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Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi-Novel

Chapter 580
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「My hips hurt……sex with Aegir is too intense.」

Lucy groans as she languidly changes position.

Her tits, which had been squished into the bed, jiggle as she lies on her back and then point to the ceiling before spreading out slightly to the left and right.

「After a woman climaxes, you're supposed to switch to light caresses and whispers of love. Swinging your hips until the woman's eyes roll back is too cruel.」

Lucy complains, beckoning me with her hands.

When I move closer, her graceful hands wrap around my head and pull me into her ample cleavage.

「At the end, I was screaming and couldn't come back from the climax……your actions are rough even for a vampire.」

Her plump breasts smack my head from side to side.

「Hearing Lucy scream on the verge of orgasm turns me on.」

「So you get aroused from seeing me suffer……you're terrible, Aegir. Fufu.」

「It's ten times worse for me, having to listen to it right next to you.」

Celia determines that we have finished and wedges between us, forcibly putting my pants on so I don't start a second round.


Lucy trails off, combing back her disheveled hair and using a wet towel to wipe my saliva off her breasts.

「I'm surprised Aegir and that girl are fine. During the earlier stages, the urge of blood-sucking feels like starvation and is enough to make writhe in agony. It's not uncommon for vampires to lose their sense of reason and indiscriminately attack humans.」

「Blood tasted good. My instincts also urged me to suck it.」

「But it's not enough to make me rampage. Tomatoes can be used as a decent substitute.」

Celia and I exchange looks, peck each other on the lips and then rub our noses together.

「That's not what I know. I guess it must have been some complication I had during mutation or simply because Aegir is abnormal.」

「I'm abnormal even after becoming a vampire?」

I stretch and step down from the bed.

The three of us moved our residence from the cave to a hunter's cabin.

Despite being vampires, living in a cavern is hard, and we wanted a bed and a roof.

The owner of the cabin was eaten by wolves a short distance away, leaving the place vacant, perfect for vampires who want to hide from the world.

A ray of sunlight shines in through a crack in the closed window.

「Mu, I was so absorbed that I didn't realize it became morning.」

「Indeed. Shall we sleep until the sun――」

Not sure what Lucy said, I spoke over her and put a hand on the wooden shutter.

「Bathing in the morning sun will give you the energy for the day ahead.」


Celia let out a weird noise right as I flung the shutter wide open.


The heat felt like the flames of a dragon.

「Aah, Aegir-sama, there's smoke coming out! You're getting burned!」

「Close it! Close the window!!」

Celia throws something to shut the window.

「Why would you expose yourself to the sun as a vampire!? Are you an idiot!?」

I wave away the smoke dejectedly as Lucy scolds me.

「I forgot because of how recent it was. Mgh……my entire body hurts.」

「You're lucky that you didn't turn into ash……I won't forgive you if you died from a clumsy mistake after swearing to be with me for eternity.」

Lucy pats her chest in relief.

My throat feels dry, perhaps because I was burnt.

The water jug is empty too, I guess I'll have to fetch some.

「It's good that there is spring water close to this cabin. We can freely drink the fresh tasty water.」


Celia lets out a strange noise right as the door swings wide open.


「Aegir-sama, are you an idiot!?」

「Gosh, should I cut off your arms and legs until you become more aware!?」

I plop face-first onto the bed with smoke rising from all over my body.

「I give up. I don't feel like doing anything in the morning anymore.」

「Don't make the morning as a starting point in the first place.」

I roll around in bed, wrap Celia in a blanket, and pull Lucy in too.

These two are my family now……it's just the three of us.

「How many days went by since then?」

Although I'd like to act like I have no concept of dates as a vampire with no lifespan, Celia keeps a memo with her schedule so I unfortunately know the exact date.

It's been two months since Celia and I stopped being human.

I gaze in the direction of the palace.

It should barely be visible from a hill.

Since I'll burn up, I can't even peek out of a window.

Sensing my unease, Celia slides up to block my vision and pushes her cute breasts in my face.

「Don't you think that's enough? We are not humans anymore. We have nothing to do with them and we must not have anything to do with them.」

Now that we're monsters of the night, we can't just nonchalantly waltz into the palace.

I know that much.

「The stupid worthless slug that is Antonio seems to be doing oh so well.」

Celia comments scornfully.

We aren't just staying cooped up in this place.

Night after night, we visit nearby villages to satiate our urges and suck the blood from careless passersby.

Even though there's nothing I can do about it, I end up hearing tales of the "happenings after I died".

Combining the different stories together gives me the broader picture.

「It seems he's going pretty overboard.」

When I continue the conversation, Celia unhappily pulls out her notes from a pouch on her waist.

She's using the pouch because her cleavage is too small to store anything.

「Stupid-tonio killed everyone who came to protest when he declared himself king as a form of disobedience, and that would be fine if that was all…… I'm sorry, those who praised him for liberating them from a "tyrant" were also killed for disrespecting the crown.」

He is using the same method I did except he is more uncompromising and thorough.

「Hmmm. But if he's so severe, wouldn't that spark a rebellion?」

Lucy poses casually as she crawls her hand over my crotch.

「Idiot-tonio knows that and is utilizing intelligence officers and a unit commanded by Leopolt-san to crush them the moment they disobey. It's like he knows who will act out and who will chicken out from the start. And for some reason, the minister of justice is fighting as his minion.」

「Ehh, isn't that incredible?」

Lucy fondles me more with her hand as she rubs her forehead against my chest.

It's clear that she has lost all interest in politics.

「Additionally, Trash-tonio has turned the country's army……into a useless training squad, dismantling them splendidly. The commander of the Federation's vanguard saw it as an opportunity and attacked, breaking the secret agreement.」

And what was the result?

「A large contingent of elite soldiers were laying in wait and decisively thwarted them, and during the pursuit, multiple towns were burned to the ground along with its people down to the last tree to set an example.」

Given the scale of damage, the effect on the Federation is insignificant.

But it will make the Federation realize.

That the army will still be strong even if the king is killed, and that the new king is stricter and more ruthless than me.

With that, it at least stops them from making a move so easily.

And they will, as anticipated, prioritize attacking the Empire.

Lucy doesn't bother to nod or signal like she's paying attention and continues touching me.

「Slug……it's hard to say. Slug-tonio has……mumu……」

I wrap Celia's adorable round face and cut her off.

「He has massacred nobles and enemies, but he hasn't laid a finger on his family. He hasn't exiled anyone from the palace either.」

Celia opens her mouth, thinking of another insulting name to call him, but refrains and rephrases her sentence.

