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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149: Rosalie Was About To Turn Twenty -One!

Not long after our conversation about Ethan, he came into the tent

My arms tightened up around my baby.

“Is he done eating?” Ethan asked me, standing near the tent door.

I nodded. “Yes, but he‘s asleep.”

With complete indifference in his voice, he said, “Give him to Georgia.”

“No,” I said, keeping my voice low. I didn‘t want to wake the baby, but I was so upset that I was having to

give my baby to someone else.

“Rosalie, you need to rest,” Ethan said. “And that will be easier if he‘s not here. Georgia, take the baby.”

I looked at my friend with a pleading look in my eyes, begging her to take my side.

“I‘m sorry, Rosalie, but he‘s right. You do need your rest. Don‘t worry about him. I‘ll take good care of my

nephew while you‘re sleeping.” She finished her sentence with a wink, which made

me break a smile.

I couldn‘t argue, so I let her have him, but I patted his head as his aunt pulled him away, carrying his

sleeping form out of the tent.

I had to trust Georgia that she was doing what was best for both of us and that she‘d make sure that I

saw my child again.

Ethan didn‘t back out of the tent right away, so I took advantage of the situation and got to my feet. I was

still a bit shaky, but I couldn‘t let him see that.

“I want to leave,” I told him, keeping my tone strong.

Ethan shook his head. “That‘s out of the question.”

I glared at him. “Ethan, you must realize that my people will be coming for me. They will fight you at all

costs and free me. It wouldn‘t be good for either of our pack. You may as well let me go.”

He simply shook his head. “No.”

I wanted to punch him. How dare he try to keep me here?

I reminded him, “I‘m not your prisoner! You can’t just keep me here against my will!”

“Yes, I can. For your safety and until you recover.”

“You... you are just such a tyrant!”

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Chapter 149: Rosalie Was About To Turn Twenty-One!

“Whatever you want to call me is fine.“.

“What you‘re doing... it‘s just plain wrong! You have to know that.” I wanted to say more, to tell him that

whatever it was he d done to make James hate him, I believed he deserved it. But I held back my cruel

words–for now.

“Rosalie, do not challenge me,” he warned as he turned away.

“I‘ll be twenty–one tomorrow!” | yelled.

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Yes, I would be turning twenty–one, and it would be my coronation. My people would be looking for me,

and I could not let them down!

“I know,” he paused for a second, and then continued to walk toward the exit of the tent, but I wasn‘t

going to let him.

Grabbing his shoulder, I pulled him back around. Of course, I wasn‘t strong enough to make him move,

but he turned because he wanted to face me.

“I need to leave!” | demanded.

He had to understand just how crucial my role was as a leader in the middle of a war.

His red eyes narrowed. “I suppose you‘re just in a hurry to get back to my brother, then?”

My mouth fell open, and I stared at him in disbelief. “What‘s that?” I asked him, wondering where he was

going with this.

Did he dare to think he had any claim over me? That he could dictate who I spent my time with? After

everything he’d done?

“Soren–the two of you have found one another again. My guys saw him near the front looking for you.”

I couldn‘t process the information. Soren was looking for me? Anyway, why did it have anything to do

with Ethan?

“It‘s none of your business!” I retorted.

“I thought that you‘d left the islands because you finally realized that he was the one who was a danger

to you and the baby. But then I heard that you were actually spending your time with him again,

voluntarily.” He shook his head as if I had done something wrong.

Unable to believe his words, I quickly thought through my options. All of a sudden, I felt resentment

towards Ethan. Who did he think he was?! Scolding me for what I did with my own life?!

All I wanted to do was free myself from his grip on me, both emotionally and physically. That, and to

strike back at him just as badly as he‘d hurt me, if that was even possible.

“That‘s right,” I told him, holding my chin up high. “I have been spending my time with Soren. By choice.”

“After everything he‘s done to you?”


“Are you losing your mind?!”

“No, I‘m not! I chose to spend time with him because at least he came to apologize to me. I chose to

spend time with him because he at least wanted to make it up to me! And I chose to spend time with him

because at least he wasn‘t trying to boss me around like you!!”

He stepped back and stared at me. He took a few moments, seemingly trying to calm his own temper,

then he said in a more leveled tone, “I can‘t let you go back to him.”

“You have to!”

“No, I don‘t.”

“You b*sdard, you let me go! You have to!”

“Why is that?”

“Because... because I love Soren!”

Ethan blanched, his head tipping back as if I‘d struck a physical blow against him. “What... did you say?”

he asked, his words dripping with contempt.

“That‘s right. Soren is my… lover,” I lifted my head to look at him. Then I decided that whatever would get

me out of here, l‘ d say. “I miss him desperately and long to be back in his arms.”

