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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155: Escaping From The Rogue King

**Soren’s POV

For days, I had been searching for Rosalie and had still come up empty-handed.

It hadn’t been easy to track her while avoiding all of the other parties running amok in the woods.

All of a sudden, the northern territory was crowded with different forces. Besides the mysterious Winter

Forest pack, not only were there guys from my uncle’s kingdom, who would’ve gladly had my head if they

were to come across me, there were also King James’s secret agents as well as all sorts of rogues.

On the way to the frontline, I caught word of the Rogue King. The moment I overheard some villagers

talking about the handsome, muscular man with the red eyes who was undefeatable in battle, I knew

who it had to be.

My half-brother Ethan. The Alpha who had been thrown out of the capital by his very own cousin. Who

else could it be?

But I didn’t want to have anything to do with them, Kal, James or Ethan. None. I simply wanted to find

Rosalie and make sure that she was okay. James was after her for her blood. If she wasn’t careful, they

would find opportunities to approach her and take her back to Mirage.

However, regardless of trying my best, I was still too late.

By the time I got to the frontline, unfortunately, I got word that Rosalie was already taken away by the

Rogue King. He came and left like a ghost. No one knew how he did it, but we were not able to locate

him after his short appearance.

The Winter Forest pack had been searching for their queen for days. Even if the scout got a glimpse of

the Rogue King, by the time the reinforcements arrived, Ethan and his group would just disappear again.

No one was able to get in touch with Rosalie, so we had no way of knowing whether she was there with

him because she wanted to be or because he wouldn’t let her go.

I needed to find that out. If she did want to be liberated, then no matter how strong Ethan was, I would do

everything I could to set her free.

I was frustrated with the progress Cerina and Seraphine made in searching for Rosalie and decided it

would be best if I acted on my own. I realized that I could guess some of Ethan’s plans when I put myself

in his shoes. After all, we were brothers. A lot of times, we would think alike.

After almost a week, I’d managed to spot a campsite that I thought had to be Ethan’s. I spent a day or

two in the woods nearby without being detected, but just when I thought I saw someone walking around

who looked a lot like my half-brother, I realized that the smell of wolves was growing stronger by the


Part of me wanted to stick around to confirm whether that was Ethan, but the alarms in my brain were

going off, telling me to run.

They must’ve detected me and were on my trail.

Abandoning my initial goal, I took off, running through the forest as quickly as I could. Hearing the sound

of paws hitting the forest floor near behind me, I dodged behind a tree and stripped in order to salvage

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my clothes before ! shifted, taking them with me.

in my wolf form, I was faster than in my human form, and I was also quicker than Ethan’s soldiers.

He wasn’t the only brother who got speed and agility as part of their good genes.

I circled back around the battlefield that they’d all been fighting on a few days ago, letting the mixed

scents from the various packs mask my smell. The aluminum odor of blood and a hint of death hung in

the air as well, mingling

with the usual fragrances of the forest. Together, they helped me to hide my trail.

Still, I could feel them behind me, even if they weren’t right on my tail anymore. I circled around again,

going much wider and heading for a nearby village. Perhaps I could find a place to hide there or at the

very least use the scents of the others in the village to mask my own.

I dodged between buildings and down alleys, drawing a few eyes from passersby who were probably

wondering if I was a rogue myself.

But my eyes were not red, so they didn’t stare for long at the stranger, assuming I meant no harm.

I kept running, making loops, heading back into the woods a distance from Ethan’s camp.

Once I reached a thicker section of forest, I slowed down and listened. I didn’t hear them anywhere. I

couldn’t smell them anymore either.

I thought I’d lost them..

I decided to take a breather. I shifted back into my human form and got dressed. I sat with my back

against the trunk of a pine tree and considered my next move.

How was I supposed to get into the camp all by myself to find out whether or not Rosalie was truly there?

If I still had the troops I had before, it would be so much easier. I wasn’t used to being on my own. I had

people who worked for me, and I had Thomas, but now… it was just me.

Closing my eyes, I let my exhaustion from running around the woods overtake me. Before I knew it, I

was asleep and dreaming of Rosalie, of finding her, liberating her, and running away with her to a place

where she and I could start a life together with the baby. It was a pleasant dream, one I never wanted to


But then, a strange noise woke me, and when my eyes flew open, I was looking into a pair of dark eyes

only a few inches from my face.

I leaped backward, wanting to get into a defensive position, but I was trapped against the tree. I swung

my fist around, which seemed to startle the person in front of me. And in a flash, I noticed a knife was

pointing at my throat.

However, the person holding the knife was trembling, obviously not a seasoned fighter. I narrowed my

eyes and dodged the knife easily. With a few tussels back and forth, I gained the upper hand and

snatched the knife from my attacker.

It didn’t take long for me to pin him down and point the knife back at his throat, but then I realized that he

was a young wolf who had fear in his eyes.

“Who are you?” I growled.

“Wait! Don’t hurt him!” an elderly female voice said, “I ‘pologize for that, son!’

I looked up from the young man and saw the face of an old woman. She said, “We ain’t sure whether

you’re a rogue. Sorry, we needed to be careful.”