「He just granted his biological mother, Catherine-san, a special position and declared his sister, Rose, as his wife.」

「That sounds incredible, now that you put it in words.」

Lucy, who has regained interest, cackles.

「As soon as he made the declaration, Rose slapped him as hard as she could, and Anastasia cursed him with words that even a town girl would not utter, but he returned to his throne like nothing had happened.」

Imagining what the atmosphere would be like makes both me and Lucy laugh.

「But it seems Catherine-san was in an absentminded state from beginning to end and didn't even respond.」

That put an end to my laughter.

「Also, it seems Nonna-san cried loudly in the middle of the coronation ceremony, he rolled Anastasia over who he had pinned down, and he glared at Myla-san when she didn't obey his order…… Antonio's reputation is at rock bottom, not only among the nobles, but also among the citizens, well of course it is!」

I continue to look at the window through which the morning sun leaks while quieting Celia, who is furious at the memory.

It's natural for his reputation to take a hit, and I'm sure he's having a hard time.


I hear a tearing sound and feel a sharp pain run through my body.

Lucy ripped a handful of pubic hair.

Just when I'm about to say how mean she was, Lucy stands up, completely naked.

「You weren't reacting at all, are you that interested? You want to see them?」

「I can't go back now. I'm not human and if I go back……」

The feeling is enough to make me want to rub my hands nervously, but because that would look uncool, I squeeze Celia's cheeks instead.

Celia fusses while Lucy sighs and flicks my forehead.

「You didn't answer me. I asked if you are interested and if you want to see them?」

I reply, rubbing Celia's cheeks together hard enough for the friction to produce heat.

「Of course I'm interested. Of course I want to see them. I told Nonna that I'd be back by nighttime and didn't even say goodbye.」

Celia stops fussing.

I look at the window I can't peek through once again.

「But there's nothing I can do. Nobody will proceed to die after announcing they will die. To live is to regret.」

The same applies to the guys who were once beside me and the guys I defeated.

Nothing will change no matter how selfish I am.

「Then shall we go?」

Just when the mood was all set up, Lucy silently puts on her clothes.

「Where to?」

Lucy points to the outside.

「To the capital.」

「Like I said, that isn't……」

I hug Celia close.

Her body, which supposedly lacks heat, felt warm.

As you can expect, I have to be indecisive here.

Returning as a dead person surely can't be a good thing.

It would give the women false happiness and it would ruin Antonio.

「Of course, the inhuman Aegir can't return. Or rather, I won't let you return.」

She states in a serious tone before giving me a peck on the lips.

「However, it should be fine to go say your goodbyes.」

I can't answer right away.

The women will definitely cry.

And they'll also be happy with my return.

But since my life as a human is over, I have to part with them immediately.

Their joy would be short-lived as I'd have to leave.

「Gosh, I've had enough of your bad habit!」

Lucy looks at me head-on.

Reflected in her red eyes is a pathetic, dithering man who is only good for his muscles and his dick.

「Which is more painful for you, saying goodbye to me or me disappearing without a word?」

Celia, who has settled in my arms, also chimes in.

「Everyone would certainly be delighted, then several times more sad afterward. Compared to not being able to see you again……」

I slam my forehead against the wall, smack my cheeks, and whip my dick on the bed.

「I was worrying about trivial things. Alright, let's go.」

Lucy and Celia smile.

I swing open the door, thinking that putting on clothes would be a waste of time.

The sunlight beams down.


「Why don't you learn!?」

「I'm not sure if you'll live ten years, let alone eternity……」

I stand on the window frame and peer into the room.

There isn't a single candle lit inside, but as I am now, that doesn't hinder my ability to see.

In the largest room of the palace, sleeping in the middle of the largest bed was Nonna.

The bed is fluffy, the air is the perfect temperature, and I'm sure a lovely scent is wafting from the flowers on the table.

Despite all that, her sleeping face is strained and her eyebrows are furrowed.


I hear soft crying come from her chapped lips, which gradually grow louder.

「You said……you'd be back at night……no……don't go……uuuuu……」

Her cries turn to sorrowful groans and she takes her arms out of the blanket, waving them wildly.

Tears spill endlessly from her closed eyes.

And then, from the adjacent room……which was originally meant for servants, Bartolome comes running with a lamp and takes Nonna's hand, comforting her with pats to her shoulder.

「Mother, mother.」

Nonna opens her eyes, sees the concerned Bartolome and acknowledges him with a long, long sigh.

「Did……I cry in my sleep again?」

She drinks the water offered to her and hugs Bartolome.

The door of the adjacent room on the opposite side also opens.


Anastasia, who is on the verge of tears……no, who is already crying, waddles in.

「Aah, did you wet the bed again?」

The crotch area of her pajamas is soaked.

Anastasia hangs her head and silently throws her clothes to the ground, then jumps into Nonna's chest.

The usual Nonna would have screamed loud enough for the entire inner palace to hear, but she doesn't say anything this time and simply hugs her children and sobs.

This isn't the scene I wanted to see.

I guess it's good I came. What was I worried about?

Her beloved disappeared without a goodbye.

This is the result.

I open the window without making a sound.

「I'm sorry. I should be strong, yet when Aegir-sama isn't here, I can't……I can't……」

The three of them cry in each other's arms in the center of the bed.

I spread my arms wide and embrace them altogether from the outside.

I make sure my hands are touching all of them and I'm not hugging too tightly.

「I said I would come back at night but I didn't. I'm sorry.」


Everyone looks up, and their eyes make contact with mine.

I'm tempted to say "I'm back", but I hold back and nod without uttering a word.



Nonna's eyes widen and her body begins to tremble.

At the same time, Anastasia pounces on me energetically……actually it's closer to a tackle.

The blow that hit my waist from behind might have caused me to stumble if not for the difference in our weight.

Damm, she must have learned the move after watching fights in the arena many times.

「Aegir-sama is alive! He has returned! Someone, get someone――」

Nonna grabs my hand and tries to yell, but I place a finger on her lips and slowly shake my head.

「I'm sorry. I haven't returned and I'm not alive.」

Bartolome stares blankly at his hand after it touched me.

「Cold……father is as cold as ice.」

Nonna's smile fades.

Anastasia buries her head so much in my lower back that I'm worried whether she can breathe.

「I came to say goodbye.」

「Y-you……can't be……!」

Nonna extends her hands to grab my face and chest.

