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My Sect System

Chapter 161 - Final Task
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Jian had climbed the tallest volcano. While climbing, he had encountered many beasts which he was able to kill and harvest. He also found many herbs and spirit fruits.

All things were fire type, so it was beneficial for Yu Yue. So he had taken extra to give her as he went back. After reaching the top, he found that a considerable amount of Qi was rushing out volcano's mouth volcano, so he knew that the core was inside. 

He activated Star Gaze and looked for a suitable area to land. After finding a place to land inside the volcano, he calmed himself and took out his Saber before jumping. 

He didn't have any problem contacting the lava because he had already checked and found that it was bearable. So there was no hesitation when he jumped into the volcano. 

As he landed on the area which was not submerged. He heard a huge roar and a hissing sound. He frowned and activated Star Gaze and looked on the ground which he landed. 

The information appeared, which left him speechless. Because it was a three-star beasts body which he had landed, the beast was a Flame tailed turtle. Jian was standing on its back.

Ad Jian had Landed. The turtle felt pain, so it roared. And hearing its roar, another beast swam out of the lava. Jian immediately activated Star Gaze and found out that it was Lava Scaled Snake.

He was not afraid of them because both were only at the ate the three-star best, s which he could handle easily. So he didn't hesitate and directly attacked the snake because the turtle was moving around as the snake.

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The snake also attacked; they clashed in mid-air. Jian didn't stop and once again struck. They have exchanged multiple moves, but only Jian's Qi was depleted while Snake was injured. 

The snake went berserk, and the Jian also went for the final strike. As Jian and snake were about to clash, the turtle made his move and spat a massive amount of lava Jian. 

Since it would not harm him, he didn't stop and directly beheaded the snake after seeing that the turtle was hiding in his shell after seeing Jian kill the snake quickly. 

Jian didn't hesitate and continued to attack his shell. After taking multiple hits of Jian's full strength, the body was shattered, and the turtle died. 

He sighed relief and then moved to harvest them. The system suggested keeping their organs intact because they can be used to refine a pill which can increase fire affinity.

He became happy, and he harvested each part very carefully. He was now standing on the lava because he had kept the shards from the turtle's shells to create a weapon. 

Then he activated Star Gaze and to find where the fire Qi was gathering. Since lava itself was a cluster of earth elements and fire, it didn't take him long to find a pure form of the fire element. 

He immediately knew that it was the fire element core. It was placed in the centre of the volcano, so Jian used his Qi to disperse lava, and after doing it for a few minutes, he reached the centre. Then he used a shard of turtles shell to pick it up.

Because he knew that as long as he touched it, he would teleport, but he didn't know if Song would be teleported because she was far away, but an unexpected thing happened.

As he had picked up the core, the lava, flowing normally, suddenly started to make big waves, and the body was knocked out of the shell. Jian didn't hesitate and directly spread his hand to catch it because if it fell, then in which direction it would move because of the rivers.

But then he suddenly realised that he shouldn't touch it with bare hands, but it was too late as the core perfectly landed on his hand. Jian was immediately blinded, and he couldn't help but curse "fuck".

After a few minutes, Jian opened his eyes and found himself back in the cave. First, he did curse at the fire element core and then put it in the inventory.

As he was putting he suddenly heard footsteps, he took out his Saber and was ready to attack, but when he saw who it was, he relaxed. 

Because the person was none other than Song Yu, she was also shocked because she thought Jian had not come back and she was teleported, but when she opened her eyes and saw Jian cursing and putting the fire element core, she approached him.

Song Yu was confused about why did he take out his weapon. Jian relaxed and told everything that happened on the volcano. Song Yu was also shocked, and they both agreed on one thing that it they were safely teleported. 

Then they sat and meditated; they have gathered all required materials for the final task. So they have to be in top condition for the last job. 

After half an hour, they were ready, and they both walked towards the exit. As they came outside, they found themselves on a similar surface as the final trial of the first part of the tomb. 

Thunder clouds were everywhere, whole place was filled with the Thunder elements. Seeing the environment, Jian and Song Yu guessed that the trial would be similar to the first part.

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They moved towards the centre and found a wall, and a box was kept in front of the wall. Jian checked with Star Gaze and couldn't find anything. He once again checked to see if the package was harmful.

When he found that it was harmless, he approached the box. As he put his hand on the box, the wall lit up, and words started appearing on it. Jian immediately took a step back to read the wall.

Jian and Song Yu were baffled, but then they thought about every area they had gone for the cores. The wood element core area was filled with life and had stronger beasts than the other two.

Even they had stronger beasts, but still, Jian was able to handle them. If you compared resources, then obviously, the wood element core had vast amounts of it.

They finally understood what the wall was trying to tell them. Jian then moved towards the box and opened it. He found a thumb-sized seed and a scroll inside the box. 

He picked up the seed and activated Star Gaze. The name appeared, and its grade. Jian was shocked to see the quality of the fruit because it was a three-star Spirit fruit seed.

He couldn't help but frown because even one star Spirit fruit required more time to mature, so how they would grow the three-star Spirit fruit.

He looked at the pill and saw that half side was dark blue and another side wain return. Form look, only one could tell that the seed is of fruit with multiple element affinity. 

He passed on the seed to Song Yu because she was hovering near him to see how the source looked like. As she took the sd, she started to look carefully at it. Jian shook his head and took out the scroll 

He opened the scroll and started to read; at the start, it contained information about the fruit, so Jian speed read it and focused on how to get spirit fruit.. After five minutes, he had read the scroll, and he became so angry that he cursed.