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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 13
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I raised my eyebrow. “Okay.” “The tests all came back fine,” Talon began. “She has managed

to put back on some weight, and is doing much better than before physically…” He hesitated going any f

urther, and his uncertainty caught my interest. He seemed to be searching for the right words, which was

rare for him. “Based on her reaction to things… you know, due to her previous mental health concerns –

I do have a suggestion if you‘d be open to it.” I was aggracated with how everyone kept saying she was

messed up in the head or not ready. They made assumptions, and they didn‘t even know how she truly f

elt about anything. Not that I was worried about it, but it was interfering with my task. “Just spit it out alre

ady, for god‘s sake,” I said through gritted teeth as I stared at Talon. “I would simply suggest that you tak

e a slightly different approach to the situation. Perhaps, be slightly gentler than

usual. She is a virgin, after all. Talon had a lot of nerves to speak to me in this manner, but I had a suspic

ion as to why he was concerned. “Do you like her Talon?” I asked

curiously. Talon looked up at me with confusion. “Seriously? Ethan, you know she is my charge and nothi

ng more. Why would you even think that?” He called me

by my name. Now he was speaking as my friend,

not my beta. I knew without a doubt that my words had taken

him by surprise, because he stood there staring at me with his mouth

partially open.

I sat back and relaxed my body a bit, waiting for his reply. Granted, I had known Talon since we were boy

s, but I was still the Alpha, and I don‘t tolerate being questioned. Talon stared at me for

a moment before letting out a chuckle. “No, Ethan. I only said that because it

might help with the situation.“.

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Shaking his head with a grin, he stared at me. “Are you jealous

now because she gave me a scarf?” He looked at me with curiosity. “Talon, I was the one

who asked the question.” The look on my face told Talon that I didn‘t find his comment

amusing. “I was just wondering… Why would you care what a breeder did?” When I didn‘t respond, he c

ontinued, “Ethan, Rosalie is a nice girl…” By now, I knew what was in his mind – he wanted to spare

Rosalie‘s life. No wonder he wore that stupid scarf to come to see me today. So many people were dying

in the war, innocent or not. Why should she be different? Why did everyone think so highly of her? “Beta

, go do your job.” This time, my words were firm and left no room for discussion. “That scarf doesn‘t suit y

ou, and I don‘t want to see it again.” I didn‘t need anyone to remind me how good Rosalie

was. It didn‘t matter, anyways. She didn‘t belong

“Yes, Alpha,” Talon sighed. I knew he understood what I meant. “Miss Rosalie talked to me today…” I wa

s about to lose it, but he continued before I could interrupt. “…

She said she is ready to breed. And she was wondering when you could

fit that on your agenda.” I raised my eyebrow again. Honestly, I was a bit surprised. Wouldn‘t she prefer t

o hide

from me for as long as possible? I couldn‘t help but think back to how she had shaken with fear and cried

the first time I tried to claim her. Her small form lay upon

the bed, eyes closed, trembling as her long hair flowed around her like a crown… What

the hill! Seriously, was I really that terrifying to her? “In two days.” I looked at Talon as I

gave my answer. “Anything else for me, Beta?” He could tell that was all I was willing to discuss for the ni

ght. “No, Alpha. May I be excused?” I waved my hand,

gesturing for Talon to leave the room. He sighed as he turned, walking out the door. ***Rosalie‘s POV Tw

o days ago, I informed Talon that I was ready to take on the role of breeder. The time had flown by. “You‘r

e not going to regret this,” Vicky said as she paced around the study area in my room, an

eager smile upon her face. “You‘ll be a great mother!” I smiled back at her, but felt guilty. As much as she

had been a great friend, we had different views on the breeder situation. Yes, I had been doing everythin

g I could to build my strength and get myself

ready physically and mentally to fulfill my role as a breeder. But it was in order to earn my freedom. “She‘

s right, Rosalie.” Estrella added in agreement. “I‘ve looked

over all your medical records, and you are doing marvelous. Taking the time to get healthy has done won

ders for you. Plus, you have gotten to know the pack as well and made new friends, I hear?” A smile lit u

p my face as I nodded. “Yes… I love going into the village.” “I love the scarf you made for me and Talon!”

Vicky called out with a giggle. For some reason, I felt like her giggle was a bit mischievous when she me

ntioned Talon. “Don‘t you feel so much more comfortable here?”

“Yes, I do.”

The smile and blush that swept my face made me cast my eyes down, thinking about the time I was spe

nding within the Drogomor pack, People had been far nicer than I had expected – except for the Alpha

However, even when it came to Alpha Ethan – as intimidating as he was, I appreciated that he hadn‘t

done anything to hurt me. In fact, a part of me wanted to see him again.

This thought made me blush even more,

“Rosalie, you‘re going to do great! I just know it!” Vicky jumped up and grasped my arms. I took a deep br

eath I was the one who had asked for it this time, and I thought I was ready… but what if I did it wrong ag

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ain? This was probably my last chance, If I couldn‘t get this done properly, I didn‘t dare imagine

–––– Chapter 13: Are you jealous what the consequences would be. The

thought wiped the smile off my face, and Vicky must‘ve noticed it. She walked me to a chair and sat me do

“Rosalie, are you okay? What‘s wrong? Can I get you anything?” Estrella stepped closer and answered fo

me. “Vicky, you can get her some quiet moments and some rest.” Then she turned to me. “Rosalie, sweet

some salads right way.” Vicky made a face to Estrella like a little kid, still very excited. Then she ran out

of the door before I could say “Thank you.” “Crazy girl!” Estrella shook her head with a grin on her face.

Then she turned to me, and I noticed her expression was more serious. “Rosalie, you can be honest with

know…” She pulled over a chair and sat next to me, so I didn‘t need to raise my head to talk to her. “…

the Alpha has granted us more time if we need it.” “Estrella,”

I looked her in the eye with an assuring smile. “I will be fine. I promise.” I could hear my heart pounding as


it done, the better “Okay.” Estrella hesitated for a moment, then let out a sigh. “Please remember to just re

she pulled out a miniature transparent container with a couple pills in it –

“take this, please. It‘ll make things much easier.” I looked at them, a bit confused. “Estrella, these are…?”

on your heat and make the situation a little more… comfortable for you. Take the pills before you

meet with him. They will help

to relax you, and put you more in a… better mood to engage in the activity.” Estrella‘s words rang through

would definitely help, but it still made me nervous to take something like this. When I looked back up

to where Estrella had been sitting, she was already up and walking out of the room.

I was left alone in the enormous Luna suite – with so much on my mind.