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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 Hand Over Ethan

**Talon’s POV


The alarming sound jolted me from my sleep, causing me to jump from my bed. The distant yelling set

my wolf on edge as I quickly dressed and thrust myself from my room out into the hall.

Warriors ran down the corridors towards the front main hall as the crying and screaming filled the capital,

causing concern to sweep through me like a rollercoaster.

“What’s going on?” I asked a passing warrior as I neared the grand staircase.

The first tier of the capital defense has broken through, beta. They are closing in.”

This was the second day after we’d received the warning from patrol that Kal’s army was stationed only a

couple hundred miles away from Mirage.

I tried to calm myself. I could not believe what I’d heard. Something must be wrong. There was no way

this could be possible.

Thad so many doubts about the whole situation.

First of all, we had worked hard on securing the western border and making sure that Kal’s troops had

been cut off from supplies.

It was impossible for them to get through our defenses, let alone get close to the capital!

Yet, it happened.

Secondly, the first tier defense for the capital was built to withhold major attacks, and it should ideally last

at least one week. However, it was broken in only one day.

There was only one explanation for this...

Letting my feet take the stairs two at a time, I ran towards the grand front door and stepped out into the

cool morning air.

Smoke lined the sky in the distance as villagers ran towards the capital, seeking the safety of its powerful

walls. Never had I expected the war to approach us this far, but in the end, they got past all of our

barriers without warning.

Crying, screaming, and pleading for safety cast a shadow over the once bright and cheerful walls of the

capital. Its glittering gold was slowly being speckled with the drops of blood that came from wounded

civilians who had been escaping

I tried to comprehend what exactly had happened. When I went to bed the night before, everything was

fine, and yet in a matter of forty–eight hours, chaos consumed our country.

Turning on my heels, I pushed through the mass hysteria of people seeking shelter and made my way

towards the grand hall. The flocking of royals and leaders pushing through the large wooden doors

seeking advice from their king.

“Calm down!” James‘ voice roared through the tall vaulted ceilings, quieting everyone who stood waiting

for an update on whether they were truly safe within the capital walls.

“King James,” I stated, bowing my head with respect.

His dark eyes glanced towards me. The deep dark bags beneath his eyes were heavy and clearly from

his lack of sleep over the past few weeks. “We just received word from scouts that the western forces are

only five miles away.” than

*That‘s impossible.” I gasped in disbelief as the chaos of other leaders consumed the surrounding area

“How did they get this close 71″ one leader yelled, demanding an explanation.

“You told us they couldn’t get past. Ethan assured us he know what he was doing!” Another white-haired

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man added, causing my eyes to dart to him with disdain.

Someone has to be helping our enemy. A spy. someone among us. It was the only explanation.

“Enough everyone!” James yelled, pressing his thumb to his temple.

I could only imagine the stress James was under right now. Ethan wasn’t here, and with Kal’s troops

moving in closer, it was only a matter of time before the war was at our front door.

It was times like this when I was thankful to just be a Beta.

James sat silent on his throne as warrior after warrior approached him, as well as a man in a white cloak.

The men all spoke in hushed whispers, piquing my curiosity.

Usually, information was shared amongst the leaders, and yet James seemed to keep secrets with these

few men. Something about the situation was not sitting right with me

“Your Majesty! a voice called from behind me, drawing my attention from what I had been watching.

Everyone turned to the young warrior, who bowed his head before the king.

“There is a messenger at the gate.”

“From Kal?” the king questioned, raising a brow.

“Yes. He is requesting an audience with Your Majesty.”

My eyes turned towards King James.

Hesitation filled his eyes as he straightened himself on his throne. “Bring him in.”

The warrior didn‘t need to be told twice, and as I watched him exit the grand hall, I questioned why a

messenger had been sent from Kal.

To send a messenger now, after all the bloodshed he had caused, seemed pointless.

He had to want something.

It was the only thing that made sense.

Heavy footsteps moved across the tile flooring of the hall. Dark hair, and green eyes set upon the slender

body of a running messenger. The dirt and soot that caressed his skin showed signs of what his prior

days had composed of.

The army was on the move, and whatever this messenger had to say would depict the outcome of what

was about to happen.

“King James,” the messenger said clearly as he bowed his head and dropped to one knee. “I bring word

from King Kal regarding the war.”

Hushed murmurs flowed over the crowd. The man‘s words caught everyone’s attention as we listened to

see what Kal’s demands were.

“Speak quickly,” James retorted in aggravation.

“Your capital is under siege, and it’s only a matter of time before we break through the capital walls,’ the


stated, causing murmurs in the crowd.

“No, you wouldn‘t,” King James retorted. “Your forces are running out of supplies.”

“Your Majesty, you might be right, however, your city also ham limited food and supplies, yet you have

countless more civilians than we have members of our military.”

I frowned and had to admit he was right. Compared to Kal’s army, the capital was more vulnerable to the

limited food and medical resources because most people in the capital were non–military civilians.

What’s more, we wouldn’t be able to get reinforcements-our troops were already spread thin between the

frontline and the north. From what I could see, there would be limited reinforcements available for the

capital, if any.

The messenger smiled. “However, my king is merciful, and he would hate to see unnecessary

bloodshed. In fact, he has agreed to end the war, but only under one circumstance.”