「I'm still going to touch you even if you're cold! These thick arms, this hot chest, this face and back, all belong to Aegir-sama, the person who has embraced me countless times! Yet why……why!!?」

I take her hand and hug her.

I don't have time to explain everything and I probably don't need to.

Nonna surely knows the truth.

It's just that she loves me and can't accept it easily.

What should I say?

I didn't prepare any phrases.

"I love you", "sorry", "I don't want to go".

Those don't seem right.

I have those feelings, but those aren't the final words I want to convey to her.

Aah, I know.

「It was truly fun. Thank you.」

Nonna's eyes become round like full moons.

She tries her best to hold back the tears and fights with the sadness in her heart to show me a smile.

She was ready.

Nonna takes Bartolome with her and steps away from me, then faces me and bows deeply.

「Thank you for all your hard work on this long journey.」


I respond with a single word.

Nonna knows it's not a lukewarm answer.

It wouldn't be cool if I kept talking after all.

「To pick up a failure like me……to love……and care……and bless with children……hic……」

「You're taking too long.」

I say jokingly as Nonna chokes up.

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「Gosh! You're rude till the end!」

Nonna pounds my chest playfully and then takes a deep breath.

「Thank you for everything. It was really, really fun!」


I hug Nonna, ruffle Bartolome's hair, and then lift up Anastasia, who was clinging to my waist, her face dripping with tears and snot, and put my forehead against hers.

I give them a great big smile and wave my hand, then jump out of the window.

Now it's goodbye.

A few seconds later, I hear tremendous wailing.

It was not a cry of despair, rather it was a cry of sadness……I'm sure they will recover soon.

Nodding, I remove the thumb-sized knife from my waist and toss it away.

A purple fluid trickles from the tip.

「Poison doesn't work on vampires, it's probably a numbing agent.」

She tried to make me faint to stop me during that exchange, damn Anastasia is scary.

Her wailing, which is on the same level as Nonna's, should be sad but sounds just a bit happy.

I hop onto the roof of the two-story annex.

It is an easy feat for me now that I'm a vampire.

Though, it's not because I want to act like a cat.

My goal is right in front of me.



The one who sounds unenergetic is Carla.

She is gazing at the night sky on the roof.

A guard passing below holds up a torch and sees her, but makes a sad face before resuming his patrol.

This must be a normal occurrence.

「Hey Carla. At least eat a little.」

Sitting beside her is Mireille.

She offers a small loaf of bread, but Carla shows no interest and continues staring at the sky.

Looking closer, Carla's cheeks are sunken in and her body is skinnier.

「I don't need it.」

Carla turns her face away like a spoiled child.

「You've gotten so thin……if you don't eat properly, you're going to die.」

「I said I don't need it!」

Mireille brings the bread up to Carla's mouth only for her hand to be smacked away.

I catch the bread that spins through the air, then tap Carla on the shoulder.


Our eyes meet, and when her jaw drops, I stuff the bread into her mouth.

「You'll ruin your body if you don't eat.」

「Mm, mghu――!」

Carla rapidly chews the food in her mouth like a mouse and opens her mouth to speak.

But I just stuff another loaf of bread in her mouth, smiling.

「I came to say goodbye.」

Mireille collapses onto her butt after standing up, and Carla's chewing slows down to that of a cow's.

I put one arm around each of their shoulders and hug them.

「……Aegir's body is quite cold.」

「So it's really true.」

The two of them cling to me and sob.

「Sorry this is so sudden.」

Carla holds onto my arm and drops to the roof to look up at the moon with Mireille.

「I could care less for a world without Aegir. I might join you soon.」

「I wonder if I wouldn't feel this way……if I continued my life as a mercenary like back then.」

Both of them say tearfully.

「Don't be sad.」

I whine, caressing their feeble upward-looking faces.

「Is everything going to disappear when I'm gone? I guess I didn't leave anything behind.」

Carla pauses briefly, then shakes her head.

Mireille also forces herself to smile through the tears.

「No, you've left something. Aegir gave me his child and connected me to this family.」

「And also the memories of us crying, laughing……right?」

I'm glad.

「Half of our memories of us having sex though.」

Carla jokes.

「I've had lots of adventures too……remember when we exterminated the two-headed demon boar and when we searched for the hidden treasure in the blue pond……we went through so much, even though I'm a senior member, yet for some reason I wonder why the others tell me I don't have a close relationship.」

Mireille cocks her head, her face clouded with mixed feelings.

Right, right, we went through a lot.

Anyways, I should end this reminiscent talk.

There is only one thing left to ask.

「Was it fun living with me?」

「Of course!」


The three of us high-five each other.

I leap off the roof, leaving Carla and Mireille to hug one another and cry.

Those are some nice cries.

I'm sure they'll be fine.

On my way, I see the light of a lantern.

Carrying bread and milk toward the annex is Ekaterina, Carla's daughter.

She must be bringing a late meal to her mother, worried that she hasn't been eating.

「Carla should be alright now.」

I embrace Ekaterina and give her a kiss.

Then I carefully lower her back to the ground like a fragile object.

「Live a long healthy life.」

Ekaterina silently runs off and then I hear a third crying voice from the roof.

The moment I entered Mel's room, two ladies, three children, and a mature beauty rose from the bed and pounced on me.

「How did you know?」

I smile, letting them push me over.

「This is family you're talking to.」

Mel says with a smile and a tear trickling down her face.

She probably knows this is the last time we'll meet too.

Mel's children get swept up by their mother's emotions.

Kuu, Ruu, Sue, and Gilbard cry as they hug me, making it hard for me to talk with them.

This is fine.

Not saying anything and simply sharing one last embrace also makes it worth coming.

「I hope all continue to get along.」

I purposely verbalize a sentiment that doesn't need to be said.

「Not just you, but the rest of them too.」

Mel seems conflicted at first but eventually nods.

「And you're all crying a bit too much.」

The six of them are crying over me, making it seem like it's raining.

I grab the apple left on the table and divide it into slices.

Normally, I end up crushing it, but this time I'm able to split it cleanly.

「Here, eat. Eat up and stop your crying.」

I toss one slice into each child's mouth.

That ceases their crying, however Ruu cries twice as loud.

「I'm leaving soon.」


Everyone lines up by the window.

Perhaps they emptied their tear ducts in the beginning, because by the end, everyone has a smile.

「It was fun.」

I say before jumping out of the window.

"It was fun", "thank you", "bye".

The scattered responses are very characteristic of Mel's kids.

The soft mutter of "I'm glad I got to live with you" at the end made me the happiest.

