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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 252
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Chapter 253 Visitors.

Isabelle was puzzled by his implication.

George ordered the driver to send her home.

Since the city had banned fireworks and it was dinnertime, most people were at henjoying their family reunion dinners. The streets were relatively empty.

Isabelle got out of the car at the entrance to her neighborhood and walked inside.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, she could see the residents were celebrating the festive days with their families.

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The sight stirred no emotions in Isabelle.

Someone was bending over in front of her villa's French window, peering in with his butt sticking out and wiggling.

Isabelle walked over and gave him a kick in the buttocks.

Danny's face slammed against the glass, making his nose ache. He held onto his nose, his eyes watering from the pain, unable to recover for a while.

"Hey, what the hell? Which motherfucker dares to kick me!? You damn fool, trying to get yourself killed?" Danny cursed, then turned around, shrinking back when he saw who it was. "Oh, boss! Hey there." Isabelle asked, "Why are you sneaking around for?" Danny covered his nose and spoke with a muffled voice, "Boss, you kick really hard." Ignoring him, Isabelle opened the door and went inside.

Danny followed her inside with grievances. He still cared for his nose and buttocks.

"Where have you been? You disappeared as soon as vacation started. I sent you messages but got no reply. I've been looking for you everywhere; I almost asked Mr. George.

"Why didn't you ask him?" Isabelle threw her backpack onto the sofa.

"That's asking for trouble," Danny said.

He added, "Where did you go? On vacation or back to Norward? I asked Zack, and he said he hadn't seen you." Isabelle replied, "Vacation." Danny asked, "Why didn't you invite me? I could have booked hotels, called cabs, taken pictures, and made itineraries." Isabelle answered coldly, "George had done all that." Danny was dumbfounded.

What did she mean? Did she go on vacation with George? 1/3 Chapter 253 Visitors Isabelle asked, "Why aren't you having dinner at home? What are you doing here?" "Because it's New Year's, that's why I cto find you." Isabelle glanced at him..

"Look, your stepmother and stepsister aren't nice people. You don't like them so that you won't be celebrating with them. And the Sullivans? Well, let's not even mention them." "Get to the point." "I'm here to spend New Year's with you." "I prefer quiet." "Don't do that to me. I have boxes of fireworks in my trunk. We can go set them off. I even got ssparklers just for you. I invited a bunch of people, Con, let's go." Isabelle was speechless.

"Con, it's New Year's. Everyone else is celebrating. It would be boring for you to be alone. Hey, have you eaten? If not, please cto my place. We have ten chefs cooking. You can have whatever cuisine you want. And if you cto my place for New Year's, my family will all give you gifts. You can't say no to that." Danny continued his relentless pestering.

Isabelle was annoyed by his chatter. She said, "George invitedto spend New Year's with him several times, and I refused each time. Do you think you'll succeed?" Danny instantly felt defeated.

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Isabelle was about to go upstairs to take a shower when her phone buzzed with a text message. She read it and then asked Danny, "Are you in a hurry to go back home?" Danny replied, “No rush. Are we setting off fireworks?" Isabelle asked, "Can you go to the airport to pick up two people for me?" Danny's eyes lit up, and he agreed, "Sure!" At the airport, Danny transformed into a diligent chauffeur. He eagerly handed water to the guests and opened the car doors for them.

"Bro, where are you guys from? Hungry? I've got snacks in the car, Want some?" Fortunately, he didn't NO bring his sports car to keep the fireworks, or there wouldn't have been enough room for everyone. "Are you here to spend New Year's with Isabelle? Have any plans?" Danny glanced at the person in the passenger seat.

The man, staring out the window, hadn't spoken a wor He had light brown hair with a natural wave, a baby face with a few freckles, and looked younger than Danny, 2/3 54% Chapter 253 Visitors He was a foreigner and seemed a bit aloof.

The person in the back seat was mature and polite; he was a fellow Cheshian who responded,courteously. "What's your relationship with Isabelle? How should we address you?" asked White Owl.

"My relationship with Isabelle runs deep. It's too complicated to explain. You'll see soon enough Danny said it see proudly. "Danny Holmes. We study at the suniversity; I'm her senior." Jack, who occupied the passenger seat, finally glanced at Danny before turning back to the window, leaving the picture of cool indifference.

"Danny Holmes?" White Owl found the nfamiliar.

X Before returning to Cheshian, he had done a brief investigation to get to know the notable families and powerful people in Taragon.

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