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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236 George Can Fight George looked at her and played along, saying, "If you're tired, lethandle it.” He stepped forward and was ready to take care of the situation.

"That coat's getting in the way. Lethold it for you," Isabelle offered.

George looked down at his outfit. He was wearing a formal suit with a long black overcoat.

He handed the coat to Isabelle and said, "Much appreciated." George had reverted to his usual business attire..

"Stay back! I don't want their blood to smudge your clothes," he advised.

Isabelle held George's coat and watched quietly from the side.

Not far away, George faced the crowd alone. Gone was his gentlemanly demeanour; he switched from the polite Mr. Harris to the formidable Mr. George. The blade's glint reflected on his face.

George fought with precision and ruthless efficiency; his kicks and punches were sharp and swift.

Despite being the leader of God's Armament, he likely had little tto train and spent most of his tdealing with business matters, signing contracts, discussing projects, and attending meetings, Clearly, that wasn't the case. George's skills were far superior to what Isabelle had imagined. If it cdown to a fight, he might be on par with Yves.

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Isabelle was skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and kicks, preferring the former, while George excelled in the latter.

With legs as long as his, it would be a shnot to use them-his kicks were impressive and satisfying to watch.

Isabelle's gaze followed the tall figure amidst the crowd. His innate elegance and years of cultivated grace were evident even in a fierce fight.

It reminded her of the tshe watched Jim fight in a bar.

The sight thrilled Isabelle.

George quickly dispatched the last opponent, his breath steady. He turned to see Isabelle watching him. intently. Seeing the rare, lively expression on her face, George suddenly realised he had been tricked.

Had she brought him along just to watch him fight? George discovered that understanding a young woman's thoughts was even more challenging than understanding a young man's. Even straightforward ones, like Isabelle, could be perplexing.

Not only did she like to fight, but she also enjoyed watching others fight.

1/3 Chapter 236 George Can Fight Isabelle teased, "You're quite the hidden talent, Mr. George." Caught off guard with her calling her 'Mr. George', he chuckled. I'm glad you enjoyed the show." He took the coat from Isabelle. Just as he was about to put it on, he paused and asked, "Had enough? If not, we can wait. I'm sure more will show 11] soon.

Isabelle replied, "Next time. There's no shortage of fights here." George finally put his coat back on.

They walked past those people on the ground, groaning in pain.

George followed Isabelle to their place.

Yves stood at the second-floor window. He saw Isabelle return with someone, but he couldn't make out the face in the dark. However, he recognised the familiar figure.

Yves cdown to greet them.

"Sweetheart-" When he approached and saw it was George, Yves' expression soured.

He pulled Isabelle close and said, "Weren't you just going for a walk? Did you walk all the way back to Cheshian? Isabelle replied, "We ran into each other." Yves said, "Only you would believe that. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's getting late now, and you need to go to bed." He turned Isabelle around and went into the house.

Noticing Isabelle trying to look back, Yves gently held her face and urged, "Don't worry about him. Just do as I say.

Jim watched the show from the window.

Standing in the biting cold wind, George looked at the small, dilapidated two-story wooden house and fell deep in thought.

His coat billowed in the wind. The house seemed ready to collapse at any moment, but it was sturdier than it looked.

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George wondered if he should invite them to stay with him.

Just then, the left window on the second floor opened with a warm yellow light spilling out, and Isabelle appeared, waving at him.

George stepped inside and went upstairs.

The first floor had no rooms; the second had two-Isabelle lived on the left, while dim/and Yves shared the right. 2/3 09:07 Fri, 14 Jun Chapter 236 George Can Fight Yves men were out patrolling the area.

George reached Isabelle's room. She opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.

He ducked and sidestepped into the room.

Isabelle locked the door behind them.

George watched her.

In a low voice, Isabelle said, “This place isn't easy to find There's only so much space, so you'll have to make do, Mr. Harris.” George asked, 'Is that alright?" His voice was strangely hoarse. He wanted to clear his throat but feared disturbing Yves across the hall.

Isabelle replied indifferently. "It's not like we haven't shared a room before."

Isabelle had stayed in his room at the hotel in Melfrey, even when theren were rooms available. There was no need to be so particular now. Send Gifts 528 X