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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133 Ethan, You Are Banished!

**Ethan‘s POV

A stillness fell over the throne room as I walked in. King James looked exhausted, with dark bags under

his eyes, and Talon looked distressed. His teeth were gritted together, and I felt like he wanted to tell me


But I had left Rosalie and my baby to travel a great distance to be here. It was clear that something

chaotic was happening as I used a little-known tunnel to make my way into the capital with the men who

had accompanied me.

Now, I stood before a group of men who were glaring at me, waiting for the king to answer my question.

“Who doesn’t need to speak unless spoken to?” I asked him. Surely, no one was to speak to Talon in

such a disrespectful way

Granted, my Beta was a subordinate, but he’d never been anything but a loyal, respectful soldier for the


“Ethan, you’ve returned,” my cousin said, a look of relief washing over him. “And not a moment too soon,

I’m afraid.”

*Alpha!” Talon greeted me, although I could tell from his expression that he wished I hadn’t returned.

“What’s going on?” I asked. “Were those villagers running into the capital shouting about enemy

soldiers?” It didn’t seem possible. When I‘d left the capital, not long ago, the western forces were miles

and miles away. Our army was strong enough to keep them at bay and drive them back with no problem


“I’m afraid so,” James said, dragging a hand down his face. “Everyone, leave Ethan and me. We need to

discuss this matter in private.”

Talon, who had started his exit the moment the king made the request, mindlinked me. I could see by the

look in his eyes that something was wrong.

A few of the other leaders, ones who thought that they were more important than they truly were,

lingered around the throne, possibly thinking they were too critical to the king‘s decision–making to truly

need to be dismissed.

“Go at once!” James barked, and everyone filtered out.

Alpha, be on your guard. There’s no time for me to explain, but don‘t trust anything James says to you.

Things aren’t what they seem’ Talon said, preparing me for the conversation with the king.

| stared at my Beta for a moment in confusion, wondering what he was getting at. A cold chill went down

my spine as I contemplated what it might be that Talon was trying to warn me about. I wished he had

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more time to prepare me for what was about to happen.

However, he couldn‘t go into more details before the room went silent with only the king and me left.

“What’s happening, James?” | eventually asked, approaching the throne and speaking more bluntly, now

that the others had cleared out.

James wouldn’t look at me, so I didn’t take that as a good sign.

“Kal sent a messenger,” he began, his eyes downcast. “He said Kal is making only one demand. He will

call his troops off if I comply. Only one.” James let out a sigh and got up from his throne, his footsteps

heavy as he walked over to the window.

Resting a weary hand on the windowsill, he looked outside. What used to be a beautiful flower garden

was now trampled by the boots of villagers running for their lives and guards trying to contain them.

“I have not been put in an easy position, Ethan,” he said. I kept my distance, watching him, trying to

understand what he

was getting at. What condition could Kal possibly be demanding that King James could be considering?

“Thousands of citizens could die if I don‘t comply.”

“What is it?” I asked even though Talon had prepped me. My voice was quiet as I tried to figure it out on

my own. “I don’ t even understand how they’ve gotten so close.”

“Neither do I, and yet, here they are…” he said, his eyes still focused outside.

They had to have used the tunnels. It was the only way. But how would they have even known of their


I already knew the answer to that question. We knew there was a traitor in our midst. And now, I felt

certain I knew exactly who it was.

When I got my hands on him…

However, what James said next took me by surprise.

“Before, when I needed an heir, the situation was different,” James continued. “You were my only hope

then. I needed to make sure that someone was here to continue our grandfather’s bloodline, someone

who hadn’t taken a mate, someone who hadn’t promised the woman they loved that they’d never forsake

her the way that I had.”

He turned and glanced over his shoulder at me then, but he had to look away quickly, and I stared at him

in confusion, though I thought I was beginning to put the situation into perspective.

“Before?” I asked him.

“Yes, but now… through some miracle, something I can‘t quite understand… none of that matters now.

We no longer need to pressure you for an heir. The bloodline will be secure without burdening you.” He

turned and met my gaze then, and I stepped toward him.

