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Revenge of The Furtive Billionaire Heir by Ryker Helios

Chapter 15
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15. I wasn’t expecting this.

For a moment, I can’t place that voice with those words. It just feels wrong, because I never expected

that specific voice to utter those specific words.

But then I whip towards where the voice is coming from and notice Gerald making his way toward us.

Gerald did not accompany me to Caroline’s this morning, he said that there was something that needs

his dire attention, so I left on my own. Which was more than fine with me, because having him as a

shadow made me nervous for some reason.

Gerald has traded his normal butler uniform for a sleek suit and walks with the confidence of a man who

knows what he’s doing. His expression is crossed, not quite angry but not pleasant either, and his eyes

are hard and cold.

Distantly, I wonder, what the hell is going on?

“Gerald, what are you doing?” I ask him as soon as he nears us, “we can handle this, you don’t have to

get involved.”

Gerald sighs, “on the contrary, young master, I believe this is one of the moments where my involvement

is necessary.”

Meanwhile, the manager has started to fidget on his spot, looking as pale as a ghost. He hears Gerald

calling me ‘young master’, and grows even paler.

“Mr. Manson,” in an airy sort of voice, he says, “what brought you here in this fine morning, sir?”

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Gerald’s attention shifts from us to him, “Mr. Crane, you have made a grave mistake,” without beating

around the bush, he gets straight to the point, “and that mistake is going to cost you your job. I’m sorry,

but you are fired.”

The manager starts to sputter, “Wh-what? Why? What did I do wrong?”

“You have threatened a close associate of Mr. Greyson’s with violence,” Gerald gestured at us, “and you

know what Mr. Greyson’s rules are regarding his closest associates.”

“But, sir, I did not know…”

“Which is why we treat people politely and ask them who they are before mindlessly giving orders to

have them thrown out of our property,” Gerald growls, looking extremely pissed. “Had you not been

blinded by your frivolous loyalty to this young man,” he points at Aiden, who looks shell-shocked, “you

could’ve treated these two with respect and asked them why they were here. This young lady was clearly

called for an interview, and it’s within her rights to ask for that window. You, however, are not within your

rights to

threaten them with violence.”

Mr. Crane’s eyes widen.

“Yes, I heard what you ordered the security guards to do,” Gerald adds, “you should be ashamed of

yourself. We’re a reputed company, not some mafia ring with common thugs. If you want to work at such

an establishment, now that you’re no longer with us, you are most welcome.”

I’m positively gaping at Gerald now. He’s totally different from the man I thought I knew. I’ve caught

glimpses of this confidence before, when he was standing up to Stone and his gang in the hotel room

back in Empire city, but not like that. Here, he sounds like he’s the one in charge.

I realize then that I don’t really know much about Gerald. When my mother tried to cut all ties with my

father all those years ago, he insisted that even though she won’t allow me to see him, at least allow him

to keep contact via Gerald, who he introduced as his butler, and my mother grudgingly agreed. Since


Gerald had always checked in with me, mostly via phone calls, seeing to my living situation and health.

Granted, I never let him help with anything with my father’s money up until recently, but a small part of

me always looked forward to his calls.

I always thought Gerald was exactly who my father said he was, a butler.

But now, I’m not so sure.

Finally, Mr. Crane’s anger catches up with him, burning like wildfire, “You wouldn’t dare do that!”

“I already did, Mr. Crane.”

“You don’t know what you will lose without me! All my contacts, all the favors I can pull with one phone.

call,” he stomps to Gerald and thrust a finger to his face, “you will be losing a goddamn gold mine if you

do this, mark my words. I’m the best in the industry as it is, you will never recover from the fallout.

Especially with a company like Zelt, still so new to the field. If you got even an inkling of sense in that

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head of yours, you will not fire me.”

Gerald places his hand on Mr. Crane’s shoulder and pushes him away, irritated exasperation on his face.

“Security,” he calls in an even voice, “get this man out of my property.”

“You can’t do this!” Mr. Crane thrashes as the security guards, looking as bewildered as we feel close int

on the man, “you will pay for this, you hear me? This company will be nothing without me.”

“Zelt Technologies belong to Greyson Consolidated,” Gerald calmly iterates. “A multi-billion business

empire operating all across this country as well as the world, and you were employed to be the manager

of only one sub-company under it.”

Then he smiles, “I believe we will do just fine without you. Your belongings will be delivered to your home

address, Mr. Crane, I wish you luck in your future ventures and employment opportunities.”

Gerald looks over at Aiden, who is standing stupefied, taking in what was happening, “Young man,”

Gerald calls out to him, making him flinch, “I suggest you leave the premises as well and notify your

father that I would like to ask him why he’s letting his college-age son interfere with serious business

matters on his own personal whims.”

“Why you!” before Mr. Crane can retaliate, the security guards apprehend him and tow him away, the

middle-aged man fighting against his restraints. Aiden follows, his expression sour like a lemon.

I do not miss the look of pure loathing he shoots me and Coraline.

After Mr. Crane and Aiden disappear, Coraline and I turn to Gerald.

And I ask, “Gerald, what the actual fuck?”