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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre When he heard about the paternity test, William started to panic. "What test? She's my daughter. I don't have tfor this. Get out of here." Seeing that William wasn't willing to cooperate, Wade's tone becfirm.

"William, if you won't work with us, I'll have to call the police. If Isabelle is really my brother's daughter, I won't let my brother's only child be left outside." The neighbours watching the commotion were shocked and started. gossiping.

William said, "Don't try to scarewith the police. If you mess with my daughter, I'll fight you." Wade replied, "Then I'm sorry, but I have no choice. Morgan, call the police." Then, he pulled out his phone and looked for Magnus' number.

"Before I chere, I talked to Isabelle. I didn't want to bother her without being sure, but if you won't help, I have no other choice. If I'm wrong, I'll take responsibility for what I did today." Seeing Wade and his assistant calling the police, William slowly lowered the bamboo stick he was holding. He looked around at the onlooking neighbours in a panic, gradually giving up his futile struggle.

After about ten minutes, the Jenkins Residence's courtyard quieted down.

Wade and his assistant cback inside.

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They closed the gate, keeping the curious neighbours out.

Wade looked at William, who was crouching by the doorway with his head in his hands, staying silent. He patiently gave him stime.

1/4 Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre However, Eleanor wasn't so patient. Holding the crumpled document, she kept pressing William for the truth.

But William remained silent, his head in his hands.

Seeing Eleanor getting agitated and starting to push and pull at William on the doorstep, Wade stepped forward and pulled her away. "Calm down. Give him a little time." "Why should I stay calm? I've poured my heart and soul into raising this. girl for over a decade, only to find out she's not my flesh and blood. I've worked tirelessly to provide for her, to send her to college, and now her family shows up out of nowhere, wanting to take her back. What have I done to deserve this? Do you have any idea how much I've struggled all these years?" Eleanor's words poured out.

Wade nodded sympathetically. "I get it. I feel for you. If Isabelle is truly my brother's daughter, you and your husband would be our family's saviours. We'll make sure to repay you for all the years of care you've given her." Wade's words struck a chord with Eleanor, and she thought to herself, I didn't expect this guy to be so understanding. With him saying that there must be sbenefits coming my way.

Eleanor never had much affection for her eldest daughter, and now seeing her turn into such an ungrateful brat, she thought she was raising her for nothing. But now, it seemed there might be sbenefits.

So Eleanor wiped away her tears and began to confide in Wade about all the hardships she had endured over the years.

Seeing William's reaction, Wade felt more assured. He naturally felt grateful towards the foster parents who had raised Isabelle for over a decade.

So Wade spoke reassuringly and promised Eleanor a bunch of benefits.

Just then. William. who had been silent all this time. spoke up. "You said 2/4 21:52 Mon, 10 Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre Isabelle is your brother's? "Where's your brother? Why hasn't he come? And what about her mother?" A pang of pain flashed in Wade's eyes. "My brother... He passed away over ten years ago. And as for her mother, I have no idea." Wade lowered himself, speaking sincerely to William, "When my brother left us, he had no clue about the child. He definitely didn't abandon the child. The child's mother must have had her reasons, forced into a difficult situation... They were deeply in love. If you're willing to listen, I can tell you their story. My brother suffered greatly before he passed away. If he had known he had a child in this world, he wouldn't have died." Thinking about how his brother could have lived a good life with his child, maybe now they would have been a happy family of three, Wade felt an indescribable sense of regret.

Wade said, "William, please, just tellthe truth. Whose child is this?" After waiting for a while, Wade finally heard William say, "I found her at the back door of the health centre." The plane touched down in Norward City.

Isabelle walked out from the airport, hailing a taxi straight to the Jenkins Residence.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard of the Jenkins Residence, William recounted the whole story.

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Back then, Eleanor was carrying twins. The elder was a boy, and the younger was Layla.

Eleanor struggled to maintain proper nutrition during her pregnancy, and the limited resources/at the health centre led to complications during delivery. The boy couldn't be saved, leaving only Layla alive. After giving birth Fleanor fell into a coma oblivious to her children's 3/4 21:52 Mon, 10 Jun U Chapter 201 Abandoned at the Health Centre 48%

situation. With a heavy heart, William went hto fetch essentials for his ΟΥ wife. When he returned to the O hospital, he found Isabelle abandoned at the back door of the health centre. She was barely two days old.

William searched the entire health centre while cradling the child, eventually confirming that she had been deliberately abandoned.

The health centre suggested he take her to the police station or an orphanage.

Looking at the child's little face m turning purple from the cold in his arms, William thought that even if he her found logical parents, they might not treat her well. He couldn't bear the idea of sending her to an orphanage.