“What are you saying, James?” I asked him. “Do you mean

“Yes,” he said, his eyes wide with wonder. “The queen is pregnant. It‘s a miracle. It‘s been confirmed. I

don’t know how it happened, but it has.”

I didn’t know why he brought this up at the moment, but it was great news.

“That‘s astounding!” Joy bubbled up inside of me as I realized what this meant for both of us. I took my

cousin by the shoulders. “Congratulations, Your Majesty. You‘ll have an heir from your own bloodline, and

I... I can go and be free.”

Thoughts of what this would mean for me and Rosalie surfaced. I would no longer need to worry about

what the crown required of me. I could go and find her and be with her. We could raise our child together

however we wanted. Neither of us would ever have to worry about the baby being the heir to the

kingdom again.

But my joy was short-lived when I saw the expression on James’s face. He slowly shook his head. “No,

Ethan. You don’t understand,” he said. “King Kat… he wants… you.”

| stared at him for a long moment, letting those words soak into my consciousness. “He wants me?” I

repeated. “Why in the world would he want me?”

James shook his head. “Don’t you know who he is, Ethan? I didn’t know until the messenger told me. But

you… surely you must know. With all of the investigative work and sleuthing you do as part of your job,

you must’ve learned at some point that King Kal is the brother of… your stepfather.”

My eyes widened as my grip around James faltered. But no... I hadn’t known. Victor was King Kal’s


It all made sense now… though. For all of those years, I’d tried to track Victor’s family down and had

been unsuccessful. He had appeared in our land like a ghost, untraceable, like a phantom who had just

appeared one day out of the fog. And no matter how hard I looked, I hadn’t been able to secure any

proof of where he’d come from.

Now I knew why.

algun project to make sure there was no way to trace him from the west to our kingdom. Because it #

was known that he was on many annou kingdom let alone that he was related to royalty there, I wouldn’t

be the only one who wanted to kill him.

To james I could only mutter, 1 didn’t know.”

“You dont

jantes topped his head to the side and studied my face, clearly surprised to hear that

“Ne I had no idea * I still needed time to process this, but I didn’t have time. “And now… he wants me in

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return for killing his homble brother all those years ago?”

“That’s right” James said

Soren would be waiting for me, too, no doubt. All of that was beginning to come together, too. Kal would let his nephew command his forces, for certain.

I shook my head. “And you’re considering handing me over? Why would you even contemplate handing

me over when I could go out there right now with a force a quarter of the size of his men and destroy


Don’t put me in a position to have to make that decision, Ethan,” James said. “You are my cousin, and

you’ve always been loyal to me. I’m asking you, please… sacrifice yourself. Do it for your kingdom.

These people… they’re dying for you. For what you’ve done. Turn yourself over to him. Please.”

For what I’ve done?” Once again, I was stunned at the words coming out of James’s mouth. “Cousin, we

both know that I’ve served this kingdom faithfully for my entire life.”

Anger welled up inside of me as I thought about everything I‘d given up. For what I’d done? What had I

done? Watched the woman I love die? Watched my child disappear, slip through my fingers, for what?

So that he could make me a scapegoat?

I could go out there right now with a hundred men and push King Kal‘s soldiers so far away from here

that they would never see the castle walls again. I could destroy them completely.

Yet, I was asked to hand myself over to Kal!

A loud clap of laughter burst out of my mouth uncontrollably.

This world could really be so ridiculous. James’s gaze was unwavering, and I could tell right then he had

already made up his mind. He wanted me to slink out of there and raise the white flag, to go to King Kal‘s

kingdom and let him beat me and defile me, humiliate me, torture me, and kill me like a dog.

He didn’t want me to fight

Not because he believed we’d already lost too many men.

Not because he didn’t think I could win.


He wanted me dead because he didn’t want me to ever be able to compete for the throne with his

unborn child!

I couldn’t stop laughing. I laughed so hard that I could feel tears start to come out of my eyes. He

remained silent, watching me.

I shook my head. ‘I won‘t do it.”


Then you leave me little choice, Ethan Gray,” King James said, his eyes cast to the ground. Raising them

slightly, with no conviction in his voice he said, “From this moment forward, Ethan, you are banished!”