I can hear the sound of someone sleeping peacefully, though the room I crawl into has a gloomy atmosphere.

When I hug her from behind, Maria twitches in surprise.



Maria doesn't turn around.

Her rhythmic breathing has stopped and I don't think she hasn't noticed me.



Does she think an unfamiliar man visited her in the night or something?

What should I do? Should I let her touch my dick so she knows it's me?

「……I can't turn around.」

Maria mutters.

Her voice is hoarse, like she had cried for a long time.

「Why not?」

Maria hugs herself like she's terrified of something.

「Because if I turn around, you'll disappear, right? I know……because you did it so many times.」

Maria trembles, stubbornly refusing to look at me.

She is more fearful and timid than most people.

「Maria, I died. I can't be with you anymore.」

「Stop, this dream again!? Enough, let me wake up!」

I hug the screaming Maria from behind.

My body doesn't have any warmth, but I at least transmit the warmth of my heart to her.

「But I'm here right now. For one more time, one last time, I wanted to talk with you.」

Maria's sorrowful screams stop, and she turns around stiffly like a broken water wheel.


I greet her with a wide grin.

Maria instantly bursts into tears.

「Cruel, so cruel……」

「I'm sorry.」

Maria shakes her head.

「I knew. I knew Aegir-san prepared the lunchbox for that child. Despite how clumsy you were, spilling things everywhere and complaining as you did it……you kept thinking that you'd make up with him……and yet, he did something so cruel.」

Oh, that's what she meant.

「I've had enough. Enough, I said.」

She isn't sad that I left her behind and disappeared, she's crying and getting angry for what happened to me.

Maria is such a kind girl.

「Is this the last time?」


I pat Maria's back to comfort her.

「We won't see each other again?」


I comb my fingers through her long hair.

「So that means……I have to say goodbye?」


Maria stands up abruptly.

「T-then let me make you a meal! Err, let's see, I've got to prepare a soup……put the meat in the oven……uugh, if I start now, I can't finish anything……」

I glance at the table and find a portion of uneaten pasta.

So they didn't have the energy to tidy up, huh?

「Those are leftovers, don't eat it. And it's gotten cold……」

I put the cold pasta in my mouth.

「Tasty. You made this, right?」

I pick up some more hardened noodles with a fork and bring it to Maria's mouth.

「……uuu, it's good. Even though it's supposed to taste bad because it's hard and cold……it's delicious.」


We take turns eating the pasta.

But as soon as the bottom of the plate can be seen, the corners of Maria's mouth turn downward.

She knows that once we finish the pasta, our time together will end.

「It's the last bite. Finish it with a smile.」

Maria opens her mouth wide as tears pour from her eyes.

「Thank you for the meal.」

Maria puts her hands together like she's saying a prayer.

「Yeah, thanks for the meal.」

I do the same and then stand up.

「It's fine if you wait a bit, but make him a meal too. I'm sure he'll munch on the ingredients raw otherwise.」

「……I will after I sort out my feelings. I'll deliberately start with cold hard pasta though.」

I unintentionally laugh out loud.

「By the way Maria, did you have fun living with me?」

Maria, still crying, nods enthusiastically.

A pretty young lady is lying naked on the sofa……no, if I look closer, she has underwear on, it's just wedged deep into her ass. Her body is a bit saggy, but just as erotic as ever.


Tired and sighing repeatedly is Melissa.

I make eye contact with Jennifer, her daughter, so I raise my hand and say hello.

「Mama, mama.」

Jennifer pokes the exposed butt.

「Sorry. I've reached my limit in many ways……I'm sorry for being such a pathetic mama…… let me rest a little……」

Melissa answers, her ass swaying slightly.

If she is treating her child like this, she must truly be at the end of her rope both physically and mentally.

「Mama, not that.」

I join Jennifer and poke her butt.

「Don't poke me so much……in a bit, I'll get up in a bit.」

I switch from poking to kneading her ass cheeks with both hands.

「Gosh! Where did you learn how to use your hands like that? It's like Aegir-san's naughty touch……urk.」

Melissa sees me when she reluctantly turns around.

Jennifer sneaks to the corner of the room.

「Which is it?」


I don't understand the question.

「Did you miraculously survive? Or are you a ghost?」

「Sorry, I'm closer to a ghost.」

Melissa slumps into the sofa.

「I see……aaah.」

「I guess I let you down.」

Melissa is an intelligent woman.

She doesn't scream or lose her composure.

I'm sure she was also saddened by my death, but she most likely took care of the kids and other despairing girls at the same time. That's why she is exhausted.

I mount Melissa, though I ensure not to rest my weight on her body, and give her a massage from her back to her buttocks.

Even as an amateur, I can tell plenty of fatigue has accumulated in her first-rate body.

「Sorry, Aegir-san. I can't be with you even as a ghost. The children are still young…… you'll have to wait ten years.」

「Don't be silly. You're not dying in ten years or twenty years. I'm not a worthless man who would drag his beloved woman to the grave.」

I apply a bit of force to my massage as I get angry, stretching the underwear which is dug into her ass crack.

「Ow ow ow, sorry……fufu, this naughty way of touching definitely belongs to Aegir-san.」

「That's me.」

I declare boldly.

「This is the end……I suppose.」


I say, somewhat depressed.

「What should we talk about? There's so much that happened, I don't know where to start.」

Melissa's breathing becomes ragged.

「It's fine. Seeing your face, being touched by you and exchanging words, even if they are nonsensical ramblings, that is enough.」

Melissa lays on her back and spreads her arms.

Of course, I jump into them.

「I'm glad I was sold to you.」

I bury my face into her breasts and listen.

「I'm glad I became a prostitute.」

I can tell she's choking up and starting to hiccup.

「I'm glad I was……broken. Because I met you.」

In many ways, those aren't good things.

But it's an honor as a man to have her say it to me.

「I'm also glad to have met Melissa. If fate exists, I'm thankful for it.」

Both of us open our mouths simultaneously.

「「It was fun.」」

I stand up.

There are plenty of things I want to say, but I've told her what I wanted to tell her the most.

When I position next to the window and turn around, Melissa changes into an extremely sexy outfit.

「It's to send you off. Vulgar, isn't it?」

「Fufu, it's the most beautiful. But you should scold the one next to you.」

Jennifer is wearing a similar outfit as Melissa that exposes her childish body.

「When did you, it's ten years too early for you……no, you must not wear such perverted clothes!」

「I want to be sexy like mama!」

Melissa covers her face and stares up at the ceiling.

