your son. You are not the man you used to be, and I can see

why she doesn’t want you any more, you asshole!”


After she finished, he turned around and left me standing there by myself.

I could feel the pull towards Rosalie again and I caught a glimpse of her tent. It seemed that her tent flap

was open for a second.

The red haze in my eye seemed to fade a little. I stood there for a few minutes and then walked to my

own tent. However, Georgia’s words kept coming back to my mind.

I sat on my bed and tried to press my frustration down without avail.

Finally, I mindlinked Vicky.

‘Yes, Alpha?’ she responded instantly. I could tell she had found her calm self again.

“Alpha…?’ she asked tentatively.

After a long pause, I said, ‘Go check on Rosalie.’