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My Sect System

Chapter 152 - First Trial
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Jian had used the Star Gaze on the tree when he couldn't find anything with eyes. When the information about the tree came to his mind, he was speechless.

Because the tree was non-other than the Jade spirit fruit tree, he didn't expect to find it quickly. But then he looked up and saw that there were no fruits. He then thought they would be underneath the tree-like stone berries, but he guessed he was wrong.

He couldn't understand where could the fruits go. The bull saw Jian looking at the tree and concentrating. He couldn't understand Jian's intentions, so he moved closer and asked. 

Jian was alerted when the bull spoke. Because Jian didn't feel him coming near. The first thought that came to Jian's mind was to attack, but when he heard what the bull had said, he calmed down. 

"Senior, is this tree of Jade Spirit fruit?"

The bull nodded, and Jian continued.

"Then why is this tree outside? I thought this tree was significant to Stone Horned Bulls."

The bull looked at Jian with a confused expression. He couldn't understand why Jian would ask such a question. He was about to answer, but he suddenly recalled something. He became excited.

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Jian couldn't understand why the bull was excited. When other bull saw him getting excited, they have moved closer to him to listen to their conversation. Jian thought for a while and answered. 

"The task given by the Jade Horned Ox king is to find a Jade spirit fruit."

As the words left Jian's mouth, all beasts near him started to scream in excitement. They were beginning to roar, which attracted others, and when asked, they told them about Jian's task. After hearing Jian's job, they began to join the excitement.

Jian couldn't understand why they were excited when they heard their task. He looked at them with confused expressions. The bull saw that Jian was confused and couldn't understand the reason for their excitement. 

Jian nodded and focused on recovering. They didn't know how much time would be required to gather everyone. So they had to recover to top condition for the trial. 

Half an hour passed, the bull stood under the tree and looked at the crowd gathered for the trial. He then addressed them; as he managed them, Jian told Song Yu to focus on remaining in top condition. 

As the bull announced that the task was to acquire a Jade spirit fruit. All members of Stone Horned Bulls start to roar in excitement. Jian still couldn't understand the reason. He saw that the bull was coming towards him, so he stood up.

The bull again moved to the centre after explaining to Jian. But Jian was now even more confused. He couldn't understand why they would get a chance to acquire Jade spirit fruit. 

Jian nodded and led Song Yu towards the bull. They then greeted everyone and exchanged pleasantries. But all of their attention was on Song Yu. They were avoiding Jian.

After they were done, the bull asked Jian if the trial could be started. Jian agreed, and the bull moved in the centre and explained the problem. 

As he finished speaking, the beasts started to roar and cheer. But only Jian and Song Yu had grim expressions. They finally understood why beasts were excited.

Because whoever is the winner will get to keep the Jade spirit fruit. Jian and Song Yu kept looking in the direction where beasts had started to make a route and had begun to walk through the course. 

Jian immediately knew that it was the beast's Song Yu was going to fight. So immediately activated Star Gaze and checked his cultivation. 

After checking his cultivation, his expression became grimmer because his cultivation was peak Two Star realm. At the same time, Song Yu was only an early Foundation Building Realm. 

He knew that the fight was going to be a lot harder. Jian then moved towards the bull to ask several questions. 

"Senior, why is she the one fighting? I am also the trail taker, so I should be qualified to fight for spiritual fruit."

Jian finally realised that the guardians could feel his intentions of not being interested in the inheritance. They were also able to tell that he was an inverse cultivator, so he was not qualified. 

Jian sighed and then asked about the situation around Jade spirit fruit. 

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Jian finally understood the reason behind their excitement after hearing about the task. He also understood their dilemma. Even though they have resources, they are not able to use them without permission.

He understood that it was due to the tombs inheritance, and he believed that when the inheritance gets taken, they will be free to use any amount of resources. 

He asked a few more questions and then returned to Song Yu to help her get ready for the fight. He knew that the battle was not going to be easy. He had helped her from the side so that she could win the fight. 

She was also at a disadvantage because the Stone Horned Bulls had Earth affinity, which countered her Thunder affinity so that the fight would be challenging.

He told her to focus on executions of the technique and told her not to use the Thunder element because it would reduce her Qi which increases the burden in the fight.

While asking several questions, he asked her about her sword techniques. He told her to execute some of them for him to see. After seeing all methods, he relaxed because they were all standard techniques that didn't need any element.

But he frowned because he felt that some things were missing. He didn't waste time and directly asked the system.

The system told them that the sword was wae most suitable weapon for her, but she didn't understand the basics behind the sword techniques. 

He finally realised what was missing because although he was a Saber user, he had learned the basics of the sword to see flaws in her technique. 

After learning that she needed swords basics, he didn't hesitate and pointed his finger between her brows and shared the basics of sword and experience.

He told her to meditate on it and learn it fast. He had already decided to throw the first fight became he told her to perfect the technique in the first fight and then focus on winning the next battle.

Although pressure will be doubled, it was an ideal plan after seeing the opponent. Now Song Yu was focusing on learning the technique, and Jian kept asking silly questions to the bull to get more time for Song Yu.. He wanted to get more time so that she could adequately learn the basics of the swords.