「Take care. Live a long life.」

I give the two of them a kiss each, and part with them forever.

I stand in front of the tower.


「Is this the demon king's castle?」

The earth-shaking groans continue to echo.

Its source is obviously within the tower, and I've been hearing it constantly ever since I got close to the palace.

『Aaoooooo……ugh! Aauoooooo!』

The groans get louder.

I even hear an extraordinary fart-like sound.

How did she make that sound?

I think about turning back, but I shake my head and pull myself together.

The person in the tower is not the demon king, it's Claudia, and the groans are her wailing.

Surely, the reason she is crying is because of me.

I push off the ground and leap up to the window of the three-storey tower.

『Higuoooooo!! Egooooooooo!!』

Her voice is so powerful that I almost fall backwards when I open the window, but I grab the frame and hang on somehow.



Claudia, who is standing in the middle of the room, stops crying.

Oh and it stinks. That sound I heard was actually a fart, huh?


This chapter upload first at Bin.Net

Claudia runs up and clings to me.

「To think I can see you again in this world……my tears and lamenting were not in vain!」

She seals my mouth with a kiss before I can say anything.

「You are without a doubt……my beloved. However, you are no longer alive.」


Claudia doesn't probe any further and remains glued to my chest.

Staying silent could also be fine, but I have something I want to say.

「You've gotten a little……no, I guess it's quite a bit skinnier, Claudia. And your skin is white.」

Two images, one of a giant ball of flesh and one of a shiny black muscular form, cross my mind, but the woman in front of me right now is just a chubby adult female.

「Ever since news of Your Majesty's death reached me, I have been crying endlessly. Because of that, I have lost both muscle and fat, and my weight has dropped 150 kg, plus I've gotten paler from not going outside.」

「I see……that's incredible.」

I leave this topic there and get to what I really want to say.

I separate from Claudia, get down on one knee and lower my head.

「I've been saved by you countless times. You left your husband and your house and devoted yourself to me, yet I couldn't repay you. And now I'm disappearing with that debt unpaid.」

Claudia kindly puts her hand on my cheek.

「What are you saying? I devoted myself to you because of love, and there is no loss in love. I gave you my all because I fell for you. Don't say that you will return anything, instead think of it as having received my love.」

I smile and slump my shoulders.

It's my total loss, Claudia's love appeared ridiculous but was actually much deeper than mine.

When I looked up, Claudia was crying and smiling with a dignified expression that was completely different from my unprepared veneer.

「Oh, my dear beloved. My eternal lover. I hope your path leads you to wherever you want to go.」

Claudia then takes a deep breath and shouts.


Clara comes jogging in with quick footsteps.

「You called, mada――fueh, master!?」

Claudia gives Clara a command as she's trying to figure out what's going on.

「A send-off! To King Hardlett, on his eternal departure!」

Claudia bows her head gracefully, keeping her back as straight as an iron pole.

Similarly, Clara also bows.

In the end, I couldn't win against Claudia.

I put my hand on the window with a wry smile, thinking that I'll be leaving with her having taken the initiative the whole time.

I convey the situation to the confused and tearful Clara with a single glance.

My message successfully reaching her, she sheds one tear and mouths the word "goodbye" back to me.

「By the way Clara, I realized many years ago.」


Claudia says, her form still perfect.

I jump out of the window gallantly.

「P-please wait, Your Majesty, take me with you even if it's to the other world――aah, madam, have mercy!! Anything but that! Please spare me! Ugyaaaー!」

I sneak through the window into a room where Yoguri is hunched over a desk and running her brush over a sheet of paper.

She is writing her script, her sole purpose in life, as if possessed by something.

Her cheeks are caved in, her greasy hair is stuck to her forehead, and her clothes are stained with sweat.

She probably hasn't eaten much or taken a bath.

「I-I'm done……next……next……」

Yoguri doesn't notice me even when I don't make much of an effort to tip-toe closer.

I peek at the pile of roughly stacked papers on the desk.

These might be the scripts for a play, but I don't know the detailed instructions so all I can read are the general plots.

It's a story of a king who dies an untimely death returning home after narrowly escaping death, and ends with him defeating the rebels.

It's a story of a king tired of the world who feigns death and becomes a peasant, eventually reunites with his former town girl concubine and lives together with her.

It's a story where time rewinds at the moment of the king's death, he is stopped before departing and is able to continue his life without incident.

They are all different works, but the feelings put into them are the same.

「Uuu……more……I have to write more……more, more!」

A red-eyed Yoguri desperately continues to write.

Just when I'm about to reach out and stop her, my eyes land on another work.

It's a story about a king……at this point, I can say it's me, right?

It's a story where I am actually alive and come back to capture the throne.

And then his unjust traitorous son……I guess it's Antonio.

Antonio is defeated in a duel and punished on the spot by being fucked in the ass――

「What the heck is this?」

I unconsciously voice my thoughts.

「That is written with my personal tastes and not meant to be published……don't look at it.」

Yoguri snatches the manuscript from me and sighs after burying it somewhere on her messy desk.

「Gosh, Aegir-san. Don't just come into my room without warning.」

「Sorry. I have important business.」

Yoguri puffs up in anger, but soon realizes the way she smells and casually sprays perfume on herself.

「Goodness, what could it be that you had to come so late at night……I mean, the only thing can be sex, right? I'm a bit dirty, so let me take a bath first……a bath.」

The bottle of perfume drops to the floor and shatters.

「Y-y-you're alive――」

I shake my head.

Yoguri's face changes from surprised to delighted and then to saddened.

That moment is painful.

「……this-this worthless thing!」

Yoguri grabs the draft she just completed and tries to tear it.

「I prayed hard when writing this! I believed you would come back if I wrote lots! But it's all for nothing――」

I stop Yoguri before she rips up the papers.

「Hey now, don't do something so wasteful. It's well-written……although I just skimmed it.」

You can rip that one you buried on your desk though.

I straighten the wrinkles on the paper and hand it back to Yoguri.

Yoguri hugs the bundle of papers and eventually jumps into my chest.

「Aegir-san is not dead. I won't let you die on my watch.」

She continues before I can open my mouth.

「Once every month, I will write about Aegir-san. I'll make sure Aegir-san doesn't disappear from everyone's memories. You can live forever in my plays.」

It's not that big of a deal.

Yoguri doesn't listen when I tell her it's fine if I'm forgotten over the years.

