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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 222
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Resurrecting the Genius Within Chapter 222 Yves Went to Taragon University Yves speculated. "There's a chance Jim has a preference for men. Could Mr. George share similar inclinations?" To this, Gecige responded, "Whether I like men or women, Miss Jenkins should know. As for my health, Miss Jenkins should also know that my condition is good, as confirmed by alternative medicine. So, Mr. Yves, there's no need for you to worry. On the other hand; Mr. Yves, you should pay more attention to your own health." Isabelle interrupted. "The dinner is served." Let's all maintain silence.

They both agreed to restheir ceasefire.

Yet, Yves, known for his love of thrills, found it challenging to stay quiet for too long.

"Sweetheart, give this a taste, "Start with the soup. It'll warm you up.

"Sweetheart, I've brought us swine, it's on its way here. Let's enjoy a pleasant drink and reconnect in a few days." Yves relished the feast immensely, though he remained unconcerned about the well-being of the others.

It would be more desirable if they weren't having an enjoyable time.

At the entrance of the hotel Yves took the rose and got into Isabelle's car, not even sparing a glance at George and the others standing at the door.

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He leisurely inhaled the scent of the rose in his grasp and commented, "Do you believe you can woo my sweetheart with just these small gestures? It'll take several more years of practice.

"Besides him, you haven't made any random friends, have you?” he asked solemnly.

"We're in someone else's territory. Behave yourself," Isabelle replied.

Yves wore a disdainful expression before raising his hands in innocence. "It's challenging forto act appropriately when you continue to support him." Suddenly, Isabelle Jenkins accelerated.

Yves, who was sitting back in relaxation, was jolted against the seat by inertia. He turned to Isabelle with ant indulgent smile and conceded. "Alright, I'll refrain from saying anything." After a while, the car reached the mansion area.

Yves emerged from the car, surveyed the mansion before him, and quipped to Isabelle, who was opening the door, "Sweetheart, you're not suggesting you reside in this little house, are you?" 1/3 23:09 Tue, 11 Jun Chapter 222 Yves Went to Taragon University "I handed you my black card, didn't I? Make a purchase. When did you becso resilient, sporting a damaged watch and staying at such a shabby house?" Yves observed the neighbourhood with a frown.

"Did Jim also stay here when he visited you?" "Yes." "Are you certain you didn't escort him to a more upscale-place?" "Would you like to cinside or prefer to sleep in the car tonight?" "Alright." Yves entered promptly, stating, "As long as I'm by your side, I'm happy to reside in a modest hand eat simple food." Isabelle inquired, "Would you prefer to sleep up or downstairs?" Yves responded, "Naturally, wherever is nearer to you. I'd rather sleep in the sroom as you, even if it means the floor or the sofa." As Isabelle climbed the stairs, she glanced back and commented, "Getting rid of a body here might pose a bit of a challenge, but not overly difficult.

Yves extended his arms, inclined his head, and offered a radiant smile. "I am entirely at your disposal." Witnessing his irksdemeanour, Isabelle felt a genuine impulse to deliver a stern reprimand..

Yves lounged on the couch in the living area and engaged in a video call conversation. Isabelle descended to fetch herself a glass of water and inadvertently overheard him boasting during the call, occasionally revealing his surroundings on camera.

On the screen. Jim couldn't contain himself any longer. "Do you have any idea why Blood Shadow was after that watch from you?" Yves responded calmly, "I know. Just had a little encounter with him. Couldn't even take one hit." "It appears he's taking Blood Shadow seriously now. He used to remain composed whenever he encountered me," remarked Jim.

"He certainly dares," Yves retorted with a hint of defiance.

With a sudden "click," the lights in the living room dimmed, catching Yves off guard. He turned to see a petite figure standing on the stairs.

Yves voiced a gentle complaint, "Sweetheart, why did you sneak up without making a sound?* Yves made it right on schedule-just in tfor the Taragon University freshman welcparty and New Year's Eve festivity.

Danny opted to ditch his classes and devote the entire day to play, appearing at school just in tfor the commencement of the party.

As Taragon University prohibited cars on campus, they erected a designated parking area exclusively for students and faculty adjacent to the school grounds.

Driving his sports car. Danny hummed along to music as he cruised toward the parking area.

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2/3 23 Chapter 222 Yves Went to Taragon University Glancing up, he spotted his crush, Isabelle, driving her car ahead of him.

He exclaimed with excitement. "Boss is driving to school?" He honked his horn twice and leaned out of the window, calling out, "Boss?" Following her car, he found a parking spot nearby and then made his way over to Isabelle and her car.

However, as he swung open the driver's side door, a young man with half-silver hair, exuding confidence and a regal aura, stepped out from the car. Danny stood rooted to the spot, his surprise evident.

Who is this guy? As Danny pondered, the man cast a glance in his direction, as if questioning the earlier honking incident.

Yves strolled into the school, leaving his flashy sports car parked in the lot, which immediately attracted a crowd of students eager to snap pictures.

"Girls, have you seen that stunning guy? He's unbelievably handsome! I caught sig sight of him in the parking lot, and he's absolutely mesmerising!"

"Is he the one with the silver hair pulled back? I spotted him as well) and someone already posted a photo -a profile shot-and it's incredible." Send Gifts 392 X