I didn’t move and evaluated my situation. It was true that they didn’t attack me in the first place. Had I not

waved my fists around, the guy probably wouldn’t have pulled the knife. They probably didn’t intend to

really hurt me after all.

Sol moved the knife away and released the young men in my capture.

I got a clear view of the leader. She was probably in her mid-seventies with gray hair and wrinkled skin.

She was covered in dirt and leaves, as was I, no doubt, and it appeared as if she must live out here in

the woods.

“We’re all good,” I said. “I didn’t mean any harm either. I was just very tired and took a rest here.”

I wasn’t afraid of them, but I’d rather conserve my energy by avoiding any fighting at the moment.

“Yes, we see it now, son,” she nodded. “You look half-starved, too. You hungry?” Thadn’t eaten much of

anything for the last several days, so I found myself nodding before I even considered why

she was asking.

“Well, why don’t you come on over to our camp with me, and we’ll fix you up with some stew, huh?”

*Camp?” I repeated, not sure what she was talking about. Who was the “we” she had referenced?

“That’s right. I’m Wanda, and we live in these parts. Ain’t many of us, but we’re close. Come with me.”

“Hi, Wanda,” I said, nodding at her kindness. “I appreciate it.” I had no idea if I should trust her or not, but

if it was a pack of old and weak, I thought I’d be fine.

Pulling myself up off of the ground, I followed her about a quarter-mile to the camp she’d referred to. It

was small, only a few huts and a firepit where a pot was heating. The smell told me this was the stew

she’d referred to.

As we entered, a few others came out. Not all of them were old, but none of them looked intimidating.

One was a young girl. She had to be about Rosalie’s age, I imagined.

Wanda told me their names. The girl, Becca, nodded at me, but she kept her distance. She looked

frightened. I stayed away from her out of respect. The young man who initially approached me was her


Afraid to tell them my real name in case they had heard of me, I said, “I’m Shawn.” They gave me

friendly nods to welcome my arrival.

“What brings you out this way, Shawn?” a middle-aged man named Henry asked me.

“I lost my pack during the war and I escaped with only one woman. When that battle was going on the

other day, we split up to avoid the conflict.” It was a lie, but not much of one. “I haven’t been able to find

her since then, and I’m afraid she might’ve been captured by the Rogue King.” That part was true.

“Your mate?” Henry asked.

I wished, but I shook my head. “No, but she’s most important to me.”

As Wanda passed me a bowl of stew, she smiled, “Ah, young lover.”

Not exactly. But I didn’t deny it either. “Thank you,” I took the bowl over and sat down to eat the stew with

them. “What brings all of you here?” I asked.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Most of us here lost our families to those damn rogues or the war,” she said, and during dinner, I heard

more of their stories.

Wanda had lost her home and her husband. With nowhere to turn, she’d ended up here. Becca’s parents

had been killed when she and her brother were younger, and now, this was their family. They didn’t have

a penny to her name. Henry had deserted his post with the army because he was afraid of dying, and

now he was on the run.

I’d always looked at war from the military perspective, and rarely knew what it really meant for the normal


What would they think of me if they knew my role in the conflict and that I had been sending resources to

the rogues? I shook that thought out of my head.

As the sun began to go down, Wanda asked, “You got a place to sleep tonight?” “No,” I told her. “I’ll

probably just find a tree somewhere.” “Oh, no! You can’t do that! Rogues are everywhere,” Henry said.

“Stay here. We’ve got plenty of room.”

I tried to turn it down. “Nah, I still need to go find her. But thanks.”

Wanda frowned, “Ya’ said you’ve been runnin’ ’round for a few days. Why that be?”

I shrugged. “They knew my scent by now.”

Becca, who had been quiet, lifted her head. She whispered something into Wanda’s ear, and Wanda

discussed it quietly with Henry.

“Son,” Wanda said, “why don’t ya’ stay the night with us, and we’ll go with ya’ tomorrow? It’d be slower,

but we may

be able to help cover your scent.”

I didn’t know that was even possible. However, I remembered when they approached me, I didn’t sense



“We got our ways, son. Ya’know, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to survive.”

My eyes widened. That, indeed, could be a great help. However, I was wary, “Why would you do that?.

Wanda chuckled. “Easy, son. All of us here know what it’s like to lose someone. If we can help, as long

as it won’t put us in danger, we’ll help. We’re all a bunch of misfits, but we know how to take care of one


Her words touched a soft place in my heart.

Misfits… more and more often lately, that was how I felt too, I didn’t belong to any pack any more and I’d

lost pretty much everything. This group was a bunch of outcasts, yet, i fit well here.

I laughed at myself bitterly.

That night, lying in a hut with a few other men, including Henry who snored like a grizzly bear, I stared up

at the thatch roof and thought of Rosalie and her baby. I had to find a way to get them back.

These people were kind enough to offer help to a stranger like me. I didn’t want to put any of them at

risk, but needed it, and they seemed to be confident about keeping themselves safe.

In addition, if they helped me get to Rosalie, it may give them an opportunity to join the pack of the north

and not have to be outcasts anymore, so it would be worth it.

Rosalie was kind and forgiving, she would welcome them with open arms, especially if she knew that

they helped me to find her….

When I finally fell asleep, there was a smile on my face.