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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23

Everything happened so suddenly, everyone was taken aback. No one expected something like this at

a time like this and the old Alpha could not help but feel guilty. Jason was the most disturbed at the

moment, feeling like he just exchanged his mate’s life for that of his father. The color drained form his

face, as guilt waved him diy

“What happened to her?” He was already at Rowena’s side helplessly and Jax was making it worse.

1 can’t reach her well, I can’t reach her. What is happening to our mate?’ He kept whining.

“You saw what happened. Stop disturbing me and let me check on her, Jaxon snarled. Jax quieled

instantly, whiles Jaxon hovered over Rowena’s unconscious form on the bed. Charles was equally

disturbed and made a move to go to Rowena’s side but Jaxon’s warning rang in his head,

Be careful Charles, I will do anything for Rowens, if it means fighting you till death”

He tried to hold back the eccentricity he was feeling, Alpha Claten was disturbed and felt like he would

die the next minute if he lost her. There was so much about Rowena that no one knew and losing her

would be doum to them all.

“I don’t know how she did it and I feel as if I was neversick. My energy is restored to when I was forty,”

he observed and spoke. These things were not strange for which reason Jaxon was afraid. Some

ancer: wolves had healing powers but it worked in a way of exchanging the life of the healer for the

patient. Due to that, they lost all healing wolves, Jason tried to sever the thought that Rowena’s

situation was different.

“Thope she did not exchange her life for yours.” Jason voce his fears. The old Alpha froze instantly

recalling the legend of the healing woll His eyes instantly turning teary but Gracie’s words rased their

anxiety all together.

“She healed a lot of people but never passed out. Please let me check on her

Jaxon was reluctant before recalling that Gracie was equally doctor. Gracie checked Rowena’s pulse

and was greatly relieved upon realizing that it felt normal.

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“Row is fine but I don’t know the reason why she is not waking up. It might be due to exhaustion.” she

relayed to the worned men. Jaxon could not be far from her, thereby saying,

“I will take her to my room”

As soon as he lifted Rowena in his arms, Charles took a step to follow them, ending up receiving a

strong waming from Jaxon, and you better not follow me, Charles.”

If his father was fine, then this was his time with Rowers. He could not let anyone including his brother

ruin it for him.

Charles did not have an excuse to refuse his elder brother’s orden, as he watched him carrying

Rowena to his room. His heart was twitching at the mere sight of it. The next moment, Gracie gave him

a weird lank before running in the direction where Jaxon carried Rowena,

Alpha Clinton followed as well, his first time stepping out of his room in months and it felt good bit now,

he was worried about Rowena. She was in this condition because of him for which reason he could not

celebrate his profound health. As soon as Jason dropped Rowena on his neatly laid bed, he stared at

the two people in his room and frowned a little.

“I will like to have some time alone with her.””

“I will be in the living room if you need me,” Gracie sad.

“I will keep you company, Alpha Clinton said to Gracie. He also wished for Jason and Rowena to be

together. Only then would everything fall into place for him

As soon as they got downstairs, the doors to the entrance of the living room opened and Clara walked

in. Charles was already sitting on a sols but did not turn to the door. Something was eating him up. He

knew what it was but could not tell anyone nor seek consolation from anyone about it. Mockery was the

only earning he would get from sharing what was badly eating him at the moment.

When Gracie’s gaze met with Clara’s, Clara looked away and engaged in a chat with Alpha Cinton.

She hated Gracie at first and then Rowena. Both women made her blood boil and given they got the

attention of the old Alpha, Jason and Charles, she felt neglected. Whereas, she could not hide her

shock at seeing how the old Alpha was looking.

“Alpha, you are fell Clara declared, stunned at seeing the Alpha all healthy. She was only privy to see

him about a year ago during a family dinner but the Alpha fever welcomed her to his room and hardly

stepped out after that. That’s the last time she saw the old Alpha, he was very sickly

“It’s all thanks to Howena, Alpha Clinton smiled and spoke, satisfied by the stunned look on Clara’s

face. It was not a secret to anyone that Clara hated Howena.

“Ro.Rowena!” Clara stammered, coupled with the registered shock on her lace, that gave her a

lukewarm attitude as she added, “Doctors take time to cure patients. What medication did she use? I’m

only asking because a lot of doctors came before. Please forgive me for asking too much. I am just

happy that you are fine and also curious to know how she did it.”

Not seeing Rowena and Jason around, she was having the inkling feeling that Rowena must be from

the legend of healing wolves, who had been hunted for their healing powers, after which they died. If

that was the case, then her chances were even better. Rowena would die and not complete with her

anymore. Then she would find the time to deal with Gracie and make her regret getting close to Jaxon

in the first place.

“Allyhat matters is that she did it. Rowena has always been selfless. She gave her life to save mine.”

The comer of Clara’s lips curled up but she lowered her head to hide it and asked, “So, she’s dead?”

She kept thinking it was the reason why Charles’s



Chapter 23

mood seemed to be sore, together with the old Alpha and Gracie.

Alpha Clinton frowned with contempt for Clara to even think that way and exclaimed, “The goddess

forbids it but she is unconscious.”

Clara’s eyes it. If Rowena was already unconscious, then a little bit of wallshane would send her to her

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early grave. “I should check on her. I’m not a visitor,” she said with feigned worry. Gracie was about to

refuse when the old Alpha responded.

“I don’t think your presence will do her any good. You better stay with your man there,” he lifted his

head and gestured towards Charles, who was staring blankly into space as if he was not aware of

Clara’s presence. He was however startled by his father’s voice before he glanced at Clara and asked.

“Clara, what are you doing here?”

Clara smiled before walking around to sit on the arm of the single sofa Jaxon sat on. Her slender

fingers skillfully combed his hair whiles she said, “It’s lunch time so I came to get you.”

Gracie glanced in their direction, feeling her chest tighten in her rib cage. ‘Rowena is right. Charles

would never accept me. I just have to let him reject me and hopefully, the moon goddess would give

me a second chance mate or remain mateless forever. Both Clara and Gracie were shocked by

Charles’ response.

*Rowena is not well and you want me to go for lunch?”

The old Alpha’s lips curled upwards. To think that Charles gave up the Alpha position for such a

woman, all because he did not want to be mated to an omega. He kept a straight face, pretending to

not listen to what they were discussing

“But…” Clara wanted to counter Charles’s claim. Since when did he begin to care for Rowena? It was

so unlike him but Charles had already cut her off, going on to explain,

“She saved my father’s life without thinking about hers. It’s just profound that I ensure she’s fine before

going for lunch but you know what, I don’t have the appetite today. Take care of the office in my

absence too.”

Indirectly, he was telling Clara to go and she was not feeling welcome either so she agreed. “It’s alright.

I will take care of the office,” Clara frowned and spoke before sauntering to the door as she vowed in

her mind,

You better die, Rowena because if you come out alive, I will send you to the grave myself