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Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171 Blue Hydrangea "How's his condition?" His words barely registered audibly.

Isabelle glanced upwards at the sound, her eyes showing a hint of redness.

Choosing to stay quiet, she cast her gaze downward, concentrating on the white mouse.

"Blue Hydrangea" The substance turned out to be the toxin from the Dark Shadow.

What motivation would Dark Shadow have for using this gradual-acting toxin on old Mr. Harris? Considering Dark Shadow's skills, disposing of old Mr. Harris would have been straightforward. Choosing this complex method implies it wasn't ordered by another.

A skilled hitman and a businessman wouldn't typically hold a grudge, and even if they did, they wouldn't opt for such a chaotic method.

What's the rationale behind it? In Taragon City, there's only one person under the command of Dark Shadow capable of creating this specific poison: Heart K.

If it truly is Heart K, then his reasons shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Isabelle's mind raced with questions. Why go after the retired old man instead of George, who runs the show in the Harris family and holds the purse strings? Could it be that he's worried about the chaos that would erupt if George were to bite the dust, leaving him powerless to control the situation? Is he scheming by striking at George's weak spot upfront? Maybe he plans to slowly tighten his grip? This old timer's got sserious hunger for power.

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Going straight for the jugular of the Harris family.

Operating smack dab in the middle of the Harris family's turf.

If it's Heart K, no wonder George couldn't pin the blame.

That geezer could slip poison into someone's drink without a hint of evidence, making it a walk in the park. George looked at Isabelle, unsure of what she was thinking.

At this time, Isabelle raised her head again and announced, "I've got the antidote for this poison." She quickly grabbed a pen and scribbled out a prescription right then and there.

Mr. Garth took the initial prescription, examining it closely before nodding. "So this medicine doubles as a detoxifier. I'll need to do smore tests." 1/3 Chapter 171 Blue Hydrangea Next, Isabelle gave him another prescription, which Mr. Garth eagerly accepted, his eyes widening in amazement as he read it.

"Miss Jenkins, all the ingredients in this prescription are poisonous." Without waiting for Isabelle to reply. Mr. Garth suddenly understood, taking a sharp breath before adding. “Ah, fighting fire with fire.” At that instant, Mr. Garth's respect for Isabelle skyrocketed.

"Who would've thought Miss Jenkins had the guts to pull off such a bold move? It seems this old dog of mine is in for a surprise." Mr. Garth felt a surge of excitement, having full faith in Isabelle's daring strategy as a final option and trusting her completely.

Even if the guinea pig was none other than old Mr. Harris.

Isabelle remained silent, her mind racing with thoughts.

In reality, creating the antidote for this toxin wasn't overly complicated. Isabelle almost spoke up but decided against it, thinking, Forget it, it's fine.

Watching Isabelle's face, George sensed that things weren't as bad as Mr. Garth made them out to be, so he held back from asking any questions.

"Sof the items on this list might not be available at Maven Apothecary. You need to send someone to get them quickly. Your father can't wait, Isabelle directed George.

"Got it," George remarked.

As the hunt for the ingredients commenced, Isabelle headed to check on the status of old Mr. Harris.

Despite being unconscious and hooked up to tubes, with several silver needles piercing his chest, old Mr. Harris stayed in a steady state.

Outside the room, George waited anxiously.

Soon after, Isabelle cout.

Without a word, she headed towards the laboratory without rushing. George followed close behind.

After a few steps, she realised there wasn't anything pressing to do in the lab, so she turned and settled into a nearby chair for a break.

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Beside her, George stood in silence, quietly watching.

Isabelle sat with crossed legs, her back against the chair, her head resting on the wall. Her hands lay relaxed. in her lap, her thumbs tracing idle circles.

Her eyes shut, lost in thought, a hint of fatigue creasing her brow, yet an aura of calmness surrounded her.

After a moment of observation, George cautiously broke the silence. "How about grabbing sbreakfast and then catching a nap in the next ward?" Isabelle's lips curled slightly as she replied, "I've got this thing. If given the chance, I'd opt for a coffin over a hospital bed." 2/3 00:27 Mon, 10 Jun Chapter 171 Blue Hydrangea.

It wasn't quite bedtime. She just needed to give her eyes a break from all the staring.

"There's a comfy sofa in the ward, or we could hit up a nearby hotel, or could whisk you home, George offered, concern evident in his tone. "You need srest and grub right about now."

Feeling the chill of the wall against her head, Isabelle blinked open her eyes, catching the worry in George's gaze. She reached out and patted the spot beside her. As George settled beside her, his shoulder instinctively dipped, providing a snug spot for the girl's head.

I'm doing the Harris family a solid, snagging Mr. Harris's shoulder for a second won't cause any harm, right?" Isabelle mentioned.

George grinned silently. "My pleasure." Isabelle went on, "There's a good chance someone from within the Harris family is helping poison your dad. Any leads yet?" George responded, "Since my dad got poisoned, I've sneaked around our house six times in a year but didn't spot anyone fishy." Send Gifts