「I'll remind everyone how much of a womanizer you are, how you like to cheat, how you act without thinking, but also how warm, kind and reliable you are……」

I don't know whether I should blush or complain.

「I'll make sure everyone remembers Aegir-san as someone who actually also likes cute boys!」

「That's fabrication.」

Why does she want me to engage with males?

Anyway, I don't say much else.

I am leaving and Yoguri is staying.

As the one leaving, I should be the one to say it.

And there is only one thing I have to say.

「Thank you. And goodbye.」

「Yeah. It was also……fun for me.」

We exchange a hug, a kiss and a final farewell with a smile.

Yep, that's good. This is a perfect score.

「I guess it's about time to patrol.」

Myla, who sluggishly stands up, is dressed in military uniform on her top half but only has underwear on her bottom half.

Rather than a sword, she is holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

「I was told by the vice-captain to rest for a while! What a rare dumb mistake for you, Myla-dono! Waha, wahaha! Wahaha……waha……」

Irijina sounds boisterous as usual, though her face doesn't show the same emotion.

「You don't have to go. The mushroom hotpot has just been cooked.」

「I don't want any.」

Myla takes a swig from her bottle and returns to bed while Irijina stirs the pot next to the fireplace.

「Celia-dono, she isn't coming back.」

「I doubt she will. I have a feeling about it.」

Myla finishes the last drops of her alcohol and tosses the empty bottle into the corner of the room.

She goes to fetch a new bottle from the cupboard, but Irijina grabs her hand and stops her.

「Drinking more will poison your body! You mustn't do it, especially now!」

「Who cares. It doesn't matter since he's……」

Irijina snatches the bottle out of Myla's hand, picks her up and gently places her on the bed.

「Sniff……it's too sudden……he was so strong……and still.」

「……that's what it means to be a warrior. And it's not uncommon for a corpse to not be left behind……not uncommon at all……」

Myla covers her face with her hand as she cries, whereas Irijina's salt water gets added to her hotpot.

「I'm such a pathetic man.」

I hug their shoulders.

They raise their heads slowly, their eyes widen, and then they despair at the lack of heat from my skin.

「Sorry. This is the last time we'll meet.」

I tell them.


Irijina stands, grabs a bottle from the cupboard and comes running back.

「Time to drink!」

It's very characteristic of Irijina to do things without a logical reason.

It's better than her acting all solemn.


Myla removes her uniform and shows me her exposed chest and belly.

What is she doing?

「I got pregnant when we fooled around three months ago!」

「No wait, wait just a second.」

I try to remember my liaisons three months ago, but there are too many.

「The time when the six of us, Irijina, Celia, and I, along with a girl from a nearby village, played strip dice……」

I remember now.

It has to be when Irijina and Celia were involved too.

It was the time when Myla was receiving a concentrated attack, got stripped quickly and then was pounced on by me after I got turned on.

Not to mention it was when both of us were drunk, so we didn't think of using contraception.

「……I couldn't be happy at all.」

I pass through the bottles to get to Myla.

「Without you here, I thought it was pointless to give birth, so I've been drinking everyday…… and I wouldn't care what happened.」

I write the words "pregnant, drinking alcohol is forbidden" with charcoal on a wooden tag and hang it around Myla's neck.

「Why don't we party it up one last time?」

Irijina and I share booze while Myla gets fruit juice.

「The mushroom hotpot is perfectly seasoned!」

「Mushrooms are fine too, but you two should eat meat. Look how thin you've gotten.」

I divide a healthy portion of meat into Myla and Irijina's bowl while taking the mushrooms for myself. It's a very pretty hotpot with red, white, green, and purple colors in it.

We enjoy a merry time without worrying about bothering our neighbors.

The tears welling up in their eyes were counteracted with laughter and the pecking of their hotpot.

Eventually, the alcohol runs out and the bottom of the pot can be seen.

「Well, it's about time for me to leave.」



I hug both of them, and rub Myla's belly.

「Take care.」

Their response was sobbing.

「One more thing, Irijina. I noticed it when I hugged you, your belly is swollen too.」

「What? You're right! I'm pregnant! When did this happen!?」

「Are you serious?」

Their crying faces turn into a shocked and fed-up face respectively.

I laugh freely and wave farewell.

「This is an emotional farewell, but this is really just a pretty way of abandoning isn't it?」

I hope I don't get hit by karma and die.

Some strange bumps are appearing on my body……is it an extension of divine punishment or just from the mushroom hotpot I ate?

I hate to think what would happen if I wasn't a vampire.

I was pinned as soon as I entered the room.

Both my arms were locked and my ankles were held together.

「Impressive, Sekrit.」

I say to Sekrit, whose hair is draped over her face.

Then I hug her body from below.

It's a gesture of love and also to show her that my body has no heat.

Sekrit, who is much smarter than me, should understand right away.

「Take me with you.」

She pleads as she closes my fingers around the handle of a knife, brushes her hair up and exposes her neck――or more specifically, her carotid artery.

「I can't. You have a child too.」

Sekrit's child, Hasafa, is not in this room.

She's the one who gave birth to him, but the rearing of the child is all being done by Sulama.

「It's not my problem. Whether or not I'm here……」

I seal her mouth with a kiss.

After the kiss, Sekrit groans and glares at me while holding her head.

「If you insist on not taking me then I'm going to find other men. I'll go find the three most brawny guys and make them cover me in their seed every night.」


An image of Sekrit being surrounded by three men and all of her holes being filled crosses my mind.

Then she screams as she gets pumped with white jizz……oh, what jealousy it stirs within me.

However I can't remain at Sekrit's side anymore.

Even if she tells me that she'll find other guys, it doesn't make sense for me to complain.


Nevertheless, I don't want to admit it and only express through grunts my frustration, to which Sekrit sighs sadly.

「You're not going to take me no matter what?」


I won't yield on that.

I definitely don't want to drag Sekrit to the grave after taking Celia with me.

Even if that's what she wants, I won't allow it.

「Why don't you raise Hasafa up to be a splendid man instead?」

Sekrit coldly turns her back to me.


She says bluntly.

「Yeah, sorry it's so sudden.」

I kiss Sekrit on the nape of her neck and then head toward the window.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

「One last thing.」

I stop moving.

「What kind of a woman was I to you?」

I could talk endlessly once I start, but let's sum it up in one word.

「You were the best.」

Sekrit's shoulders lift slightly.

「I'm sure you say that to everyone.」

I reply with a wry smile.

Everyone is truly the best, so it's not like I'm lying.

「Enough. Go.」

I resume walking again.

