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My Sect System

Chapter 169 - Fallen Warrior
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Jian checked Song Yu and her opponent with Star Gaze. He found out that Song Yu's cultivation is reaching a peak of the Foundation building realm, and she is consolidating her breakthrough.

Then he used Star Gaze on her opponent, a string of information appeared. 

Name: Jin He

Cultivation: Peak Foundation Building Realm 

Cultivation Technique:Heavenly Warrior's Creed 

Bloodline: Fallen Heavenly Warrior. 

Jian was not shocked seeing the information about her opponent. He knew that the person should cultivate Heavenly Warrior's Creed to qualify for the tomb.

He then checked his bloodline; he understood the literal meaning of the bloodline. But couldn't understand the type of the bloodline. 

" System, can you explain about the bloodline?"

"Host, Qin He is the holder of the Fallen Heavenly Warrior bloodline. Meaning his heritage comes from a cultivator who had opposed the heavens when he was Heavenly Warrior and could survive Heaven's wrath.

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Meaning that heaven has given the life-ending tribulation, but the person could survive, so the bloodline was created. 

The meaning of the bloodline is that they can never serve the heavens again. They will only practice inverse cultivation. They follow the opposite route of the Heavenly Warriors entirely."

Jian was calm because he had come to the same conclusion as the system. But he didn't expect such type of bloodline to be formed. He then thought it would be easy for Song Yu to win the fight because heaven was by her side.

" No host, your thinking is wrong; he shouldn't be allowed in this tomb. And it will be a lot harder for Song Yu to win the fight as her opponent is a Fallen Heavenly Warrior clan member. 

Because all her attacks will not work on him, his attack will work on Song Yu. His existence is a bane for Song Yu. The reason is that he cultivates the same technique as her so that the final trial will be a lot harder for Song Yu."

Jian couldn't understand what the system was saying. But he got the gist of it that Song Yu's opponent would have the upper hand if they were fighting, and the reason was the cultivation technique. 

He immediately at Qian Tingfeng with a shocked and confused expression. Because he couldn't understand why he had allowed the member of the Fallen Heavenly Warrior clan in the tomb.

It will be impossible for him to stay in the tomb if Qian Tingfeng had not given his permission. Qian Tingfeng looked at Jian with a confused expression. He couldn't understand why Jian was looking at him.

"Senior, why did you allow him to enter the tomb? He doesn't qualify to accept your inheritance."

Jian knew that it was not his place to say who was allowed in the tomb. But he couldn't understand Qian Tingfeng's intentions. He didn't know what test had been planned for both of them. 

"Senior, how can he cultivate the same technique as Song Yu?"

Jian nodded because he finally understood why Qin He could cultivate the same cultivation technique as Song Yu. He understood how he was able to enable it. But I couldn't understand why someone would develop the method, which would make it a lot harder. 

 Qian Tingfeng then told them he was going to give them their final instructions for the last trial. Jian nodded, and Qian Tingfeng waved his hand, and a wall appeared in front of Song Yu and Qin He.

The instructions were simple, but they were not told about their opponent. They were just told they had to find the storage ring in the forest's centre and bring it back to the opposite side.

Jian frowned, seeing the instructions, but he couldn't say anything. Both of them have stopped their meditation and stood up, preparing for the fight. 

Jian saw multiple beasts appear in the forest. The strongest one was a three-star star beast, so Jian sighed a relief. He then saw Song Yu and Qin He rush inside the forest. 

The trial was going to be for only six hours, so both had to hurry. So both have rushed into the forest with full speed. Both were moving at the same rate, so Jian thought they would reach the centre of the woods simultaneously. 

But his thoughts were wrong because it depends upon how fast they kill the beasts to move forward to the centre. Jian and Qian Tingfeng continued to look at the final trial through the circular screen.

The trial was going. Qian Tingfeng waved his hand and closed the screen. Jian was confused about what was going on. Qian Tingfeng looked at Jian and spoke. 

Jian didn't expect that Qian Tingfeng was interested in him. He thought he would ask some difficult questions. 

" I am the sect master of a one-star sect. I have taken a mission from the Sect tower to help Song Yu explore the tomb."

Jian had not expected Qian Tingfeng to be this Sharp. He didn't hesitate to answer. 

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"Senior, the person who gave me the mission has heaven grade physique called Clairvoyant Eyes Body. And the rewards for the success of the mission is the mission board for my sect."

"Senior, I am in the process of upgrading my sect to two stars, so to help the sect gain more disciples and make the name of the sect, I have agreed to such conditions."

Jian knew that Qian Tingfeng was able to see what was happening in the tomb. But he had not experienced him paying particular attention to what Jian was doing. 

"Senior, I have a herb garden, so for that, I have taken the only stalks and seeds."

Qian Tingfeng was confused because he couldn't understand Jian's intentions. After all, the seeds required more time to grow. So even if he has a herb garden, if herbs are not matured in time, then it is of no use.

Jian saw the confused expression on Qian Tingfeng. He understood what he was thinking, so he explained. 

" Senior, I was lucky to find a low-grade two-star Spirit vein, so my sect is built on the vein. So herbs can be matured faster."

Qian Tingfeng was shocked; he had not expected Jian to have a spirit vein. He nodded and smiled at Jian. 

Qian Tingfeng waved his hand screen appeared showing Song Yu and Qin He. 

Jian knew that Qian Tingfeng wanted him to continue his legacy, but he also knew that it was nearly impossible for Jian to join the Heavenly Warrior clans.

Qian Tingfeng was showing a lot of interest in Jian. As the screen was activated, they both started to talk casually about the trial and expressed their thoughts on who will get the storage ring.

Song Yu and her opponent are reaching the centre of the forest for the storage ring.. At speed they are moving, both will encounter each other at the centre of the woods.