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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140 Who Did Rosalie Find?

**Rosalie’s POV

The view from the Queen‘s suite was spectacular. People said that the far north was only ruins from the

old times, but they didn’t know Cerina had led my people to rebuild it over the years.

Even with everything that the people of the north–my people had been through, they hadn‘t failed to take

care of the palace.

Because they truly revered the royal family.

They truly revered my family.

They truly revered me.

I was especially impressed by the garden. There weren’t any flowers or plants as those couldn‘t easily

survive the harsh climate. This was a garden mainly decorated with beautiful stone sculptures.

Staring out at the window, I tried to come to grips with what they were asking me to do. I knew I‘d have

plenty of help, but I needed to understand how things worked in this land, how Cerina had been running

things, what the laws had been before, when my ancestors were the rulers.

I needed to make sure that I was able to accept all of those rules and laws myself because I didn‘t want

to be the one enforcing rules that I didn‘t agree with.

A couple of days ago, Cerina took me to a great hall that looked a lot like a library except all of the books

looked like they were textbooks or legal journals of some sort. Along one wall was a huge shelf full of

cubby holes with scrolls in it.

Some of these documents had to be hundreds of years old, if not thousands.

When I told her that it would take years to just finish reading them, she showed me a large volume that

had been sitting in the middle of a massive oak table and told me that it contained our main laws, the

primary rules, and the references to the corresponding detailed rules of our land.

I had been studying for a few days.

Most of the laws were understandable, but a few of them seemed outdated and unnecessarily harsh. For

example, there was one that said a father could punish his daughter by striking her if she spoke out of

turn. I thought that seemed archaic. I also wanted to remove some of the regulations about how

landowners could punish those who leased their land if they didn‘t pay taxes on time. I agreed there

should be penalties, but not physical ones.

I made a list of items I wanted to change. It wasn‘t long, but

they were all important.

Behind me, my baby made a little fussing sound. I put down my books to check on him. I wanted to go

talk to Cerina, but I needed to wait for Seraphine to come back first. It all worked out well as I got time to

feed him and get him back to sleep.

“Rosalie, were you looking for me?” Seraphine entered the room, and she walked directly to the crib and

gently rocked it when she saw the little one wiggling a little. I smiled. It felt so

good to know that my son wasn‘t only loved by me.

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“Yes, I was about to talk to Cerina. I have some thoughts and

questions regarding the laws.”

Seraphine nodded her head while rocking the crib back and forth slightly. “I saw her talking to Georgia in

the courtyard. Dear, I‘m sure it may seem overwhelming, but I have faith that you‘ll figure it out. You still

have a couple of months until your twenty–first birthday.“.

My twenty–first birthday would also be my coronation day. I had a lot to learn before then.

“Thank you, Seraphine,” I told her, patting her arm. “You‘re such a blessing to me.”

Seraphine smiled. “I‘m the one who has been blessed. To be the one to have found you and brought you

back to our land... the Moon Goddess is smiling upon all of us.”

I didn‘t know how to respond to her compliment, so I only smiled and went out to find Cerina.

Cerina and Georgia were standing in the courtyard, and by the gestures Georgia was making, it seemed

she was wound up, though I didn’t think she was mad at Cerina. As I approached, 1 heard her saying,

“Whoever is leading those rogues needs to be cut down and slaughtered! They have become even more

brazen in the last few days.”

She turned then and saw me, and her tone changed. “Oh, hi, Rosalie,” she said. “I‘m sorry. I just... it

makes me so angry to hear that more people have been harmed. It was just like an endless battle. Just

when we thought we were good, those b*asdars were back again! Where did they all come from!”

“How bad was it?” I asked.

Cerina answered, her voice calm. “Another village was attacked. This time four children were harmed,

and one passed away. He was only two.”

My heart broke at the words, and I grasped my chest, thinking of my own son. “How could they? Those

are innocent lives...”

Seeing my reaction, Georgia said firmly, “I know. We need to get back out there and begin fighting again.

Sorry, Rosalie. There‘s no need for us to burden you with what happens out there.”

I shook my head. “No, Georgia, please, keep me informed. I

can‘t fight, but please let me know if there‘s anything I can help with.”

Cerina gave me a smile. “That‘s very kind of you, Your Majesty.”

Georgia smiled. “We‘ll handle it for now, but If we need your help, I‘m not shy to ask. Now, I’ll go check in

with the others.” || knew that meant she was going to check with the military leaders.

I watched her walk away, and I turned my attention to Cerina. “Would it be possible for us to review the

laws and rules of the land as a group? I have some thoughts to share.”

Cerina‘s face lit up, and I could tell that she was pleased with the progress I‘d made.

“Yes, of course,” Cerina said. “I‘ll get a meeting put together.”

A couple of hours later, I was accompanied by Cerina as we went to the boardroom to meet with the

other five leaders.