Ethan stepped away and turned his back to me. His fists

clenched so hard that I could see them shaking along with both of his arms.

I swallowed hard. Perhaps I had pushed too far.

When he turned back to look at me, his jaw was set, and his eyes were practically smoldering. Like two

coals, his irises glowed, narrowing in on me.

I wanted to take a step back as well, to tell him I was lying, that I was just trying to make him angry. But I

stood my ground, glaring right back at him.

“I can‘t f*cking believe you, Rosalie!” he spat. “Do you have any idea what you‘re saying? He‘s the one

who tricked you and trapped you, and you‘re in love with him?”

“So what?” I shot back, though I knew exactly what he was saying. “You did the same things to me and

yet you are here acting like you didn‘t do anything wrong!”

“What the hill is that supposed to mean?” he asked me, stepping toward me as I retreated a bit. “You

have no f*cking idea what you‘re talking about!”

“Oh, really? This from the man who was willing to use me to get to Soren while I was carrying your son!”

There–l‘d said it. One of the two horrible betrayals Ethan had committed against me.

I didn‘t know if I‘d have the strength to speak the other.

“That‘s not what happened!” Ethan countered. “I went to the islands for you, Rosalie! He set that up so

that you would think that I was there for him, but that wasn‘t the case at all. He‘s a sneaky, conniving,

b*stard, and if you seriously think that you‘ re in love with him, then you‘re not the woman I thought you


“Well, you‘re definitely not the man I thought you were, now are you?” I asked, my hand jutting out to

reference his red eyes. “What are you now, exactly, Ethan? A rogue? A wolf without a home? One that

no one wants? Some kind of a monster?”

He stepped toward me then, and with the rage building up inside of him, I thought for sure he was going

to strike me.

His fist was coiled, and his arm was at the ready. If it had been my father, Derrek, just about any other

man I‘d ever known, my nose would be bleeding from such a statement.

But Ethan didn‘t hit me. He stopped and took a deep breath and then released the tension in his arm.

“You need to rest, Rosalie,” he said, his voice sounding melancholy, as if he knew that what I‘d just said

was true.

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I hadn‘t meant to hurt him, not really. I felt bad, seeing him react that way. I wanted to take it back, but at

the same time, I couldn‘t. He‘d hurt me far more than my words could ever injure him.

“I want to leave,” I reminded him.

Saying nothing, Ethan turned and walked back out of the tent.

I didn‘t dare try to follow as I knew there were guards standing right outside. I could never get past them.

My throat constricted as tears filled my eyes. I melted down onto the cot, my head in my hands. At that

moment, all i wanted was my son and my freedom.

I covered my face with the pillow and let my tears soak the soft linen. I couldn‘t tell how long I had been

crying, until finally, I got up and kneeled on the ground, lifting my face to the heavens.

It was almost midnight and my birthday was coming.

Even though the tent had no windows, and I couldn‘t even see the moon, I began to pray. I prayed to the

Moon Goddess to hear my wishes.

“Please, Moon Goddess,” I whispered. “Hear my cries, just as you heard Ethan‘s so many years ago.”

My breath stuttered in my throat. “Please, restore his matebond and let him find his fated mate. Take

away the plea he made to you back when he was younger. Let him find her so that he can have the

happiness everyone deserves–and so that he can let me be.”

That‘s what I wanted, more than anything. I still loved him, and I still wanted him to be happy.

However, I also wanted to be free from him, to finally have the chains he‘d placed around my heart

broken so I could go on about my life without being held back by the man who‘d done so much to hurt


But that wasn‘t enough. I began to feel the pull of the moon on me, like all shifters did, and I knew my

wolf was about to

reveal herself. She needed her freedom as well, and there was only one way to ensure that I was never

in this situation again.

So I made my second birthday wish to the Moon Goddess.

“Please, take away my matebond. I don‘t want to be in love with anyone ever again.” Love wasn‘t what

I‘d thought it was going to be, back when I was younger and daydreamed about falling in love with a

handsome, kind man. Love was difficult; love was pain.

When I‘d first fallen in love with Ethan, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to be in his arms.

Every moment in his presence was pure bliss. But at the exact same time I was giving him my heart, he

was planning my demise.

If that‘s what love was, I didn‘t want to have anything to do with it anymore. I couldn‘t risk my heart to be

hurt and broken like that again.

After making the two birthday wishes, exhaustion washed over me, and I sank down onto the cot. If I

couldn‘t have my

baby, and I couldn‘t have my freedom, I may as well sleep. At least in my sleep, no one could control


I closed my eyes and reached for the comfort of my dreams, hoping that Ethan would not appear in any

of them.