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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118 What Happened That Night – Part One

**Talon’s POV

I took a deep breath.

My Alpha owed me big, again!

Then I stepped up in front of everyone at Ethan and Madalynn’s sham wedding and commanded that

they regain their seats so that I could explain the situation.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” I began, as they all quieted down and reclaimed their chairs. A silence finally fell

over the crowd of curious guests as the eyes of over three hundred of the most prestigious visitors in the

capital were all on me, including Madalynn, who was still outraged, and her father, as well as the king

and queen, who were perplexed at Ethan’s behavior, to say the least.

“As most of you know, many months ago, my Alpha Ethan took a breeder, an Alpha’s daughter, named

Rosalie, to ensure that he had an heir.”

Most of the people in the crowd nodded along with me, though some looked surprised.

“I don’t see what she has to do with anything!” Madalynn began.

I bowed to the King, and requested politely, “Please allow me to finish, my King.”

The king raised a hand to stop her and nodded to me to gestered that I continue. Madalynn’s eyes

bulged from her head, but she closed her mouth.

I nodded in appreciation and continued, “Tragically, we all thought that Miss Rosalie took her own life a

couple of months ago, for reasons we were not sure of. However, recently Alpha Ethan became aware

that Rosalie didn’t take her own life at all.”

Murmurs went up all over the crowd, and I let them linger for a few moments for dramatic effect. I also

watched Madalynn’s reaction out of the corner of my eye, but once I was certain the crowd was ready for

me to move on, I

did so.

“It wasn’t Miss Rosalie who came up with this scheme. Her death was planned, and the person who

planned it was-” | turned to point at the bride, “unfortunately, Miss Madalynn.”

“Lies! Those are all lies!” Madalynn shouted, her face a garish horror as she twisted her mouth to make

her point heard.

The king bellowed, “Silence!”

This time, one of the royal guards stepped forward and warned Madalynn, “Please be quiet, or I’ll have to

force you to”

Madalynn bit her lower lips hard, and her whole body started to tremble, but she didn’t fight any further.

I then took the time to explain, “Miss Madalynn not only arranged to have Miss Rosalie killed, but also

went about fooling Alpha Ethan and everyone else, including the king, by having an innocent woman, a

poor maid, murdered on the cliffs one rainy evening so that she would be the only one left for Ethan to

turn to!”

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The crowd gasped, and it was so quiet.

Madalynn jumped up again and screamed, “Liar! How dare you ruin my reputation, 1-” This time, she

couldn’t finish because the royal guard covered her mouth with his hand after forcing her to sit back


King James demanded stermly. “Beta Talon, you are accusing a young lady of a serious crime, and I do

not wish to hear more unless you have evidence.”

| acknowledged his request, and nodded, “Of course, my King! My first witness is a young soldier.”

I waved my hand, and a few of my guards brought out the young man in question. He was only a boy,

really, only eighteen. He was so nervous that he couldn’t even stand up straight.

| softened my tone when speaking to him, “Just tell the truth, you’ll be fine.”

“Yes… yes! Beta Talon!”

“Were you the one who told everyone to go to the cliff and led us to believe that the person standing next

to the cliff was Miss Rosalie?”

“I… I didn’t know… someone told me to tell Alpha Ethan that, so… so I did.”

| asked, “Who was that person?”.

He pointed to Madalyn, “It was Miss Madalynn.”

Madalynn was able to break free and raised her voice so everyone could hear, “How ridiculous! Was that


evidence?! That night was so chaotic, and that was just what I saw. Was there anything wrong with it?”

The crowd seemed to agree with her, however, I smiled and nodded, “I understand. That’s why, please

allow me to present to you the second witness, also a soldier. Private Sutton.”

Private Sutton’s head was downcast, and he was brought out by two guards with his arms chained.

Exactly how she convinced him to do her bidding, I wasn’t sure, but he had confessed to everything.

Madalynn’s eyes widened when she saw him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Private Sutton swore under oath that he was ordered by someone to fire a single

arrow into a woman wearing a blue dress on the cliffs that rainy night, and when he did so, hitting his

mark, the woman fell over the edge to her death.”

I looked up at the king whose face was nearly purple with rage.

“I’ve never seen him before in my life!” Madalynn shouted.

“Private Sutton, can you identify the person who asked you to fire the arrow at the innocent lady on the

cliffs, please?” I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder.

“Your Majesty, Beta Talon!!” he explained. “By no means would I deny that I shot the arrow. However, I

did so because I was given the order that the woman was a spy and needed to be killed… I didn’t


The crowd started to get noisy.

I cleared my throat, “A lot of you were here on the night of my Alpha’s engagement dinner, and were you

aware of any spy or security concerns that night?”

A lot of the people in the crowd shook their heads.

