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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 12
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Chapter 12: search for job

Grey smiled, flashing them his neatly arranged set of white teeth. He was confident anyway since he

had already discussed it with Alfred. And he was certain that Alfred would let him work with him for as

long as he wanted. He was his boss after all. He turned around again, leaving Avery’s parents on the

seat before he walked deeper into the house. He knew he couldn’t go back to his house and would

have to pass the night at Avery’s house. Also, he didn’t know where Avery’s room was, he only

followed his instincts, coupled with the conversation of the maids that he eavesdropped on before

walking inside the living room. He stopped before the door and knocked on it. It took a moment before

the door opened. As Grey was about to step in, Avery almost shut the door right on his face. Thanks to

his swiftness, he was able to dodge the attack. She opened the door again, anger vivid on her features.

The reddish and swollen face showed she had been crying earlier even though there was no evidence

of tears on her face. “What do you want? What were you trying to do?” She barked. “I want to come in,

to sleep of course,” he regarded her for a moment. ” Why are you blocking my way?” ” You must be

kidding if you seriously believe you will sleep in here!” She snapped. ” I’m your husband, remember?”

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He reminded her. Avery shook her head slightly. ” No, You are just the man that made me lose my heir

right due to your foolishness. You ruined my life Grey and I seriously don’t want to have anything to do

with you!” She spat out with anger. ” Where am I supposed to stay then?” He contended. “I don’t care!”

She snapped. ” Anywhere but not here!” She jibed and shut the door angrily. If the door wasn’t so

strong, it would have fallen off. Grey sighed, already feeling sorry for her. It was his fault anyway. He

regretted ever getting drunk. The night was a special night that he would never forget. Grey moved

away from the door as he could see some other door by the left. However, there was already a bold

description of who the room belonged to. There was Smith and Benjamin and the couple. There was

another room on the upper floor but it was for Lucy. Aside from these, there was no other room for Gray

except for the maids’ side which was to the left side of the living room. Grey found an unoccupied room

in the servants’ wing. And he slept off immediately. . The morning came so fast as Grey could imagine.

Well, he wanted to get to the P.K company on time. And he would still have to go to his house since he

didn’t bring any clothes to Avery’s house. He walked out of the room just in time when Benjamin and

Emma were coming out. “What the fuck? Did you sleep in the servant room?” Benjamin asked

amazingly. Emma laughed. ” Of course, he’s a servant after all?” Grey took a short bow. “Good

morning, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson.” “Good morning,” Benjamin replied softly. Emma waved her hand. ”

The morning is good for you after all. I hope you won’t forget the position you hold in this family.” Grey

smiled. ” I won’t ma’am but I have to go now,” and he hurried out before they would say much. He got a

cab straight to his house and took a quick bath. He was dressed in a gray shirt and black trousers. P.K

corporation was thirty minutes away. When Grey got to the company, it was already ten in the

morning. Stepping down from the car, Smith was the first person that Grey saw. Smith turned around

and saw him as well, then a smile crept up to the corner of his mouth. “Look who we’ve got here,” he

teased as Grey walked nearer. Afraid that Grey would walk in and he wouldn’t be able to stop him, he

called out to the securities that were hanging around. The securities walked forward at an alarming

rate. He pointed at Grey. “Do not let him in. He’s a loser who wants to take advantage of Alfred.” The

security men blocked the entrance immediately and Grey was forced to look back at Smith while

wondering what was really happening. Smith took a step closer to him and filled the space in between

them. “You know what, Grey. I think you should accept the aura moving endlessly around you,” he

whined. ” You shouldn’t try to get benefits from Alfred even if your grandfather was his friend. Just

accept the fact that you are poor,” he laughed again and stepped back. Grey sighed, already getting

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angry. He took out his phone and was about to dial Alfred’s number when a lady walked out of the

company in a black skirt and a white t-shirt. “Hello, this is Jane, Mr. Alfred’s secretary,” she greeted and

turned towards the securities. “You can leave.” Smith creased his brows and opened his mouth to say

something but Jane cut her off immediately. “I’m sorry sir, but this is strictly Mr. Alfred’s orders,” she

smiled at Grey. “Please, do follow me,” she turned around and started to walk away. Grey looked over

at Smith and noted the disappointment on his face. Grey made a little smile before he walked after

Jane. “Has Alfred told you why I’m here?” Grey said when he met up with her. Jane craned her neck to

be able to look at him for a moment. Alfred? She thought that Grey was in the company to find a job,

then she wondered why he was being so disrespectful. She didn’t answer. Instead, she opened the

door to her office and walked in, expecting Grey to come inside after her. Grey gave the room quick

scrutiny. “I think I deserve an answer to the question I asked the other time.” Jane retrieved a paper

and turned towards Grey. ” Sorry?” She stretched out a paper with a confounded expression. Grey

knew that she didn’t like him but he didn’t care. He took the paper from her and discovered that it was a

list of jobs that Grey could apply for. It looked as though Alfred was giving him the right to select a job

for himself.