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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 225
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Chapter 225 What's Taking You So Long? After George stepped in. Isabelle quickly locked the door.

85%%% Her action made George's mood inevitably depressed. Isabelle and Yves appeared to have developed sunderstanding of one another.

"Take a seat on the couch, Isabelle suggested.

Yves had not only brought Isabelle wine but also a medical box. Despite being basic, the instruments were the most advanced. Isabelle opened the box with a practised hand.

"Open your mouth." She took out a small flashlight and approached him.

"Aren't you going to wear a mask? What if you are getting infected?" George asked.

"It's not that contagious." George then raised his head slightly and opened his mouth for her to check.

Isabelle put away the flashlight. "Have you taken medicine?" She drank a bit too much wine, and her breath carried a scent of wine when she talked. Her slightly reddened lips from the drink gave her a more vibrant look.

George shook his head.

"Not even any fever medicines?" "None." Isabelle gave him a sceptical glance but said nothing.

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She took out her stethoscope, sliding her hand beneath his suit jacket and over his shirt to place the diaphragm against his chest, starting from the apex of his left lung, moving from the front to the side, and then to the right lung.

When George watched Isabelle who was wearing a stethoscope, bent over to examine with a serious expression, his hands on his knees slowly curled into fists, She asked him a series of brief questions about his symptoms, and he answered each one methodically.

After the last question, George couldn't help but remark, "Do you always perform such thorough examinations? Even for something as minor as a cold or a fever?" He had assumed, given Isabelle's medical prowess and her temperament, that she would merely glance at him as the alternative medicine practitioner would do.

Then, she would give him a few acupuncture points. He hadn't expected such detailed attention.

Does drinking good wine and the person who accompanied her to drink makes her happier? So, it's not too much trouble to be patient.

Or could it be because it wasshe was treating? 12:51 Thu, 13 Jun Chapter 225 What's Taking You So Long? He quickly dismissed the thought.

85%1 "I don't usually diagnose people; I only do surgeries," Isabelle clarified, emphasising that she didn't deal with minor illnesses.

She hadn't even considered using the medical kit Yves had given her.

George's eyes brightened, and his heartbeat quickened.

His gaze was fixed on her face, lost in thought, unaware that his unusual heart rate had caught her attention. She moved the stethoscope's diaphragm to his left chest.

"You have a very fast heartbeat," she remarked.

Snapped out of his daze. George cback to his senses.

| When Isabelle met his gaze, she instantly knew his rapid heartbeat wasn't due to physical discomfort.

Removing the stethoscope, she sat down on the sofa and gently took his hand to feel his pulse.

After a moment, she pulled out sacupuncture needles. "Take off your coat." "Okay" "Undo a couple of buttons and expose the back of your neck." "Sure." Isabelle stood up and moved behind him, tugging his shirt collar down slightly to access his neck and shoulders. She began to carefully insert the needles.

Suddenly, the door handle rattled, followed by a knock. "Sweetheart?" "Why did you lock the door just to check him? Are you trying to keepout?" Yves continued.

It's only been a few minutes.

Did Isabelle know he wouldn't be able to stay calm, which was exactly why she locked the door? "Sweetheart, if he tries anything, just kill him. I'll take care of the other guy outside." Yves called through the door, "Do you hear me?" "Ignore him. He's always like this, Isabelle said dismissively.

"Have you known him long?" George asked curiously.

"Yeah. Isabelle nodded.

I can't imagine someone with her temperament tolerating Yves's antics.

She had always said she preferred quiet people, yet Yves was the opposite, constantly talking and frequently initiating physical contact.

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2/3 12:51 Thu, 13 Jun Chapter 225 What's Taking You So Long? 85% No matter what they had been through together, building such a bond would take years. But she was only eighteen....

After finishing the acupuncture on the back of his neck, Isabelle returned to the sofa to sit down.

"Right hand," she requested.

George extended his hand, and she took it, skillfully inserting a needle into the webbing between his thumb and index finger.

"Before I met Miss Jenkins, I never envy anyone, until now," George said suddenly.

"First, it was Jack and White Owl, then your brother, then Jim, and now Yves." "Actually. Yves is the person I trust most in this world," Isabelle admitted.

She only mentioned Yves and no one else. How could he not be affected?

"Sweetheart, are you done yet? What's taking you so long? Just stick him with a couple of needles and be E done with it. Yves hadn't given up.

Isabelle picked up a nearby pillow and hurled it at the door with force.

Yves was quiet for a while.

Looking down, she continued adjusting the needle in George's hand, and then added, Mr. Harris, with your exceptional qualities, there's no need to envy anyone."

George paused, then spoke softly, I've lived abroad with my aunt since I was young. She's always taken care of me. To me, she is just like my mother." X