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Sentenced to Marriage by MadlainQ

Chapter 83
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Jealousy | emptied my glass in two big gulps, cursing myself inwardly for even thinking of asking more questions about Lanfen. The sole fact that she was Aren’s first girlfriend and he had nightmares in which he called her nshould be enough to label her as a serious threat. Nonetheless, when he said that he was the one who proposed, it was a hard hit to take. It felt like a punch in the gut. | guessed that my mask had finally fallen off since Aren looked atwith sudden concern in his eyes while watchingrefill my glass with wine. “Are you OK, sunshine?” he asked, touching my hand that held the glass.

| sighed and shifted my eyes to him, “I wish | could say that | am OK, but no, | am not,” | said, irritation more than clear in the tone of my voice.

He smirked. “Are you jealous, wife?” | glared at him. “Of course | am!” | exclaimed. “You were her hero. You had a normal, loving relationship that lasted four years, and you proposed to her without offering her a contract! Sure as hell | am jealous!” He burst into laughter.

“That's not funny,” | grunted, lowering my voice. “Well... I did it to myself. | shouldn't have asked those questions. It was better to not know...” “Sunshine...” He placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently. “I was different then. | was foolish and naive, and | didn’t know what | wanted from life.” I glanced at him hesitantly, trying to read through his amused expression. “I wouldn't make the schoices now,” he said confidently.

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“You mean that you wouldn't propose to her...?” | muttered, not looking into his eyes. He leaned overand kissed my neck. “She would never have becmy girlfriend in the first place.” I still pouted. “But you called her adorable...” He kissed my neck again, this trougher, biting and sucking my skin. | gasped and leaned back to watch his eyes becdarker. “Adorable doesn’t work foranymore.” “Do you mean that I'm not adorable?” | teased. He kissed my lips and smirked. “You are more than that.” | blinked my eyes, playfully tangling a strand of my hair on my finger. “Tell me, what kind of a woman do you need?” He pulledonto his lap, makinggasp. “I need a sexy woman who'll make my dick throb each t| see her.” His eyes onsent my heart into a wild race. | could feel him hardening beneath my thighs, and somehow that sensation alone dissolved my previous anxiety and envy. | sealed my lips, slightly scared of asking more questions. The air between us was dense already and the sexual tension went far beyond the limits. Nonetheless, the silence was equally as dangerous...

“I will pour you more wine,” | said, reaching for the bottle.

Fortunately, he didn’t protest. Instead, he watched my every move with his predatory eyes, searing my curves.

“It's my tto ask questions,” he said, his voice deep and seductive.

I handed him his refilled glass and sat, putting distance between us. “Ask away.” | tried to sound confident, but my voice trembled at the last note. “Tellsomething embarrassing.” He licked his lip, locking his eyes on me.

“W-what do you mean?” | laughed nervously, tugging my hair behind my ear. He leaned closer, smirking.

“Something you haven't told anyone. Tellabout your fantasies, or sdark and steamy secret of yours.” | squeezed my thighs, as my mind searched through the thoughts that | could consider to be either fantasy, dark, or steamy. | quickly realized that there was only one male lead playing in my mind, and that was Aren. My cheeks started to burn, and | tried to cool down that fire by adding more wine. As | drank another glass, | took a deep breath and shifted my eyes to my husband.

“The night after we've met for the first time... | had a dream of you,” | said softly, my heart pounding against my chest. He bit his lip. “And what did | do in your dream?” A hysteric chuckle escaped my throat. “You manhandled me...” He raised his eyebrows, amused. “Do you like being manhandled?” “No!” | frowned. “But you liked it in that dream?” he teased.

“I liked it... because it was you,” | whispered, feeling the heat of embarrassment flooding my entire body.

A heartbeat later, he kissed me, hungrily claiming my lips before slipping his tongue into my mouth. His lush strokes quickly turned into rough thrusts as he deepened his kiss. | tried to fight him for dominance, but | could only surrender as he sent a wave of pleasure right through me. | trusted him enough to submit when his hand grabbed the back of my head to positionthe way he wanted. When he released me, my lips were already swollen and my whole body shivered, aching for more of him.

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“Was | like that in your dream?” he breathed against my ear.

| clenched my thighs even more as | tried to recall my dream. | wasn’t sure if | could find the courage to tell him everything in detail, but | realized something else...

“The reality with you is much more amazing than any erotic dream I've ever had,” | muttered, trying to avoid his blazing gaze. He grabbed my chin and placed a soft kiss on my swollen lips. “What did you think when you first saw me?” “You certainly loveto boost your ego, don’t you?” | gave him a crooked smile.

He snorted. “I know that I'm handsome, sunshine. | just want to know what you were thinking when | walked into that café?” | sighed, thinking that | might as well indulge his vanity by admitting the truth. “Well, | wanted to get close to you... | wanted you to hold me... | wanted you for unexplainable reasons He leaned dangerously close, staring into my eyes as if he could read my mind. “You wantedto fuck you.” A wicked smirk curved his lips.

| swallowed, feeling the humidity rising in my lower parts. “I wouldn't call it that specific. | couldn't even nmy reactions when I-” “Liar.” God... His voice sounded exactly like in my dream, and just like then, it made my sex dripping wet.

| frowned at him, trying to fight against my arousal. “Yes. | wanted you to slamagainst the nearest wall and fuckhard! Is that what you wanted to hear?!” He burst out into laughter before pullinginto his tight embrace and kissing my forehead.” Don’t be angry, sunshine. | just want you to stop pretending and tellwhat you want.” He started leaving soft kisses on my cheeks, my jaw, and down my neck. “You can tellwhat you wantto do. | want to becthe only fantasy you will ever have...” | bit my lip as he reached to my cleavage, his lips moving down to my breasts. Yet, | knew that | was far too sore to submit to my desires. | pushed him away and cupped his cheeks with both hands. “It’s my turn to ask you questions,” | said demandingly. He grabbed one of my hands on his cheek and kissed my palm. “Whatever you say, sunshine.” | took a deep breath. “So... tellwhat did you think ofwhen you first saw me?” He smirked and looked away. | locked my eyes on him, waiting for him to answer as my heart thundered.

“I thought that | wanted to have you... | wanted to have you no matter what,” he said, his fiery gaze on me.

| couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed. It might be hypocritical ofbecause | also admired his physicality at first, but my heart and hormones seemed to be in sync enough to be certain that emotions would always follow my desire, and | knew it didn’t work the sway for him.

“I also thought,” he suddenly added, “that | was looking at the one woman that | wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with.”