When I try to show her a thumbs up, a fruit knife comes flying at me.

「Good bye, my man, my final man.」

Her shaky mumble would have gone unheard had I been a human.

That's why I pretend not to have heard it and jump out the window.

Sekrit's monologue continues as she stares at the window I leave through.

「I'll raise your seed well. I'll make him mercilessly kill any enemy he sees and indiscriminately fuck any woman he sees, just like you, until he eventually replaces that lazy son.」

I want to tell her I'm not like that and not to raise her son into such a beast, but I can't respond like I can hear her the whole time at this point, and just leave her be.

I wanted a clean farewell and now I have this strange regret.

I'm scared there will be a rumor about him thirty years later, but I can only pray that she raises him well.

The next stop is a bit troublesome, so I psyche myself up before jumping through the window of the corridor.

When I do, I see an unexpected woman……it's Casie sitting in the corner of the corridor holding her knees.


I tap Casie, who has partially materialized into a vengeful ghost and is blowing her nose, on the shoulder, unable to ignore her.


She lifts her face, half-transformed because of her extreme sadness.

Then she blinks her eyes a few times when she sees me.

(Gyaaaaa! A ghoooost! Evil spirit, begone!!)

「You're close, but wrong. Also, you're one to talk, as a ghost yourself.」

Casie bounces around in fear, hitting the wall and ceiling, though she eventually calms down and descends in front of me.

There is a deflating sound and her face returns to the dumb-looking one I'm familiar with.

The order is wrong, but Casie is also family.

Let's say goodbye to her.

When I tell her this is the last time we'll see each other, she starts crying again.

However, she doesn't transform this time.

「Well, I do have one thing to say to you.」

Casie wipes her tears with my sleeve and smiles, implying that I don't have to say anything.

I know it's late to ask, but where is the water for her tears coming from?

(I actually knew all along.)

"I see", I mutter.

(My grudge has long since disappeared. I was just dragging it out.)

I simply nod.

(I wanted to stay here in this lively and warm house, even if just for a second longer.)

I gently pat Casie's head.

(But everything changes. Everyone has grown older and Aegir-san is also gone. It's weird for someone like me who never changes to stay here, right?)


The two of us don't age anymore.

That's why we must leave.

「You're not going to say goodbye?」

(No. I wrote a note. I've also got some pumpkin for my final moments too.)

I'm a bit skeptical of her definition of a note, but let's not nitpick.

「Then I'll see you off.」

I stand Casie by the window.

Then the clouds part and the beautiful full moon peeks out.

Casie stares at my face and slowly rises up……only to come back.

(I-I'm not quite prepared……lend me your hand.)

「You're a hopeless girl, aren't you?」

I stick my hand under Casie's arm, supporting her like I'm playfully lifting up a baby.

Then vigorously toss her up, without regret, towards the moon.

「Off I goooo.」

Casie soars high into the sky with a smile and vanishes, becoming a golden sparkle.

Palace windows open one after the other and patrolling guards stop to look around.

Apparently, her final words reached those who normally can't see or hear her.

(What a pleasant farewell.)

Translucent entities slip through the ceiling and walls……Neisha and the other ghosts of the inner palace come out.

Neisha speaks first before I can say anything.

(You don't have to utter a word. Everyone is aware.)

Neisha and the other ghosts smile and become more faint.

(You brought us, who were deluded by grudges, to our senses. You yourself fell to a plot and feel no resentment. I also want to live that way. I want to live once more with others who live like that.)

「Then you'll have to start over.」

Because she can't do that as a ghost.

The other ghosts don't seem to have any objections either.

(Us ghosts of the inner palace will abandon the past and look toward the future.)

(Yes, my grudge is disappearing. Rather than remaining in this world, I want to move on to the next life.)

(Goodbye my beloved, goodbye my begrudged. I will forget it all and ascend to heaven.)

Everyone scatters into golden beads and fades away……and don't disappear.

(――do the same for us please.)

With a wry smile, I lift the tiny Neisha up, and like I did with Casie, throw her toward the full moon.

(Thank you.)

Neisha extends a hand up at the moon and then vanishes.

I send them off, one by one.

After sending off the last one, I gaze briefly at the empty space in the sky, then walk to my original destination.

The reason I'm going to this room via the corridor is because the window is tightly guarded.

Of course, there is security in the corridor too, though they are easier to deal with than the ones in the room.


In an instant, I accelerate outside of their line of sight and take down four guards at once.

I hold back as much as I can, tapping them lightly, but they still spin around in the air once before fainting.

If I'm not careful, one day I'll end up killing somebody.

Inside the room, I hear a disturbed woman's voice rather than sobbing.

「Mother, stay strong……it's not mother's fault.」

The voice belongs to Rose, since this is Catherine and Rose's room.

「It's my fault……my son……I destroyed everything……I ruined everything again……」

Catherine sits on the bed clutching her head in distress, her teeth chattering.

It's pathetic of me that I considered something as stupid as leaving without a trace knowing Catherine would end up like this.

This is no time to think about appearing in a cool manner.

I toss the troubled Rose to the corner of the bed and wrap my arm around Catherine's shoulder.

「It's not your fault. Don't torment yourself.」

Then there is three minutes of confusion in their faces.

「……can you talk?」


For some reason, Catherine strips naked and hugs me from the front.

She buries her face in my chest, staining my clothes with snot and tears.

「Let me explain, father.」

Rose speaks after raining my face with kisses.

Her eyes are a little red, but she doesn't hesitate. Despite her soft appearance, she's quite composed.

「Mother became like this because she blames herself for your death at the hands of Antonio. She says that we are people with a curse that ruins families.」

Catherine nods while still against my chest.

That can't be true.

I was the one who destroyed Catherine's previous family, and what happened this time was my just deserts.

……perhaps the curse is actually me, no it can't be, right?

「She wanted to at least end things with her own hands and tried to kill Antonio……」

I poke Catherine's side strongly.

She lets out a choked grunt, though she doesn't separate from my chest.

「Obviously I stopped her, then next she suggested a double suicide.」

I flip up Catherine's shirt, blow on my hand, and slap her back with an open palm.

A distinct hand print forms on her back as she lets out a cute shriek.

Still, Catherine doesn't let go.

「Lastly, she tried to take responsibility by offering to kill herself……I put her to sleep temporarily with Natia's medicine and now she's like this.」

「Gosh, you……no, I guess it's my fault for not saying anything.」

I hug Catherine's head and talk to her like a child.