All grew quiet when I walked in, and I felt my cheeks redden from the weight of their eyes on my face.

I cleared my throat and started. “Thank you for coming, everyone. As many of you may know, I‘ve been

reviewing the laws and regulations of the land to make sure I understand all of them before I begin my

rule. What I‘ve discovered is that the kingdom has many laws put in place that favor our people and

help them to thrive.”

Most of them nodded, and were waiting for me to continue.

I stood up in front of everyone. “Centuries ago, under my ancestors‘ reign, our land thrived with

prosperity, thanks to those laws and rules. Many of them will help our land to recover and become

prosperous again. However, time has changed and some may not be as applicable as they were in times

past... I will share my preliminary thoughts for those | have doubts about, and I would love to hear your

opinions. Your assistance in revising the laws will help to build the foundation for our people‘s prosperous


All of the leaders seemed in agreement with what I had to say. They nodded their heads, smiled, and

looked at one another with approving glances.

The meeting went more smoothly than I thought. I expected that I might get some push back. However,

Cerina and the rest of the leaders were mostly supportive of what I proposed.

There were a couple of items I realized that I‘d oversimplified the impact they currently had on how the

pack operated. Thankfully, Cerina was able to explain the depth of them in the meeting, while the rest of

the leaders pitched in for alternative solutions.

I was amazed that I wasn‘t the only one who had thought of changing these particular laws. For most of

the items!

pointed out, Cerina and the rest of the group had also felt that changes were long overdue, and they

were pleased that I brought them up. What surprised me was, for some of the items I raised concerns

about, leaders in the room already had some great solutions or alternatives for them. However, in the

past, no actions had been taken on those.

After a two–hour long discussion, everyone seemed to be in agreement, and it was a fruitful meeting.

One of the gentlemen, Mr. Charles, noted down the action items and volunteered to take the lead to

document the required changes for the group of leaders to review.

At the end of the meeting, Cerina concluded our discussion with a smile, and I could tell she was very

proud of me. “Your Majesty, our people will be very happy with the amendments to more just and fair


I didn‘t like that she‘d called me “Your Majesty,” but if I was going to be the queen... I was going to have

to get used to it.

My face was burning, but I looked at everyone with appreciation. “Thank you for the kind words,” I said. I

took a deep breath. “In the meantime, I would like to continue to learn the ways of how a queen must rule

her land. I feel very unprepared. Just because I have royal ancestors, that doesn’t make me fit to be a


“No, it‘s not your blood, dear,” Cerina said. “It‘s you–you are a natural–born leader, it‘s true. But your

kindness, your

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willingness to help others, your loving heart, and your hard work... that‘s what will make you a mighty


I still had a long way to go, but I felt more confident that I could do it. “Will you teach me?” I asked her

and the rest of the room.

“We all will,” Cerina nodded and then added, “well done.”

She stood up and started clapping, and the rest of the room stood up and joined her.


Then I started my official training.

From etiquette, to law and politics, to combat, I took lessons from experts on different subject matter.

Anything that I needed to know to be a good queen, I needed to learn.

Most of the time, my baby was in the same room with me because others were also busy with their own

responsibilities, However, when I was in physical training on fighting, Seraphine normally watched him

for me.

As part of my combat training, I needed to be out on patrol with the warriors. Even though I didn‘t have

my wolf yet, I was able to keep up as long as they didn‘t run at full speed. I needed to get a lay of the

land and make sure that I understood what was expected if rogues were discovered in our territory

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As I was inspecting our border, I heard a loud noise in the woods over to my right. Several of the wolves

next to me leaped into the woods. We saw the tails of dark wolves running off in the distance.

“Rogues!” I muttered. At least, they were running away. Though I was nervous, I ran along with the

wolves the best I could. Some of them were getting away from me to go after the rogues, while the rest

stayed back to make sure I was all right.

Noticing blood on the ground, I slowed down and looked around. It appeared as if there‘d been a battle

here before we arrived. Had the rogues been fighting someone else? Our forces?

No, if it was our people, I would know. It had to be someone else.

1 glanced around, trying to figure out where all of the blood was coming from.

It was then that I saw the form of a man lying over beneath a tree. He was wearing tattered pants, and

he was doubled over, clearly in pain. The trail of blood led right to him.

My eyes widened in fear as I thought about what the situation might be.

“Are you all right?” I shouted to him as I ran over, ducking beneath the branches to check on him.

He didn‘t answer. His back was to me, and it looked familiar...

“Go get help,” I told one of my group as I got closer to where the man lay.

My blood could help him, but he‘d need to be stitched up.

I kneeled down next to him and lifted his head. Then I froze, nearly falling backward onto my bottom.

I couldn‘t believe the face I was looking at.

“How did you get here?” I whispered.

“You know him?” a voice at my shoulder asked. Others had arrived to help.

I nodded. “I know him all right. I know him… quite well....”

It was Soren‘s assistant, Thomas.