I nodded, and turned to the private, “Now you see, someone fed you the wrong information. Now, could

you please tell us whether this young lady here, Miss Madalynn, was the person that told you there was

a spy?”

Madalynn shouted, “What the h*ck are you talking about?! I don’t know you…!!”

He looked at Madalynn for a moment, and to everyone’s surprise, he shook his head slowly.

Murmuring could be heard from the crowd. The case was way more complicated than they expected.

Madalynn let out a sigh and the smirk on her face was back, “I told you I have nothing to do with…”

“No… it wasn’t her, however, that person is here!” His words grabbed everyone’s attention.

He lifted his chained hands and pointed at someone not too far from where Madalynn was standing.

“It was her!”

He pointed at a maid, I knew that maid. She was the one who asked Madalynn whether Rosalie was

dead for certain

The maid let out a shriek, and fainted. However, with the royal doctor’s help, she was soon pulled back to


Her face was pale, and her eyes filled with tears and fear. She ran over to Madalynn as soon as she was

awake, and pleaded, “Miss Madalynn, please, tell them…! You were the one…”

Madalynn kicked her away and screamed, “Who are you? Get the h*ll away from me!”

But once again, the king commanded that Madalynn and the maid both needed to be quiet.

At this point, most of the guests were quite convinced of what they’d seen and heard. However, I was not

done yet. Feeling like a lawyer in a criminal.trial, I said, “Moving along…

“On the same night in question, a housemaid, Jessica Scaleni, went missing. Her roommate, Trina

Henry, notified the head of staff that she was missing, but no one knew where she was at. It was

assumed that perhaps she had just quit and gone home, but Trina didn’t think that she would do that.

When I heard about this, I contacted Jessica’s family.”

I looked at Madalynn, and she was staring down at the ground between her shoes as if she knew what I

was about to say

“Here to tell you what I discovered is her sister, Fiona.”

Fiona Scaleni walked out under the protection of two guards, and immediately there was a murmur

amongst the crowd because the girl looked so much like Rosalie. She was taller and not as pretty, but

her hair was the same color and length, and it was clear that, in a thunderstorm, from a distance, this girl

could be mistaken for Rosalie.

So… her sister could be, too.

“Your Majesties,” Fiona said, bowing to the king and queen. She lifted her head and said, “My family

received a letter stating that my twin sister had been released from her job at the castle for unscrupulous

behavior and that she was being sent on the next boat. My parents were so very upset. It wasn’t like

Jessica to behave in such a way.”

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| scanned the audience to see everyone looking at the poor girl with tears in their eyes.

“They went to the docks to wait for her… but she never came. For days, they waited, but never did

Jessica appear. We contacted the capital, but we were told that Jessica wasn’t here anymore, and since

my parents thought that she was dismissed because she had done a bad job, they did not push the

subject. They thought, perhaps she had run away in disgrace.”

Now, of course, Fiona knew the truth about her sister. “And who was that letter from, Fiona?” I asked her.

“Who was it that had sent that letter to your parents telling them that your sister had been fired for bad


Fiona needed a moment as she was beginning to cry. I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket and

handed it to her, listening to the audience react with heartbroken sobs.

Once she was able to speak again, Fiona said, “It was her,” and pointed at Madalynn. “She’s the one that

sent it.”

“She can’t prove that!” Madalynn shouted. “She could be lying!”

I turned toward Madalynn and used my best accusatory voice. “Miss Madalynn, you don’t have to believe

her, just like everyone here. However, we all have our own judgments based on the evidence.”

“I can prove it,” Fiona said. “I have the letter right here.” She pulled it from her pocket, and the people

watching gasped with shock.

Madalynn’s face went white as she recognized the letter she had sent. Fiona offered it to the king, and

one of the

guards took it and handed it to him as allowed Fiona to have a seat in one of the few empty chairs.

Madalynn didn’t bother to accuse me of lying this time.

The king looked at me then and asked, “Is that all, Talon?”

I couldn’t read his tone, but I responded immediately. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I will be the judge of that.”

| glanced at Madalynn and saw new hope in her eyes as she had raised her head and had a bit of a

smirk on her face.

King James rose then and walked over to the soldier, Private Sutton. “Is what we’ve heard the truth,

young man?” he demanded. “Is it true that you fired an arrow at an innocent woman, killing her? And do

you understand that the consequence for such a crime is execution?”

“Y-yes, sir,” he stammered before breaking into tears. “But please, have mercy on me, Your Majesty! I

thought it was an order! I didn’t know what I was doing!”

King James closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was exasperated. “Take him away,” he stated. “I’ll

deal with him later.”

As awful as the private’s actions were, I did hope he was shown some mercy. Madalynn could obviously

be very manipulative.

James turned toward Madalynn then.

“Madalynn,” King James said, “the way you’ve acted in this situation, and in others, is appalling.”

“King James, may I interject?” Alpha Romero asked, standing.