「There's no such thing as a cursed people. If you consider all the things I've done, the kind of fate I met was not anything strange.」

Catherine lifts her head……her tearful and anxious expression makes her look like she's in her twenties.

「But I……I said it would come someday. That retribution would come……and that became a jinx……」

I show her an exaggerated smile.

If some cursed words could kill me, then I'd have died decades ago.

I pull away from Catherine, put her hands on my neck and lift her up.

She is surprised for a second at my cold body and tries to close her eyes, but I rain kisses all over her face, not letting her do so.

「I died how I was supposed to die. I won't let you girls shoulder the burden.」

I carry Rose with the opposite hand.

After the two of them briefly crawl their hands over my face, they smile……Catherine forces herself to while Rose's comes from the bottom of her heart.

「If I can tell you a regret a have.」

With the two still in my arms, I walk over to the window where the king's quarters can be seen outside.

「Will you forgive Antonio?」

「「Not a chance.」」

Both of them answered simultaneously.

「How could you kill our loving father and take me, your sister, as your wife, are you crazy? Die!」

「How dare you use foul play to kill your own father! I should never have given birth to you!」

「「We told him together.」」

Wow, harsh.

As someone who loves his mother and sister, he must be enduring a lot.

「Well, don't be so quick to say that. No matter what happened, he's still family. I'm not too familiar with the details, but he still loves you two.」


They don't reply.

「He has no friends here. The only thing he has is the blood connection with you.」

Catherine and Rose look at each other, their eyebrows furrowing like they are contemplating the issue.

Then they break out in a smile.

「Now that I think about it, it's weird for my dead father to appear to me as a ghost and tell me to forgive Antonio.」

It's sad to hear my daughter say that.

「As a woman, I can't forgive Antonio for killing you and making a mess of everything. However, I can still feel some affection towards him as a mother. ……I guess I can forgive him after giving him a good spanking.」

That's good enough.

No matter what kind of evil deed he did, you forgive him because he's your child.

That's how it should be.

「Alright, I should be going, now that I have no regrets.」

I lower the both of them.

「Yes, and I also have something to say. I forgot about it before.」

Rose mentions lightheartedly.

I only turn my head around to her and smile sheepishly because she ruined the perfect mood for an eternal farewell.

「I'm pregnant. Father's seed hit the bullseye in one shot.」

My neck rotates 180 degrees, making a bone-cracking sound.

If I was a human, it would have been a fatal injury.

Catherine also falls down with a thud.

「Just letting you know.」

「You said it like it was nothing.」

I help Catherine get back up from the floor as she struggles to stand on her weak legs.

「Anyways, I'll accept Antonio's proposal along with forgiving him. Even if we aren't connected by blood, it'll be bad if the public knows I am pregnant with my father's child, so I'll make it his child instead.」

「Being pregnant with your brother's child is still bad……gosh.」

I'm afraid of the strength of Rose's heart.

Catherine will be fine if I let Rose look after her.

「Now then……」

I return my head to its proper alignment and sit Catherine on the bed.

「Did you have fun?」


「Of course!」

I have no regrets.

This is goodbye to the two of them.

I watch the three of them surround a campfire silently from atop of the roof.

Their sad and vacant expressions cause feelings of guilt from leaving without saying anything well up inside me.

But I have something to address first and foremost.

「Isn't it a bad idea to start a campfire in the courtyard in the middle of the night」

I land next to Pipi, who is poking the fire with a stick, Luna, who is adding leaves to the flames, and Ruby, who is about to cook a potato.


Pipi throws away her stick and pounces on me.

「Did perhaps the mountain god answer our prayers and project the chief's soul to us!?」

Luna drops the pile of leaves straight into the campfire without thinking and clings to my waist.

Sorry, I've become an existence that's more on the evil side.


Ruby turns left and right in a panic, not sure where to put her potato, then joins in and hugs Luna.

There's something more important that I must do first.

I pull the three of them off me.

「Extinguish the fire! The stick and leaves are burning!」

I didn't come to the palace as a ghost intending to set the palace aflame.

I stomp on the scattered embers, smother the flames with my cloak, and pick up Pipi and let her pee over the fire to finally completely extinguish the campfire.

We lay wearily on the ground on our sides, and I explain the details while I'm at it.

It was supposed to be a more emotional development, but now it seems more like a second thought.

「I want to ask one thing.」

Pipi murmurs.

「Did the chief lose to Antonio? Were you challenged to fight fair and square lose……then died?」

「Yeah, I lost. Antonio was the one who made it back here alive, not me.」

Other things happened, but that's the truth.

The three of them look devastated.

「If the chief was defeated in a fair battle, then Antonio is the new chief……we have no choice but to accept it. That is the law of the mountain nation……as frustrating as it is.」

Now that they remind me, I did at one point slay the shaman and chief of the mountain nation at the time and made them follow me.

I couldn't say it in front of Catherine, but everything I've done is coming back to me, and that's pretty ironic.

「If the new chief orders it, we will have to do as he pleases.」

Ruby grumbles, causing me to stop moving.

「……as he pleases?」

「Whatever he desires. If he asks for it, we cannot refuse.」

Luna continues.

「Mu, gu……so that's the mountain nation's law?」

I'm starting to get some lingering attachment again.

「He will violate us one at a time from behind. He will stick it in roughly, slapping our ass at the same time.」

Pipi adds, sticking her own ass out as if imagining the scene.


When I grab my head in agony, the three of them burst out laughing.

「Fufu, we're just teasing. Think of it as a way of venting our anger for visiting us so suddenly.」

Luna smiles, bowing politely to me.

「As people of the mountain nation, we will accept him as the new chief. If war breaks out, we will join in haste. But as women who had their beloved man taken away, we will refuse to let him mount us.」

Ruby playfully pokes me as I'm suffering.

「Pipi will also listen to his orders but refuse mating! Antonio is strong though, if he assaults me, I can't resist.」

He won't do something as heinous as forcing himself on an unwilling woman, right?


「「「Who knows.」」」


The campfire is lit once more as they happily watch me act like I'm suffering.

「We bid you farewell. This is goodbye to you in this life, but if you see our children and our descendants, please take good care of them.」

「Pipi too! I want to stare at your face so I don't forget it!」

Pipi jumps on my head, and Luna and Ruby also bring themselves near my face.

「Hahaha, you should be fine after looking so much.」

I etch their faces in my memory as well, and give their noses a final light poke, triggering them to sneeze.

「I'm going now.」

The three wish me well and wave their hands.

Death is not some