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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 210
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Chapter 210 I Don't Have a Grandson Your Age Isabelle glanced over at Danny, who was staring at the TV in front of the sofa.

Noticing her gaze, Danny turned around. He had just taken a big sip of cola and was so startled by Isabelle's gaze that he let out a burp.

Isabelle frowned.

Danny immediately whined, "Boss, I'm sorry! Go ahead and hitif you want. Just hithard." Irritated, Isabelle headed downstairs, Seeing that Isabelle wasn't mad at him. Danny got lively again and followed her, asking, “Boss, you're not your parents' biological daughter?" That sounded a bit off.

"I mean, you're not the Jenkins' real daughter? You're actually the daughter of the Sullivan who was already dead? Seriously? They weren't just making that up earlier, were they? "Boss, why do I feel like there's something really mysterious about you?" He still hadn't gotten over the whole George thing, and now there was the Sullivans. Their situation was just as crazy.

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The Sullivans publicly said Brad died of an illness. From what you said earlier, was it that old lady who killed him? And your biological mom too? "D*mn! If I'd known that old lady was so bad, I wouldn't have let her in," Danny muttered. He had only let her in because she seemed old and frail, but she turned out to be the worst.

I always thought Old Madam Sullivan turned to Christianity out of grief for losing her son. Turns out she drove him to his death.

"All that talk about being a god believer-it's probably because she's done too many bad things and is scared.

"Boss, you absolutely shouldn't go back with them. The Sullivans are full of bad people. I've heard Brad was pretty amazing, but even he was driven to death." Isabelle sat down on the sofa.

Danny leaned closer and said, "Boss, you haven't done a DNA test yet, right? How about you my dad?" do one with Isabelle looked at him with undisguised disdain. "I don't have a grandson your age." Danny spat, "Pfft, I mean, what if you're my dad's long-lost daughter? You don't look anything like the Sullivans, but you do have a bit of the Holmes family's aura." Isabelle retorted, "Does your mom know how filial you are?" Danny felt a bit frustrated. "What kind of good luck did the Sullivans have to deserve this?" 1/3 Chapter 210 I Don't Have a Grandson Your Age Secing Isabelle's silence, Danny asked, "Boss, are you sad?" Isabelle couldn't be bothered to answer.

Sad? I'm not the real Isabelle.

Sadness? Hatred? None of it mattered.

Danny took it upon himself to comfort her, saying the Sullivans weren't worth her trouble. If she needed. parental love, his parents would gladly take her in as their own, even willing to support her financially.

Seeing Isabelle's eye roll and realising she wasn't sad, he shamelessly asked, "Boss, how about takingfor a drive?" Meanwhile, the Sullivans were deep in sorrow.

Old Madam Sullivan was filled with regret, urging her two sons to do whatever it took to bring Isabelle back. Watching her grandmother cry nonstop and her mother wiping away tears, Dakota felt annoyed.

After standing for hours, she was tired and hungry.

But everyone was so focused on Isabelle that they didn't even think about eating. Dakota, usually the centre of attention, felt upset.

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Maverik tried to comfort his mother, "Mom, we can't rush this. We need to take it slow." Wade said, "Mom, we've wronged her. We need to see things from her perspective and not force it." Learning out that her Uncle Brad and the woman he loved both died because of their grandmother, Bella thought, if I were her, I wouldn't want to cback either.

Dakota chimed in, "Yeah, Grandma, we can't rush this. Plus, we haven't done a DNA test yet. It's easy to invite her to the family but it will be hard to send her away. Uncle Brad was an but upright knows about this Isabelle? Even if she is Uncle Brad's daughter, she grew up in the countryside, and who knows what kind of person she turned out to be? At the very least, we need to check her background thoroughly before bringing her back. Otherwise, she might end up embarrassing our family." If Isabelle cback, Dakota felt she'd lose her place in the family.

Even if Isabelle didn't steal her spotlight, she wouldn't let her cinto the Sullivan family to share their inheritance.

Just seeing Isabelle annoyed her.

Dakota's mother scolded, "Dakota, how can you say such things? Maverik reprimanded angrily. "Whether she's your Uncle Brad's daughter or not, you shouldn't talk like that." The family started to criticise her.

Feeling wronged, Dakota said, "I'm O not wrong. That Isabelle isn't a good person. Last tat the auction, she was bidding just to mess with people, and she claimed to be the boss of Luxe Luster. Mom, you were 2/3 Chapter 2101 Don't Have a Grandson Your Age

there. Her adoptive parents are so poor, but she goes to fancy places and lives in a nice villa. Isn't that suspicious? Who knows what kind of shady 'stuff' she's picked up over the years? Our family is in business, so we need to be cautious. Just now, Grandma even knelt to her, and she still said things to hurt her." Bella whispered, "Maybe Mr. Magnus rewarded her with the villa." Or maybe she bought it with the 15 million she won in the bet...