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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 5
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Chapter 5

Chapter five.

Nelly’s POV

The raspy sound of a ragged breath raked across my senses. I raised my head, my gaze drawn to

Alpha Kex, his expression unreadable.

A heavy silence stretched between us, broken only by the rasp of his breath. I felt my pulse quicken as

his eyes swept over me, searching for something I couldn’t discern. Time seemned to stand still as we

stood there.

“What’s your name?” he growled, his voice low and gruff.

I rolled my eyes internally. Didn’t he just hear Aisha call me by name?

“Nelly,” I said, meeting his gaze. He grunted, a displeased sound.

“You have got a mouth on you,” he said, his tone sharp. “And I don’t like a wolf who talks back. You

forgot to add Alpha’ when you spoke.”

He leaned in close, his grip on my cheeks tightening. I felt a mix of emotions — fear. anger, and

something I couldn’t quite place.

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” I said, my voice quivering. “My name is Nelly….. Alpha” I stutter.

“Good,” he replied, releasing me from his grasp. I took a step back, my cheeks burning with


I could feel the heat of embarrassment rising in my cheeks, and I longed to rub them, but I was afraid to

move a muscle in front of him. He was so commanding, so intimidating, and I hated it, but what else

could I expect from a ruthless Alpha?

I stood frozen in place, my fists clenched at my sides. A part of me wanted to run, to escape this

terrifying situation, but another part of me stood rooted to the spot, like a rabbit caught in a trap.

He crossed his arms behind his back, his eyes taking over me like a predator sizing up its prey. I held

my clothes close to my body, a meager defense against his piercing.

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I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breath coming in shallow gasps. My skin pr ickled with

uncase, my mind whirling with possibilities.


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14:54 Wed, 21 Feb DO.

Chapter 5



Was he going to hurt me? Was he going to say something cruel? Or was he just going to stand there,

surveying me like an object to be used?

Finally, he spoke, “You will need to lose some weight,” he said, his gaze still running over my body.

I bristled at his comment, my annoyance growing. Did he think I wasn’t aware of my appearance? What

right does he have to bodyshame me? I was about to give him a piece of my mind, to tell him I was

perfect the way I am, but I held myself, reminding myself he was above me.

“What have you got to say for yourself?” he hissed, his breath warm against my neck.

I froze, his proximity overwhelming. How close had he gotten without me noticing? It was then that I

realized he was just inches away from me, his eyes fixed on mine.

“Yes, Alpha,” I stammered, the words coming out in a trembling whisper.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and he took a step back.

Without another word, he strode towards the door, and I scurried after him. When he flung it open, I

froze in place. Carl, Astel, and Shantel were standing there, their faces registering worries: I am pretty

sure they were scared I had annoyed Alpha Kex. I could feel Aisha’s gaze on me, her expression full of


“If you are not happy with this commodity.” Astel said, his voice like a knife to my heart, “we have plenty

of other beautiful women you could have.”

My blood boiled, and I had to resist the urge to lash out at him. How dare he talk about me like I was a

product to be traded? Like I was less than a wolf? I clenched my fists, my nails biting into my palms.

“It looks like the dogs have eaten your brains. I need to remind you that she is mine now,” Alpha Kex

said, his voice low and firm. “If anyone speaks ill of her, I will not hesitate to remove their head.”

Astel swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. I smiled to myself, taking some

satisfaction in seeing him brought low. Though I rolled my eyes knowing there is no difference between

him and Astel.

“Get the car ready,” Alpha Kex commanded, his voice harsh and demanding. Astel nodded, his face


I watched as Astel left the room, his footsteps echoing off the stone walls. He stopped to speak with

Carl, their voices low and muf fled. Then Carl left as well, and I was alone.


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14:55 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 5

with Alpha Kex, Shantel, and Aisha.

Aisha moved towards me, her eyes full of concern. “Are you okay?” she whispered.

I looked into her eyes, “I’m fine,” I said, though my voice wavered.

After what seemed like hours, but could have been only minutes, Astel reappeared. “The car is ready,”

he announced.

With that, we began to make our way out of the mansion. I stole a glance at Shantel, her expression

unreadable. She looked away from me, and I turned back to face the door.

We stepped outside, and the sunlight was blinding. I squinted as I adjusted to the sudden brightness.

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The car was waiting for us, sleek and black, its engine purring. We got inside, and the door closed with

a thud..

I said a quiet “thank you” as the car door slammed shut.

Aisha turned to me, her expression questioning. “What for?” she asked.

“For choosing to come with me and rejecting your mate,” I said. “I know what it means. to be away from

your mate, and to reject them. I know it wasn’t easy for you.”

Aisha pressed my hands together and smiled. “That’s what best friends do,” she said.

I returned Aisha’s smile, a small knot of tension releasing from my chest. I sank back against the plush

leather seat, allowing myself to relax for the first time in what felt like days.

I knew Aisha was in pain, but she was doing her best to hide it, to make me feel less guilty. But I felt

guilty anyway. I knew it was my fault she was here, in this car,

thousands of miles from her rejected mate.

I didn’t like Carl, not one bit. But I knew what it was like to be rejected by your mate, to feel the pain in

your heart and the howl of your wolf. I knew what it was like to plaster a smile on your face, even as

you felt like you were breaking inside.

But as much as I hated to admit it, Carl had done this to himself. He had caused the situation that led to

his rejection. Still, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pity for him.

I opened my eyes, and we were just crossing the border of our pack. I turned to look at Aisha, who was

sleeping soundly, her head resting against the headrest.

I caught Alpha Kex’s gaze in the rearview mirror, and it made me feel uneasy. He was

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amerigma, a puzzle couldn’t paine soler I didn’t know if I could trust him, and I didn’t know what to

make of him

A vesser in my head kept on soreaming at me telling me I’m making a mistake.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!