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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 738
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Chapter 738 You Leave Me At A Loss

Answering his question proved challenging, yet I couldn't avoid it, for I never shied away from acknowledging my

true feelings.

I loved Shawn, and everyone knew that. I refused to conceal it from anyone.

"Yes, I love Shawn. I've loved him unwaveringly. He's my husband, the father of my children, and my affection for

him knows no bounds."

Despite the potential of rousing his ire, I couldn't withhold the truth; I had to confess my feelings. I refused to let

ambiguity linger between us; I sought clarity in handling our relationship.

"So Ree does love Shawn."

He sighed unexpectedly, his voice tinged with tenderness. "My love for Ree has always been profound. However, I

never thought I deserved you. Yet, I can't help feeling envious whenever you show interest in others."

Indeed, Mike was like that. His personality dictated his actions.

My poor little dog met its end in a similar manner!

"I miss Zeke," I confessed.

I longed for the gentle and refined Ezekiel. Yet, Mike embodied him now as well.

Upon hearing my words, Ezekiel stood up, prompting, "Let's go."

Curious, I inquired, "To where?"

"Just wandering around casually, and I'm departing later." He was leaving the town soon.

I hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Back to Novaria to find someone."

Is he going to find Adrian or Shawn?

In a tentative tone, I probed. "What do you want to find him for?"

"Vengeance, to bring him down into the dust," he declared.

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Those words brought a sense of relief to me. Because Shawn wasn't Ezekiel's true nemesis. I recalled him

mentioning Adrian before.

Ezekiel led the way as I followed in silence. We reached the night market on the other side of the town, and he

chose a stall where we ordered plates of spaghetti.

"Have you not eaten anything in the past two days?" I asked.

It seemed he hadn't had a proper meal since yesterday.

"Ree, let's not talk, okay?" he gently requested.

His eyes met mine with warmth and a smile, but his words left me speechless.

Respecting his wish for silence, I sat across from him and ordered a bowl of fried rice. We finished our meal without

uttering a word. Afterward, Ezekiel instructed me to pay, but I had no money. Without hesitation, he grabbed my

wrist, and we hastily left the stall, running to where Robina stood guard nearby. He then instructed her, "Settle the

bill for us."

While she did that, he released my wrist, and suddenly remarked, "Robina mentioned that evening clouds looked

exceptionally beautiful. But unfortunately, I missed it."

After a brief pause, I couldn't help but inquire, "Why did you name yourself Mike Cloud?"

Ezekiel glanced at me, tilting his head slightly, before turning away and lost in contemplation.

After a prolonged silence, he spoke with a hint of longing in his voice. "May your life be graced with an abundance

of clouds, creating a beautiful twilight, or so it seems. Perhaps that's how I envision it—a twilight of beauty."

His expression carried a tinge of sorrow and uncertainty.

Almost instinctively, I called out, "Ezekiel..."

He gently reminded me, "I'm Mike."

"Then Mike, what brings you true happiness?"

He didn't immediately respond. At that moment, Robina approached, and Ezekiel closed his eyes momentarily,

uttering, "Whether it's Mike or Ezekiel, as long as you find happiness, they'll be happy."

"But aren't you saying that you're not happy?"

"At least you are, and that brings them joy."


Ezekiel left the town, and I took a taxi back to the hotel, asking Andrew to handle the fare. Observing his difficult

movements due to his injuries, I couldn't help but think of Robina and the others who were also hurt.

They never held Ezekiel responsible; instead, they followed him willingly, understanding and caring for him. They

must truly comprehend the pain hidden within Ezekiel's heart to stand by him so devotedly.

"Andrew, do you think Ezekiel's condition will improve?"

"It should. He's good at controlling and adjusting himself, but the process is undoubtedly painful and time-


"I revealed my feelings to him; I expressed my desire to become his family. It's the only warmth I can offer."

"Mrs. Xenos, do you consider yourself a savior?"

I shook my head, replying, "I simply want to protect those who have been kind to me to the best of my ability and

live with a clear conscience."

I longed to protect Ezekiel, just as he once shielded me.

"Your intentions are good, Mrs. Xenos. I hope Mike's condition improves, and I wish someone could bring him

warmth. However, you must be mindful of your status. You're Shawn's wife, and you can't let others exploit Mike

and bring shame to your husband."

Surprised, I wondered. "Why bring this up all of a sudden?"

"The world is complicated. It's not as rosy as you think. I'm just reminding you not to give others an opportunity to

exploit you. Even though Shawn trusts you, what about the others?

"They might say you're indecisive, and when it reaches that point, the truth won't matter anymore. They won't care

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about the truth; they'll enjoy seeing Shawn being manipulated by a woman.

"So, while you support Mike, be careful and don't let anyone take advantage of you."

Andrew's advice was sound. I had to be cautious of those with malicious intent.

And I needed to be open and honest with Shawn. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I must remain forthright

with him.

"Understood, I'll be careful, as you said."

Returning to my room, I settled back to sleep. Exhaustion took over, and I dozed off within minutes.

In the middle of the night, I woke up and found a man sitting beside me, his arm resting on the bedside table, and

my head nestled on his thigh. He was resting with his eyes closed.

I quickly sat up and embraced him tightly, my emotions running wild.

Shawn chuckled. "Look at how happy you are."

"I miss you so much, Shawn," I whispered.

Shawn bore faint scars on his face, and I pressed my lips gently against them, asking, "What brought you here all of

a sudden?"

"I come to see you," he replied.

"But I told you to come after you finish your work—"

Shawn's head drooped, intercepting my words. I wrapped my arms around his neck, responding to him

passionately. Our breaths mingled, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. His earlier words echoed in my


Taking the initiative, I confessed, "I want you, Shawn."

A fleeting tension coursed through his body. "Aren't you tired?"

"I haven't seen you for a whole month and haven't felt your presence. Right now, I want to have an even deeper

connection with you."

Shawn chuckled. "You really leave me at a loss."