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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 197
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Chapter 197 Meeting The next morning.

Dylan saw George Harris coming down the stairs. He thought George would stay out all night, but apparently he didn't.

News about the mysterious girl at Magnus's birthday party, who had connections with the bigwigs in Taragon, spread quickly in their circle.

A luxury car appeared at Taragon University's gate.

Wade got out of the car and entered the campus.

49% Wade didn't know which department Isabelle belonged to, and even if he did, it wouldn't be appropriate to directly seek her out. So he went to find Magnus, it go. Isabelle isn't a petty person, and your niece has already apologised. Let's put last night behind us." Magnus waved it off. "Mr. Sullivan, you don't need to worry about it." Both Sullivan brothers are decent people, but their children seem a bit lacking. Maybe they've pampered their children.

Wade sincerely said, "But I still want to apologise to her in person. I hope you can helpwith this." Magnus looked at the earnest Wade and smiled. "Mr. Sullivan, it's rare for you to call this way just for this. That's commendable." He took out his phone and said, "It's lunchtime, so Isabelle should be free. I'll give her a call." Magnus called Isabelle and explained the situation.

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Initially, Isabelle wasn't interested, but Magnus said a few more words on Wade's behalf, and Isabelle reluctantly agreed.

1/4 20:49 Mon, 10 Jun ·U Chapter 197 Meeting 49% After hanging up, Magnus told Wade, "Isabelle said you can go see her. Mr. Sullivan, you should make the trip." Surprised, Wade smiled and nodded. "Thank you." Magnus watched his reaction, thinking, Did he expect Isabelle to cto him? What was he thinking? Even George would have to visit her.

Agreeing to meet him was already a favour.

Wade asked, "I heard Isabelle is from Norward. Do you know which part?" Magnus wondered, "Why do you ask?" He explained, "I have an old acquaintance who looks very similar to Isabelle. I wanted to confirm something; maybe I know her parents." An old acquaintance? Magnus thought of Isabelle's honest father and sharp-minded mother. He felt it was unlikely they were Wade's acquaintances.

"I've met Isabelle's parents." Magnus shook his head and said, "They look nothing like her. Mr. Sullivan, you might be mistaken." Even when Isabelle was chubbier, she didn't resemble them.

Wade then went to the cafeteria, where he saw Isabelle.

She was sitting by the window, finishing her lunch and working on her laptop. Wade watched her through the glass for a moment before entering and walking towards her, Seeing her face up close, Wade was momentarily stunned, feeling a surreal sense of déjà vu.

"Isabelle?" Wade spoke.

Tenhalla starad un at him 2/4 20:49 Mon, 10 Jun Chapter 197 Meeting This girl looked too much like her.

With just one glance, Isabelle immediately returned to her work.

49% Wade collected his thoughts, calming himself before politely asking, "May 1 sit here?" He seemed well-mannered..

Isabelle responded indifferently, "Suit yourself." Wade sat opposite her, scrutinizing her features bit by bit. She was incredibly similar.

Last night, he had repeatedly doubted his eyes.

Noticing his gaze, Isabelle looked up again and said directly, "There's not need to apologise for your niece."

She looked similar, but her personality was entirely different This girl, despite her young age, spoke directly and without intimidation. This girl seemed to have a strong will.

Wade said with a smile, "Isabelle, I'm Bella's father. My nis Wade Sullivan. It was nice to meet you.

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"I apologise for disturbing you. Although you said it's not necessary, I still want to apologize for my niece. I'm truly sorry." Isabelle stared at him.

"I heard from Bella that you're from Norward. It's not easy for someone from out of town to get into Taragon University to get int University. You must be very talented." Isabelle sensed that Wade had more on his mind than just an apology, so she asked directly, "Is there something else?" 3/4 340 Chapter 197 Meeting

Wade arrived today to confirm whether he had made a mistake last night. It was a big world, and it wasn't rare to find people who looked alike. Now, seeing her again, Wade's mind was filled with various thoughts.

He decided to take a chance and asked, "May I buy you a drink?" He raised his hand to call the waiter. "I'm good," Isabelle said, standing up.

She disliked roundabout probing. Since Wade wasn't being straightforward, she didn't want to waste time. Isabelle said, "If there's nothing else, I'll be going." Wade, too, stood up. He was hesitating to speak up. Finally, he just watched her leave and couldn't take any drastic steps to stop her.

If it was a misunderstanding, it would be embarrassing.

Leaving the restaurant, Wade called his brother and gave a random excuse that he needed to go on a business trip for a few days.