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Revenge of The Furtive Billionaire Heir by Ryker Helios

Chapter 33
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33. Detectives.

We managed to make it to the hospital to visit the victims within visitor hours. The employees were pretty

shocked, and I couldn’t fault them for that Gomez was still in the ER, but the doctors said that he was in

a medically induced coma from which he would be waking up soon, to our immense relief I promised the

employees that they will be compensated for this damage, and their hospital bills will be charged by the

company. They will also be getting paid leave for however long they needed to heal. The employees

were thankful for this, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I was more than aware of the inhuman nature

of corporate when it came to sick leaves and wages, but Zelt Tech wasn’t like them. Well, it might have

been before, but not anymore. Not as long as I had a say in it.

After visiting the victims of the shootout, I get a call from Coraline.

“Hey, Coraline, what’s up?”

“Jace. Are you at the hospital? Gerald said that he’ll take you to visit the victims of the shootout. My god,

I still can’t believe that happened.” The concern is clear in her voice, along with urgency.

“Me neither, honestly. And yes, Gerald took me. In fact, we just came out of the hospital.”

“That’s good, because there are two policemen here-well, a policeman and a policewoman, and they

want to get a statement from you and Gerald,”

I stop short at that and shoot Gerald a glance. Gerald is on his own phone, and I have a feeling that he’s

getting the same news as I am.

“Why do they want us to give a statement? We weren’t even there at the crime scene.”

“I think they just want to cover all the bases. After all, the three victims are all Zelt Tech employees.”

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“Right,” I sigh. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a meeting with police officers. I’ve spoken with them plenty

when my mother had been killed, and those discussions often ended in heartbreak. Suffice it to say, I

was not a fan of the police. And yes, I do realize that my opinion is heavily based.

“So, you two better get down here soon. They seem restless here, and the people are starting to notice.”

“Got it. We’ll be right there.” I end the call and turn to Gerald, “Do you think they believe us to be


Gerald shakes his head. “That would be illogical. Why would we shoot our own employees? And it’s not

like the three victims held positions of much importance. They were regular employees, not even

department heads.”

“Hmm. Well, let’s go and get it over with, then.”

It only takes a few minutes to make it to Zelt Tech, and sure enough, there are two officers waiting right in

front of the door that leads to Gerald’s office. They are both tall and severe looking, a Latina woman with

her hair in a tight bun, and a pale man with curly red hair. They’re dressed in the civies under their

department jackets which boast their positions as detectives, and their badges hang on a chain around

their necks

As soon as we step out of the elevator their eyes latch on to us Gerald precedes me to greet them.

“Good evening detectives. My name is Gerald Manson, and I am the CEO of Zelt Technologies,” he

offers them his hand, and the Latina detective takes it first.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Mason, I’m Detective Blanco and this is my partner, Detective Coulson.”

“Hello, Gerald shakes hands with Detective Coulson before turning to introduce me, “this is our

company’s CO0, Mr. Jace Greyson.”

“Mr. Greyson,” I shake hands with both the detectives as well while murmuring pleasantries. After letting

go, they both give me appraising looks, “any relation to Joseph Greyson?”

“He is my father,” I confess, and watch them exchange glances.

“I’m sorry, but we didn’t realize Mr. Greyson had a son.” My father’s name was pretty popular around

these parts, so I can understand their surprise at not knowing my name.

“It’s not public knowledge,” I give them a smile, “so, detectives, may I ask what you’re here for?”

“Of course. I believe you are both aware of the shootings that took place yesterday?”

“Yes, we are.”

“Well, we are getting statements and asking questions from everyone related to the incident, including

the victims’ families. And judging by how all three of them were Zelt Tech employees, we have to wonder

if they have been targeted due to their employer.” Detective Coulson provides.

“I see. While you’re certainly allowed to have your suspicions, I don’t personally believe that anyone got

it out for Zelt Tech. Quite frankly, we haven’t been around much to make enemies.” Gerald replies

“We’re really new,” I add, “and we haven’t had any hostile encounters before. I mean, sure there were

fallouts, but nothing to warrant actions like this

“I see,” Detective Blanco comments, “well, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get to

investigating. If you gentlemen please,” she gestures at Gerald’s office, and after murmuring words of

assent we all file in.

Detective Coulson takes to question Gerald and Detective Blanco turns to me She stares at me for a few

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seconds across the table, as if she is sizing me up, and begins to ask me questions.

“Where were you when the incident occurred last evening at around 7.46 pm?”

“By then I had gone home after a workday at Zelt Tech. If my memory serves me correctly, at that exact

moment, I was in the shower.”

“Oh? Are you usually this aware of the time?”

“Not really. But yesterday I was because I had a virtual meeting to take at around eight, so I was

checking. the time constantly.”

“I see. When did you hear about the shooting?”

“This afternoon. Gerald came to pick me up from campus, and he told me then.”

“Campus? You’re still schooling?”

“Yes, I am.”

Detective Blanco nods. She asks me more questions, about what I did after receiving the news, how I

felt, how the victims were and if I had any suspicions myself. And then she moves on to the most



“Mr. Greyson, do you have enemies?”

Well, how am I supposed to answer this?

“It’s a complex question,” I admit.

An eyebrow moves up. “Can you clarify?”

I can’t help but give her a ruefui smile. “Well, this is going to take some time.”