“What would that be?” James sneered, leaning forward on his throne. His knuckles turned white with the

grip he had on the chair’s arma,

“King Kal would like you to hand over Alpha Ethan, and the war will end.”

Collective gasps echoed in the hall as James’ eyes widened in shock. My own surprise coursed through

me as I tried to make sure I had heard the man right.

Kal wanted Ethan?

If Kal was here claiming that this war was just because of Ethan, he was a liar.

There was no way that James could believe this falsehood, and if he did, then James was not fit to be

king. This was more than a simple grudge related match.

“Your king asked me to give up the guardian of my country?” James sneered and raised his voice. “Is

your king just too arrogant, or does he think I‘m just stupid?!”

Everyone could hear the fury in his tone. No one spoke, and the hall was so quiet that I could hear a pin


I sighed in relief at hearing the king‘s retort. I didn‘t know what I had been worried about. There was no

way he could just hand over Ethan. Without Ethan, King James‘ kingdom would fall, regardless.

Ethan was the brunt force behind James having succeeded in this war so far, and with everything going

on, there was no way we could survive the outcome if King James agreed to Kal‘s proposal.

“Your Majesty, I apologize on my king‘s behalf for the misunderstanding that might have been caused.”

The messenger bowed down again politely

King James replied, “I see no misunderstanding that he started this war and invaded my country!”

The messenger still maintained his diplomatic smile. Your Majesty, please allow me to explain,”

“I see no need for that,” King James said. However, I knew he would want to know what Kal had to say

“Your Majesty, King Kal has only come this far to seek revenge on Ethan for having killed his brother,


The entire hall gasped. Then murmuring started to scatter across the hall.

“Who was Victor...?”

“Don‘t listen to him... he is here to distract us.”

...but what if it is true? Alpha Ethan really was the cause of the capital...?”

It was like lightning striking across the sunny sky.

They might not know who Victor was, but I did.

Victor Black, Soren‘s father, Ethan’s stepfather, who Ethan killed when he was 18!

Everything made sense now

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No wonder than’s mother chose hun over Ethan’s father!

No wonder Soren would work for the West King Kal, because Kal was Sorent’s uncle!

Toursed under my breath. Dimn it, this news would work against my Alpha.

The messenger continued. “If you hand over Ethan, King Kal will retreat and not press further into your country. Hundreds of lives will be spared.”

Hesitation and consideration flashed within James’ eyes. He was actually considering what the man had

said, and without even answering, a roar of protests and agreements tang through the grand hall.

“Give them Ethan!”

“Our people are dying for one man!”

“End the war and give them what they want!”

Protest after protest, I thanked the heavens that Ethan wasn’t here right now. I could already see how the

conversation would go if he was.

To think that many of these people relied on Ethan over the years for protection, and now they were

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willing to cast him to the masses in order to save their own asses.

There was no loyalty with these men, and it disgusted me.

Your Majesty! I cleared my throat and made myself heard. “It makes no sense that King Kal would

suddenly be willing to end this war for Ethan.’ I started, speaking up over the roar of conversation.

All eyes turned to me as James raised a brow. “Why do you say that, Beta Talon?”

“If that was all he wanted, my King, then why not have sent this request to begin with? Why sit here and

kill countless people and destroy our forces when he could have sent a messenger before all the


Everyone knew this was a trap, including the king. However, someone needed to speak up for my


“I need time to discuss this,” James replied, his brows narrowed at the man before him. “Please escort

this man to a holding area. I will call when I have my answer.”

For James to even need time to consider his decision didn‘t sit well with me.

There was a lurking sense of uneasiness washing over me as I watched James continue to speak with

an older man at his throne.

Whatever they were discussing was both important and pleasing to James.

“Gentlemen,” he stated loudly as he rose to his feet, “I know many of you have a lot of questions, all of

which I hope to answer. However, right now, the most important one is what is best for our kingdom.”

“You can’t seriously even be considering declining this?” a disgruntled Alpha exclaimed with his arms

crossed. “One life isn‘t worth the many!”

“Enough!” James roared in return as he stepped forward towards the group who stood awaiting his order.

“Beta Talon, where is Ethan now?”

I should have known that was the direction he was going to go in.

I cursed under my breath.

“Your Majesty, I‘m not sure,‘ I wished there was a way I could inform Ethan to turn around. He should not

come back to the capital at this moment. “Word was sent out for him to return, but I haven‘t heard from

him since last night”

James nodded as if pleased with what I had said. “That’s good. We need him back here.”

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Chapter 737 Hand Over Ethan

King James, you understand what will happen if we hand Ethan over, right?” I added, hoping that the

king would not be this stupid.

“Are you questioning my judgment?” he snapped as he glared at me.

“No, my King. I just mean that I think they–‘

‘Enough!” he boomed, cutting me off mid-sentence, not allowing me to speak further.

Watler, the king‘s advisor, jumped in, Talon, you may be great at what you do, but a Beta shouldn’t speak

unless spoken to.

Who doesn‘t need to speak unless spoken to?” Ethan’s voice called out from behind me. My heart sank

with concern over what was going to happen next.

Turning, I faced an angry–looking Ethan, who stalked into the room as if he owned it. For once, I had

wished he wouldn’ t have returned to the capital. The only thing that his return had done was fuel on

already burning fire.

Most of these men didn‘t like Ethan because they were intimidated by him.

Now that Kal was offering a way out by handing over Ethan, they would surely agree.